- // ==UserScript==
- // @name fetlife_all_members (ASL+role+status filter)
- // @namespace io.github.bewam
- // @description greasemonkey script to filter fetlife members when it's possible. Search by name, gender, role, age, location or status.
- // @include http*://fetlife.com/*
- // @version
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @run-at document-end
- // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js
- // ==/UserScript==
- // NOTE: comment (change first "/**/" to "/*") for debugging.
- /**/ console.log = () => {}; /**/
- var useCurrentPageAsDefault = false;
- var onlyWithAvatar = true;
- /* care modifing
- * TODO : to be removed: https://greasyfork.org/fr/forum/discussion/4199/lock-a-script#latest
- */
- const FETCH_LATENCY = 500;
- (function ($) {
- // jquery str
- const Selector = {
- currentPage: 'em.current',
- body: 'body',
- users: 'div.user_in_list',
- pagination: "div.pagination",
- nextPage: 'a.next_page',
- nextDisabled: 'span.next_page.disabled',
- previousPage: 'a.previous_page',
- firstUser: '.user_in_list:first',
- user: {
- imageAvatar: 'img.profile_avatar',
- firstSpan: 'div:eq(1) span:first',
- profileLink: 'a:first',
- shortDesc: 'div span:nth-child(2)',
- /** age, gender, role */
- location: 'div:eq(1) em',
- into: 'div:eq(1) span:eq(2)',
- }
- };
- // script_name avoid name/id conflicts
- const _STR = 'fetlife_all_members';
- const ARRAY_GENDER = [
- 'M',
- 'F',
- 'CD/TV',
- 'MtF',
- 'FtM',
- 'TG',
- 'GF',
- 'GQ',
- 'IS',
- 'B',
- 'FEM'
- ];
- 'Male',
- 'Female',
- 'CD/TV',
- 'Trans-MtF', 'Trans-FtM',
- 'Transgender',
- 'Gender Fluid',
- 'Genderqueer',
- 'Intersex',
- 'Butch',
- 'Femme'
- ];
- const ARRAY_ROLE = [
- 'Dom',
- 'Domme',
- 'Switch',
- 'sub',
- 'Master',
- 'Mistress',
- 'slave',
- 'kajira',
- 'kajirus',
- 'Top',
- 'bottom',
- 'Sadist',
- 'Masochist',
- 'Sadomasochist',
- 'Kinkster',
- 'Fetishist',
- 'Swinger',
- 'Hedonist',
- 'Exhibitionist',
- 'Voyeur',
- 'Sensualist',
- 'Princess',
- 'Slut',
- 'Doll',
- 'sissy',
- 'Rigger',
- 'Rope Top',
- 'Rope Bottom',
- 'Rope Bunny',
- 'Spanko',
- 'Spanker',
- 'Spankee',
- 'Furry',
- 'Leather Man',
- 'Leather Woman',
- 'Leather Daddy',
- 'Leather Top',
- 'Leather bottom',
- 'Leather boy',
- 'Leather girl',
- 'Leather Boi',
- 'Bootblack',
- 'Primal',
- 'Primal Predator',
- 'Primal Prey',
- 'Bull',
- 'cuckold',
- 'cuckquean',
- 'Ageplayer',
- 'Daddy',
- 'Mommy',
- 'Big',
- 'Middle',
- 'little',
- 'brat',
- 'babygirl',
- 'babyboy',
- 'pet',
- 'kitten',
- 'pup',
- 'pony',
- 'Evolving',
- 'Exploring',
- 'Vanilla',
- 'Undecided'
- ];
- 'is into',
- 'is curious about'
- ];
- 'giving',
- 'receiving',
- 'watching',
- 'wearing',
- 'watching others wear',
- 'everything to do with it'
- ];
- const marker = {
- folded: '>',
- unfolded: 'v'
- };
- const isFetishesPage = /^\/fetishes/.test(location.pathname);
- // NOTE: do not modify unless you know what you're doing.
