E-Hentai Downloader

Download E-Hentai archive as zip file

Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.

  • v1.35.4 25-10-2024


  • v1.35.3 26-08-2024


  • v1.35.2 04-11-2023


  • v1.35.1 03-11-2023


  • v1.35 31-10-2023


  • v1.34.10 14-09-2023


  • v1.34.9 08-09-2023


  • v1.34.8 21-07-2023


  • v1.34.7 15-07-2023


  • v1.34.6 15-07-2023


  • v1.34.5 29-12-2022 v1.34.5
  • v1.34.4 05-09-2022 v1.34.4
  • v1.34.3 15-07-2022 v1.34.3
  • v1.34.2 09-06-2022 v1.34.2
  • v1.34.1 08-06-2022 v1.34.1
  • v1.34 07-06-2022 v1.34
  • v1.33.5 16-12-2021 Bumped version
  • v1.33.4 16-12-2021 v1.13.5
  • v1.33.4 13-11-2021 v1.13.4
  • v1.33.3 31-10-2021 v1.13.3
  • v1.33.2 31-10-2021 Fix Disowned galleries (#199) * Fix Disowned galleries * Fix Disowned galleries
  • v1.33.2 11-06-2021 v1.33.2
  • v1.33.1 15-02-2021 v1.33.1
  • v1.33 09-01-2021 v1.33
  • v1.32.2 08-09-2020 v1.32.2
  • v1.32.1 07-09-2020 v1.32.1
  • v1.32 06-09-2020 v1.32
  • v1.31.12 05-09-2020 v1.31.12
  • v1.31.11 17-06-2020 v1.31.11
  • v1.31.10 15-06-2020 v1.31.10
  • v1.31.9 21-04-2020 v1.31.9
  • v1.31.8 15-03-2020 v1.31.8
  • v1.31.7 11-03-2020 v1.31.7
  • v1.31.6 02-03-2020 v1.31.6
  • v1.31.5 25-08-2019 v1.31.5
  • v1.31.3 24-08-2019 v1.31.4
  • v1.31.3 19-03-2019 v1.31.3
  • v1.31.2 19-03-2019 Fixed incorrect </label> close tag (minor bug), Merge pull request #130 from adrianiainlam/master Fixed incorrect </label> close tag
  • v1.31.2 24-02-2019 v1.31.2
  • v1.31.1 14-10-2018 v1.31.1
  • v1.31 14-10-2018 v1.31
  • v1.30.3 30-07-2018 improve ranges, Merge pull request #114 from knismaps/master Improve ranges This closes #107.
  • v1.30.3 08-07-2018 Revert v1.30.2, v1.30.3
  • v1.30.2 30-05-2018 v1.30.2
  • v1.30.1 28-04-2018 v1.30.1
  • v1.30 26-03-2018 v1.30
  • v1.29.1 21-01-2018 v1.29.1
  • v1.29 19-01-2018 v1.29
  • v1.28 11-12-2017 v1.28
  • v1.27.2 10-12-2017 v1.27.2
  • v1.27.1 04-12-2017 Compatible to load settings with GreaseMonkey 4.x, v1.27.1, Merge branch 'gm4'
  • v1.27 14-08-2017 v1.27
  • v1.26.6 11-08-2017 Play silent music to avoid stoping on background, Control silent music on advance setting, Misspell, Syntax, Waring, Better warning, Create audioCtx after download start, Revert "Waring" and "Better warning" This reverts commit 48fcd24f2ae4c6f9d2c782d5ec08cd97c2e90073 and 237f335bce2d87b1f869c46fc5a673d21261561c., Updated option text, Merge pull request #72 from simon300000/patch-audio-test play silent audio to avoid freezing on background
  • v1.26.6 06-08-2017 Use number instead symbols on comments of advance setting, Looks better, Merge pull request #73 from simon300000/master Use number instead symbols on comments of advance setting
  • v1.26.6 04-08-2017 Build, Fix misspell, Merge pull request #71 from simon300000/master change image limits url
  • v1.26.6 19-06-2017 Fixed no retry warning when any FileSytem error occured
  • v1.26.5 17-06-2017 Fixed #70 (no warning when closing tabs which are generating zip)
  • v1.26.4 25-05-2017 Fixed filename maybe quoted on some proxy server like GoAgent (#67); Logging request URL when download fails (#68)
  • v1.26.2 10-05-2017 Fixed `Blob.close()` will destroy the Blob immediately so that Chrome will shows "Failed - No File"
