Ngày | Quản lý | Phần tử | Hành động | Lý do |
JasonBarnabe | Đã xoá script 390 | Delete |
Obfuscated code
JasonBarnabe | Đã xoá script 389 | Delete |
Obfuscated code
jerone | Script: Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey test style | Delete |
Not a real userscript. Deleting for now. You can undelete when needed again.
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 529 | Delete |
External link pointing to >
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 448 | Delete |
Obfuscation, Malware, and External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 508 | Delete |
Obfuscation, Duplication, Malware, and External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 509 | Delete |
Obfuscation, Duplication, Malware, and External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 244 | Delete |
Test, not real script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 537 | Delete |
Obfuscation, Duplication, Malware, and External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 538 | Delete |
Obfuscation, Duplication, Malware, and External script
Jixun.Moe | Đã xoá script 514 | Delete |
Obfuscation, malware, and external script
Andrew Razzano | Đã xoá script 587 | Delete |
Andrew Razzano | Đã xoá script 588 | Delete |
Andrew Razzano | Đã xoá script 486 | Delete |
Andrew Razzano | Đã xoá script 524 | Delete |
jerone | Đã xoá script 172 | Delete |
Not a real userscript.