Sleazy Fork is available in English.

【超星学习通】【智慧树知到】【U校园】【运动世界校园】【学习强国】【国家开放大学】【继续教育类】-自动刷课和考试-所有冷门网课平台均可,需要合作请添加客服咨询:white996_1,其他勿扰,谢谢 was reported 12-12-2024 for Missing, non-informative, or misleading description

Người báo cáo nói:

Check the script code. Excluding the header part, the actual code is only 60 lines. The function implemented is to click the F2 key and adjust the playback speed of the video element.
The script name and description of the script contain too much misleading content, which is inconsistent with the actual function of the script and guides the user to add his contact information(请添加客服咨询:white996_1).

white996Bị cấmnói rằng
The whistleblower has said that pressing F2 can achieve the function, so I don't understand the meaning of his report, what does he want to express? The title written can be used normally, and has been introduced is a general class of scripts, this whistleblower is afraid of any misunderstanding of the word general, it is recommended to go back to primary school from the new to learn Chinese understanding, the above said that the video can be adjusted and accelerated, and the following said that it does not match the actual function of the script, I have posted the use of the picture in the comments, but this whistleblower can not produce any meaningful evidence of reporting

This script has had 4 previous upheld or fixed reports.

white996Bị cấm (the reported user) has made:

This report has been upheld by a moderator.

the title is nonsensical and doesn't match the functionality