  • v1.26.1 06-05-2017 Fixed the bug of checking FileSystem allocation; Fixed `Too Slow` will be shown when pausing and enabing force pause
  • v1.26 20-04-2017 v1.26
  • v1.25 17-02-2017 Synced from GitHub - v1.25
  • v1.24.3 27-01-2017 Synced from GitHub - v1.24.3 - Fixed #55 and minor bugs; Happy Chinese New Year
  • v1.24.2 25-01-2017 Synced from GitHub - Supports *://e-hentai.org (fixed #58)
  • v1.24.1 01-11-2016 Synced from GitHub - Updated @version
  • v1.24 01-11-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed FileSystem API doesn`t work on ViolentMonkey (fixed #52); Fixed Zip file is broken after once forced download Zip file with FileSystem; Fixed sometimes it occured an error when renaming images (mostly happened in force download); Fixed pause button is removed after force downloaded; Fixed close button is inserted when force downloaded with FileSystem
  • v1.24 31-10-2016 Synced from GitHub - Supported custom gallery info + including gallery tags; Fixed force download doesn`t work; Minor updates
  • v1.23 06-10-2016 Synced from GitHub - Added modified file name before downloading, pre-calculating image limits cost; Fixed compatiblity with Yandex Turbo; Fixed pausing is not working correctly
  • v1.22.3 03-09-2016 Synced from GitHub - fixed minor bugs
  • v1.22.2 28-07-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed downloading count is less than 0 so that can`t save archive when recovered from image limits exceeded
  • v1.22.1 27-07-2016 Synced from GitHub - Supported HTTPS (#41); Modified image limits exceed notification and fixed wrong status (#40)
  • v1.22 25-07-2016 Synced from GitHub - commit to save current status, will be reset --soft - Added pause download feature - Added pause download feature (can set pause behaviour in Settings, #30); Fixed can`t fully download all images after recoverd image limits (#39)
  • v1.21.11 25-07-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed image limits exceed detection (#35, #39); Fixed minor bugs
  • v1.21.10 12-07-2016 Synced from GitHub - Added auto-retry (#38)
  • v1.21.9 25-06-2016 Synced from GitHub - Removed useless prefix of title status; Fixed force-download tip is always shown (#36); Fixed sometimes fetch thread is less than 0 so that script stop working; Fixed can`t force save Zip file on GreaseMonkey; Added notification when exiting in case warning message doesn`t show on Firefox and latest Chrome
  • v1.21.7 11-06-2016 Synced from GitHub - Show image limits on action box (can be closed in Settings) * Note that if you are in China and/or using proxy to visit g.e-hentai.org, and your image limits that shown on ExHentai is your proxy server, not your real IP, you can try enable the related option on Settings -> Advanced, and script will get image limits from both E-Hentai Gallery domains (g.e-hentai.org and r.e-hentai.org). However it won`t work if r.e-hentai.org is also on your proxy rules or blocked.
  • v1.21.7 01-06-2016 Synced from GitHub - Temporarily fixes download Zip file repeatedly (#31. This bug and the other bugs that are mentioned in #31 (like download stalled, keep 0KB/s) should be fully fixed when Tampermonkey/tampermonkey#298 closed); Added always show download progress in title (#33, need to enable it on Settings)
