Sleazy Fork is available in English.
Ngày | Quản lý | Phần tử | Hành động | Lý do |
woxxom | Đã xoá script 5871 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 6021 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 6851 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 6845 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 7549 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 7693 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 8144 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 8418 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 8468 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 8469 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 8605 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 9050 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 9381 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 10614 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 11180 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 11684 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 11881 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 11892 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 12474 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 12775 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 12987 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 12989 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 12992 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13003 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13014 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13023 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13038 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13043 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13050 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13051 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13109 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13114 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13119 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13125 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13136 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13150 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13168 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13171 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13177 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13202 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13205 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13243 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13310 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13327 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13345 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13361 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13362 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13379 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13392 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13397 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13403 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13472 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13480 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13490 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13497 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13522 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13523 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13536 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13561 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13574 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13584 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13620 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13656 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13657 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13658 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13659 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13660 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13661 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13662 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13663 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13671 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13673 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13705 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13706 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13746 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Đã xoá script 13756 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
woxxom | Script: Twitter Image URL replacement | Mark as not adult content |
not adult
woxxom | Script: WME Tennessee Cities | Mark as not adult content |
not adult
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 12508 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 1622 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13393 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13392 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13394 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13141 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13138 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13573 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 12922 | Delete and lock |
External script
Jixun.Moe | Người dùng: Deleted user 17429 | Ban |
External script, user report; Ban ID due to all this user's scripts are just inject some random other scripts.
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 12994 | Delete and lock |
External script, user report; Ban ID due to all this user's scripts are just inject some random other scripts.
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13359 | Delete and lock |
External script, per user report.
Jixun.Moe | Người dùng: Deleted user 19030 | Ban |
Script from external source.
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 13417 | Delete and lock |
Script from external source.
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 7753 | Delete and lock |
Inject third party script.
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 9921 | Delete and lock |
Injecte third party script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 12091 | Delete and lock |
Original author request, forum post #6570; code copied without credit; Original script does the job. See script 4900.
woxxom | Script: gofullscreen | Mark as not adult content |
JasonBarnabe | Đã xoá script 3453 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
JasonBarnabe | Đã xoá script 10232 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
JasonBarnabe | Đã xoá script 12896 | Permanent deletion |
Author request
JasonBarnabe | Đã xoá script 12924 | Permanent deletion |
Author request