- var overlay = (form) =>
- $(Selector.firstUser).parents('.clearfix:first').prepend(form).length;
- /** TODO @class to manage pages */
- // Pagination = {
- // _next: '',
- // _previous: '',
- // _currentNo: '',
- // _clientPageNo,
- // setNext: setNext,
- // getNext: getNext,
- // getPrevious :() => this._previous,
- // setPrevious : (str) => {this._previous = str;},
- // getCurrentNo: () => this._currentNo ,
- // setCurrentNo: (n) => {this._currentNo = n;},
- // };
- // var page = Object.create(Pagination);
- var lastPageNumber,
- _pageCurrentNo,
- _clientPageNo,
- InputcurrentPageDefaultVal,
- _fromPage = -1,
- _toPage = -1,
- pageMin = 1,
- pageMax = 1,
- _pageNext = '';
- /* balance columns */
- var alternColumn = 0,
- _shownCount = 0;
- /* store user html block index is shared with mCache */
- /* todo */
- var members = [],
- /** NOTE mCache = ARRAY( { n° index: { [0]'name':'', [1]'age':XX, [2]'gender':WW, [3]'role':'', [4]'location':'', [5]url:'', [6]"hasAvatar":boolean } }) */
- mCache = [],
- listContainers = [] // columns where lists appear
- ;
- //TODO Expressions =
- var userRegExp = new RegExp('([0-9]{2})(' + ARRAY_GENDER.join('|') +
- ')? (' +
- ARRAY_ROLE.join('|') + ')?', 'i');
- var regInto = new RegExp('^(' + ARRAY_INTO_STATUS.join('|') +
- ') ?(.*$)?');
- /** modified, value, default value */
- var filters = {
- 'NameContains': [false, '', ''],
- 'AgeMin': [false, '', ''],
- 'AgeMax': [false, '', ''],
- 'Gender': [false, [], []],
- 'Role': [false, [], []],
- 'LocContains': [false, '', ''],
- 'IntoStatus': [false, '', ''],
- 'IntoActivity': [false, '', '']
- // has_avatar: @see function
- };
- var ajaxLocked = false,
- scriptLaunched = false,
- stopped = false;
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- GM_addStyle(
- '#' + S('Wrapper') + ' { ' +
- // 'background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);' +
- 'border: solid 2px lightgray;' +
- 'color: white !important;/**/ ' +
- 'padding:5px;' +
- 'min-height:15px !important;' +
- 'vertical-align:middle;' +
- 'margin-bottom: 10px;' +
- '} ' +
- '#' + S('Controls') + ' { ' +
- 'display: block;/**/ ' +
- 'min-height:15px !important;' +
- '}' +
- '#' + S('Content') + ' { ' +
- 'display: none;/**/ ' +
- 'margin-top: 5px;' +
- '}' +
- '#' + S('Buttons') + '{ ' +
- 'margin-top: 10px;' +
- '}' +
- '#' + S('ButtonStop') + '{ ' +
- // 'display: none;' +
- '}' +
- ''
- );
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- /*----------------html related--------------------------*/
- function buildOptions(arr1, arr2) {
- var str = '';
- $.each(arr1, function (i, v) {
- str += '<option value="' + v + '" >' + arr2[i] +
- ' </option>';
- });
- return str;
- }
- function drawBlock() {
- var optionsGender = buildOptions(ARRAY_GENDER, ARRAY_GENDER_LABEL);
- var optionsRole = buildOptions(ARRAY_ROLE, ARRAY_ROLE_LABEL);
- var optionsIntoStatus = buildOptions(ARRAY_INTO_STATUS,
- var optionsIntoActivity = buildOptions(ARRAY_INTO_ACTIVITY,
- var BLOCK =
- '<div id="' + S('Wrapper') + '"> ' +
- ' <div id="' + S('Controls') + '">' +
- ' <b>></b> ' +
- ' <u>filter members</u>' +
- ' </div>' +
- ' <div id="' + S('Content') + '"> ' +
- ' <div id="' + S('Filters') + '">' +
- ' <label for="' + S('NameContains') +
- '">name: </label>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('NameContains') +
- '" type="text" class="filter"></input>' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' <label for="' + S('LocContains') +
- '">location:</label>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('LocContains') +
- '" type="text" class="filter" ></input>' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' <u>age</u> ' +
- ' <label for="' + S('AgeMin') + '">min:</label>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('AgeMin') +
- '" type="text" class="filter" size="2"></input>' +
- ' ' +
- ' <label for="' + S('AgeMax') + '">max:</label>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('AgeMax') +
- '" type="text" class="filter" size="2"></input>' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' <small>' +