  • v1.21.6 27-05-2016 Synced from GitHub - Tried to fix #34 (sometimes force abort is not working); Added force download Zip file in case script occur an error and stop working
  • v1.21.5 17-05-2016 Synced from GitHub - Added an option to disable info.txt (GreasyFork #9440); Fixed File System is not working after using JSZip v3 (> EHD 1.20, related to #32)
  • v1.21.4 09-05-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed no warning when closing downloading tab on recent Tampermonkey BETA (~ v4.1.5222); Tried to fixed GM_xhr threads are usually blocked on latest Tampermonkey BETA (v4.1.5222); Fixed close button are not shown if downloads failed
  • v1.21.3 06-05-2016 Synced from GitHub - Show download progress in title if current window is not focused (should enabled in Settings); Fixed download status is not correct
  • v1.21.2 29-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Tried fixing stop working if can`t get request data from response content with .match() - Fixed timeout: 0 is not available
  • v1.21 28-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Show notification if torrents are available; Show total download status on dialog box (and click it to hide dialog box) 如果 torrents 可用则在开始下载时提醒;在下载日志框中显示下载总进度(点击可隐藏日志框)
  • v1.21 24-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Added speed detect to abort low speed downloading automatically (not enabled by default); Fixed rating is undefined; Fixed closing tab without warning when downloading 添加速度检测以自动中止慢速下载(默认不开启);修复评分为 undefined 的问题;修复在下载时关闭窗口无提醒的问题
  • v1.20 20-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Directed to JSZip v3; Added zipping progress 更新 JSZip 到 v3;显示压缩进度
  • v1.19.9 13-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Added force abort downloading images by user; Fixed always use file system on Chrome 添加强制终止图片下载功能;修复在 Chrome 上始终使用 File System 的 bug
  • v1.19.8 03-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed #22
  • v1.19.7 02-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed file system is not working; Fixed button is not clickable if log frame has a new message; Added custom file size limit to use file system (before and default is 200MB); Enhanced gallery size detect 修复 File System 不可用的问题;修复日志栏内有新的消息时按钮不可点击的问题;添加自定义触发使用 File System 的大小(旧版本及默认值为 200MB);优化画集大小检测
  • v1.19.6 01-04-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed setting page doesn't display fully when changing input with Tab key; Tried to reduce memory usage by removing all files in JSZip object after generated successfully; Update JSZip to latest version (2.6.0); Update FileSaver.js to latest version (1.1.20160328) 修复在设置页使用 Tab 键切换输入框时页面不完整显示的问题;当生成 ArrayBuffer 后删除在 JSZip 里的文件以尝试降低内存占用;更新 JSZip 至最新版本(2.6.0);更新 FileSaver.js 至最新版本(1.1.20160328)
  • v1.19.5 21-03-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed doesn't retry if failed to get image URL; Fixed retry count is not correct; Fixed the padding part of numbered image is always has a zero; Tidied code 修复当无法获取图片地址时不会提醒重试的问题;修复重试次数不正确的问题;修复编号自动补零时总会增加一个 0;整理代码
