18h Hentai Manga Autoload

autoload hentai manga and CG images on 18h.mm-cg.com

Tính đến 27-05-2014. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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Áp dụng cho

- Autoload all manga or CG images on current page, so that you don't need to click any button for next image.
- Remove all annoyances such as adverts, and only keep images.
- Widths of images are resized to 70% of the window width, which is a reasonable width and is easy on the eyes.
- Add page number to every image. You can turn to a specific page by changing the #n in the URL. E.g. #123 means go to page 123.
- When on the main page, click any manga or CG link more than 100 milliseconds, and release the mouse left button, and then a prompt window will show up for you to enter the page number so that you can save the reading progress in cookies.

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