  • v1.19.4 16-03-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed #20 (File name is undefined if number images is enabled)
  • v1.19.3 15-03-2016 Synced from GitHub - Enhanced setting box
  • v1.19.2 14-03-2016 Synced from GitHub - Tried to fix #18 (can`t zip / generate blob object when out of memory on Firefox) by detecting if browser throw an error; wrapped and ellipsised file name on progress table 检测浏览器是否抛出错误以尝试修复 #18(在 Firefox 下当内存不足时无法生成 zip 文件);在进度栏中隐藏超出长度的文件名
  • v1.19.1 10-03-2016 Synced from GitHub - Fixed #19 (Stuck fetching if download only one image at the same time)
  • v1.19 04-03-2016 Synced from GitHub - Refactoring some code; Fetching image URL only when it's needed (enhanced fixing #6); Reduced waiting time and CPU usage when storing image data on Chrome with Tampermonkey (from ~8s to ~1s); Fixed if pages range doesn't match any pages, then it will download all the images 重构部分代码;只在需要时获取图片地址(更好地修复 #6 提到的问题);在 Chrome Tampermonkey 上大幅减少存储图片数据时的等待时间和 CPU 占用率;修复当指定的页码均不匹配时会下载所有图片的问题
  • v1.18.10 05-02-2016 Synced from GitHub - fixed never retry, tidied code
  • v1.18.9 04-02-2016 Synced from GitHub - fixed empty match()
  • v1.18.9 04-02-2016 Synced from GitHub - tidied code, fixed some logical bug
  • v1.18.8 01-02-2016 Synced from GitHub - added @connect to fix the warning of request cross-origin resource on Tampermonkey For more information, see Tampermonkey documentation ( http://tampermonkey.net/documentation.php#_connect ) or EHD wiki about this ( https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader/wiki/Cross-origin-request-warning-from-Tampermonkey )
  • v1.18.7 13-01-2016 Synced from GitHub - Scale js files - Improved compatibility with http proxy - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/shelikhoo/E-Hentai-Downloader into shelikhoo-master - Merge branch 'shelikhoo-master' - Enhanced fixing #16 (incorrect response from proxy client), tried detect if generates Zip file successfully (see #18)
  • v1.18.6 10-12-2015 Synced from GitHub - 在进度条上显示下载速度而不是下载进度,更新 FileSaver.js,清理代码 show download speed on progress bar instead of download progress, update FileSaver.js, tidy code
  • v1.18.5 30-10-2015 Synced from GitHub - Enhanced download progress, fixed &#x; chars, tried fixed #12
  • v1.18.4 21-10-2015 Synced from GitHub - Fixed #11 (Download status was not updated)
  • v1.18.3 21-10-2015 Synced from GitHub - 修复下载成功判断错误数据的处理逻辑,尝试性允许当超出下载限制后用户可重设限制并继续下载 Fixed logic bug of checking downloaded content, tried supporting to reset image viewing limits and continue downloading when reached limits
  • v1.18.2 29-09-2015 Fixed GitHub issue #10 (cannot download 200+MB archive in Firefox due to logical bug, thanks to typhoon71)
  • v1.18.1 27-09-2015 Fixed #9 (action set is showed in the bottom of page if user has bought Ads-Be-Gone Hath Perk or using another script to remove ads, thanks to iShyboy)
  • v1.18 21-09-2015 Imported from URL
  • v1.17.4 30-08-2015 removed Violentmonkey prefix (not sure why these GM_* APIs are working now)
  • v1.17.3 30-08-2015 fixed custom scriptHandler of Violentmonkey
  • v1.17.2 29-08-2015 Supported ViolentMonkey (for Opera 15+ / Maxthon), removed IE support, and fixed GitHub issue #7 again
  • v1.17.1 29-08-2015 Fixed GitHub issue #7 (Not shown in Firefox), Thanks to GitHub@iShyboy
  • v1.17 29-08-2015 生成 zip 文件后显示 blob 下载链接,丢弃返回的 Content-Type 不是 image/* 的数据,修复未登录用户无法获取图片地址的问题,修复可能误阻止 Tampermonkey 用户的问题 注意:由于 Dolphin Browser 不支持保存 blob 链接,故此脚本可能无法在 Tampermonkey for Dolphin 上使用 Show blob download link after generating zip file, skip response data whose Content-Type is not image/*, fixed can`t get image`s URL if not logged in, fixed block Tampermonkey user probably NOTICE: Because Dolphin Browser doesn`t support blob link, this script cannot run in Tampermonkey for Dolphin
  • v1.16.1 28-08-2015 对不支持脚本的 GreaseMonkey 版本(3.2beta1及之前版本)进行提醒并终止运行(由于 GM 本身的问题此 bug 可能无法修复),修复在指定需下载页码并进行下载后删除页码并重新下载时仍只下载之前的页码的问题 Show warning and stop running script when GreaseMonkey version is and older than 3.2beta1 (because this bug is caused by GM so it probably cannot be fixed), fixed after defined pages range and downloaded archive, clear pages range and re-download causes download pages as before.
  • v1.16 28-08-2015 添加下载画集指定页面功能(Thanks to GitHub@JingJang, GitHub@Boxmanbr and GitHub@iShyboy, see GitHub issue #5),可在设置内指定当下载指定页面且启用编号图片功能时使用原始页码进行编号,将操作框移至画集介绍框下方,当重复执行下载时弹出确认提醒(同时修复重复执行下载时重复获取图片的 bug,Thanks to GitHub@iShyboy, see GitHub issue #5) Allow download specified pages of archive (Thanks to GitHub@JingJang, GitHub@Boxmanbr and GitHub@iShyboy, see GitHub issue #5), and you can number images with their original page numbers on settings if you set pages range, moved action box after information box, confi
  • v1.15.3 23-08-2015 在下载框中添加编号图片的临时复选框(光标移至 Download Archive 上可见,Thanks to GitHub@JingJang, see GitHub issue #4),修复由于图片不存在或未及时下载导致下载图片错误的问题(Thanks to GitHub@Boxmanbr, see GitHub issue #6) Added checkbox to allow number images temporarily (move the mouse over "Download Archive" to show, thanks to GitHub@JingJang, see GitHub issue #4), fixed download wrong images if images is not exist on server or not download them in time (Thanks to GitHub@Boxmanbr, see GitHub issue #6)
  • v1.15.2 20-08-2015 修复重试下载时只获取且循环获取第一个失败项的图片地址的问题 Fixed the bug of only and loop retrying the first failed image's URL when retrying all failed images
  • v1.15.1 19-08-2015 fixed _index is not defined
  • v1.15 19-08-2015 下载状态使用不同颜色字体进行区分,获取图片 URL 超时 30 秒强制终止并重试,对画集文件大小大于主流浏览器最小限定大小(Chrome, 500MiB)时确认是否继续下载,修复下载失败并全部重试时出现仅重试下载一个文件的问题,修复下载失败并全部重试下载完成后不能生成 zip 文件的问题,修复单线程下载下载状态显示错误及保存 zip 文件后仍阻止关闭当前页面的问题 Colored download status, fetching image`s URL will be abort and retry after 30 seconds, confirm downloading if archive is too large (500MiB), fixed the bug of only downloading one files when failed downloading, fixed the bug of not generating zip file after failed downloading and retrying them, fixed downloading s
  • v1.14.1 17-08-2015 修复填写文件夹名称而未填写 zip 文件名时无法下载的问题(1.9+) Fixed doesn`t download when folder name is set while zip file name doesn`t be set
  • v1.14 16-08-2015 添加支持 r.e-hentai.org,添加过滤文件名中的非法字符,修复图片地址为原始图片时仍尝试获取新的图片地址的问题,修复图片地址为原始图片时不记录最终的图片地址的问题,修复可能出现的文件名大小写不同而导致文件相互覆盖的问题 Support r.e-hentai.org, auto replace reserved chars of file name, fixed the bug of refetching image's URL even thought it is original image, fixed the bug of not recording original image's final URL, fixed overwriting files if their names are just different at letter casing
  • v1.13 16-08-2015 使用新的下载进度显示方式(顺带修复无法下载的问题 (thanks to satan12w@BaiduTieba & balonballot@GitHub, see GitHub issue #3 )),修改输出日志 info.txt 内容格式,修复文件扩展名不正确的问题 (thanks to JingJang@GitHub , see GitHub issue #2 ),默认超时由不设置超时改为 300 秒,尝试性兼容旧版本 GreaseMonkey New way to show download progress (also fixed the bug of stucking fetching by chance, thanks to satan12w@BaiduTieba & balonballot@GitHub, see GitHub issue #3 ), make output log (info.txt) more clear & useful, fixed wrong file extension (thanks to JingJang@GitHub, see Git
  • v1.12.1 15-08-2015 修复编号图片的默认分隔符不恰当导致文件无法在 Windows 资源管理器内显示的问题(现默认分隔符为 :)
  • v1.12 15-08-2015 允许在图片文件名前添加编号(Thanks to JingJang@GitHub , see GitHub issue #1 ),*允许强制下载压缩后图片(而不是原始图片),*允许在下载失败后不获取新的图片地址(但这可能导致始终下载失败),*允许在获取新的图片地址时不携带 nl 参数(但这可能导致无法获取新的图片地址),*在下载原始图片失败后会访问图片的最终 URL 进行下载(而不是 302 跳转页),在日志中添加 Uploader Comment,修改执行操作按钮样式(Thanks to JingJang@GitHub , see GitHub issue #1 ),修复初次使用用户默认多线程下载存在多次下载相同图片的 bug,尝试性修复触发多次下载的 bug 【注有 * 项的功能的添加或变动主要与 E-Hentai 的 Image Limits 规则有关,如欲了解更多请参阅 https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader/wiki/E%E2%88%92Hentai-Image-Viewing-Limits (可能不完全正确)】
  • v1.11 07-08-2015 生成的 zip 文件可不包含文件夹(文件夹名称需设置为 "/",感谢 Tieba@世界刷新代码 的建议),在浏览器控制台输出更详细的日志内容(即以 "[EHD]" 开头的控制台日志),方便调试与反馈 bug,获取图片请求 Header 携带 Referer 以降低出现 403 Access Denied 的概率,修复文件名与获取的 URL 网址出现可能造成干扰的 HTML 转义字符的问题(可能进一步解决服务器 IP 地址为 与 返回 403 Access Denied 的问题),修改未登录用户获取图片地址的匹配方式,修复未登录用户可能无法获取图片地址的问题,更新 FileSaver.js 到最新版本(1.1.20150716)
  • v1.10 05-08-2015 重试获取图片地址时添加 nl 参数以尝试获取其他节点图片地址
  • v1.9 21-07-2015 添加自定义重试次数,当达到重复次数限制后不直接再次获取图片,而是重新抓取图片地址后再获取图片(感谢 p*********** 的提醒 & 催促,之前各种懒所以没有做 _(:3),修复部分情况下未登录用户无法抓取缩略图片的问题(thanks to 8***********),修复出现重复文件名时会出现文件相互覆盖的情况(thanks to p***********),修复修改设置后立即点击下载时文件名与目录名未更新的问题,修复点击下载或设置后页面返回顶端以及地址后出现 # 号的问题,添加 supportURL(指向 GitHub Issues)
  • v1.8.2 18-07-2015 修复在 1.8 版本默认开启多线程下载时大部分情况下默认线程数为 1 而不是 5 的问题(thanks to 8***********)
  • v1.8.1 16-07-2015 修复文件名与目录名输出为默认值的 bug
  • v1.8 16-07-2015 多线程下载已基本稳定,默认开启多线程下载(若未开启请在 E-H***** Downloader Setting 里开启),尝试性兼容不支持 GM_xhr.response 的环境与 TrixIE(TrixIE 处理二进制数据时会崩溃,所以可能不可行),在未登录状态下下载时提醒未登录,并下载压缩的图片而不是尝试下载原图(未登录状态下无法下载原图),修复当下载量超出下载限制 (5000 张) 或带宽超出限制 (509 Bandwidth Exceeded) 时仍继续下载并存储的问题(thanks to p***********,目前解决方案为提醒并终止下载),修复当不存在副标题时使用副标题作为文件名可能出现错误的问题
  • v1.7 21-06-2015 修改下载失败处理逻辑(当下载失败时会继续下载其他图片,待其他图片处理完成后询问用户是否重试下载失败的图片,此功能可能不稳定,若频繁出现多次下载相同图片或多次触发下载,请回退版本),允许生成压缩的 zip 文件(需在设置页指定 Compression Level),生成的日志文件改用 \r\n 进行换行,全部任务处理完成后可关闭右下角输出窗口
  • v1.6 12-06-2015 添加下载图片超时中止功能(默认为永久,需在 E-Hentai Downloader Setting 里设置),当获取图片为 403 Access Denied 时重新获取图片,在下载过程中关闭或刷新或离开当前页面时弹出提醒,修复在画册非第一页触发下载时不是从第一张图开始获取的问题,修复重复点击下载按钮可能导致之前下载线程继续工作的问题,修复当设置项必须参数为空时无法继续执行脚本的问题
  • v1.5.1 12-06-2015 发布 1.5.1 版本,修复文件名为空时可能触发无文件名输出的 bug
  • v1.5 12-06-2015 发布 1.5 版本,支持自定义文件夹与 zip 文件名,更新 FileSaver.js 到最新版本
  • v1.4 12-06-2015 完成 1.4 版本,修复多线程下载失败时不重试的问题,修正变量拼写错误(1.3 版本开启多线程的用户需重新设置)
  • v1.3 12-06-2015 完成 1.3 版本,尝试性支持多线程下载
  • v1.2 11-06-2015