- ' Use CTRL key to multiple select.' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' Use MAJ key to do a range select.' +
- ' </small>' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' <label for="' + S('Gender') + '">gender:</label>' +
- ' <select id="' + S('Gender') +
- '" class="filter" name="gender" multiple="multiple" size="3">' +
- ' <option value="" selected="selected">none specified</option>' +
- optionsGender +
- ' </select>' +
- ' <label for="' + S('Role') + '">role:</label>' +
- ' <select id="' + S('Role') +
- '" class="filter" name="role" multiple="multiple" size="5">' +
- ' <option value="" selected="selected">none specified</option>' +
- optionsRole +
- ' </select>';
- if(isFetishesPage) {
- BLOCK +=
- ' Into ' +
- ' <select id="' + S('IntoStatus') +
- '" multiple="multiple" size="3">' +
- ' <option value="" selected="selected">All</option>' +
- optionsIntoStatus +
- ' </select>' +
- ' <select id="' + S('IntoActivity') +
- '" multiple="multiple" size="3">' +
- ' <option value="" selected="selected">All</option>' +
- optionsIntoActivity +
- ' </select>';
- }
- BLOCK +=
- ' <br />' +
- // ' <input type="hidden" name="' + S('HasAvatar') +
- // '" ></input>' +
- ' <input type="checkbox" id="' + S('HasAvatar') +
- '" name="' + S(
- 'HasAvatar') + '" checked="' + (onlyWithAvatar ? 'true' :
- 'false') + '"></input>' +
- ' <label for="' + S('HasAvatar') +
- '">only with avatar</label>' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' <label for="' + S('FromPage') +
- '">From page: </label>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('FromPage') +
- '" type="text" class="filter" size="3" value="' +
- InputcurrentPageDefaultVal + '"></input>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('ButtonCurrentPage') +
- '" type="button" value="current"></input>' +
- ' <label for="' + S('ToPage') +
- '"> to page: </label>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('ToPage') + '" name="' + S('ToPage') +
- '" type="text" class="filter" size="3"></input>' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' </div> ' + // Filters
- ' <div id="' + S('Buttons') + '" style="display:inline;">' +
- ' <input id="' + S('ButtonGo') +
- '" type="button" value="view all"></input>' +
- ' <input id="' + S('ButtonStop') +
- '" type="button" value=" stop " disabled="true"></input>' +
- ' </div>' + // Buttons
- ' <div id="' + S('Info') + '">' +
- ' <br />' +
- ' <span id="' + S('ShowCount') + '">' +
- ' </span> ' +
- ' </div> ' + // Info
- ' </div> ' + //Content
- '</div>'; // Wrapper
- if(overlay(BLOCK) < 1) {
- $(Selector.body).prepend(BLOCK);
- }
- }
- function disableAllInput() {
- // TODO @class Form. Form.disableEntries() => void()
- $I('Content').find('*').attr("disabled", 'true');
- $I('ButtonStop').removeAttr("disabled");
- }
- function enableAllInput() {
- $I('Content').find('*').removeAttr("disabled");
- $I('ButtonStop').attr("disabled", 'true');
- }
- function disableInput() {
- // TODO @function Form.disableEntries() => void()
- $I('Content').find('*').attr("disabled", 'true');
- }
- function enableInput() {
- $I('Content').find('*').removeAttr("disabled");
- }
- /**
- * @param str id
- * @return object jQuery with the tagged (script name) id
- */
- function $I(id) {
- var str = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : '';
- return $('#' + S(id) + str);
- }
- function S(name) {
- return _STR + name;
- }
- function rS(str) {
- return str.replace(_STR, '');
- }
- function cleanPage() {
- $(Selector.users).remove();
- $(Selector.pagination).hide();
- _shownCount = 0;
- }
- function toggleMarker($el) {
- var cnt = $el.html();
- $el.html(cnt == marker.unfolded ? marker.folded : marker.unfolded);
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- /** Would grab 2 containers where to put members in */
- function initContainers(pageUsers) {
- var parent;
- $(pageUsers).each(function () {
- parent = $(this).parent().get(0);
- console.log("container: " + $(parent).attr("class"));
- if($.inArray(parent, listContainers) == -1) {
- listContainers.push(parent);
- }
- });
- }
- /*------------------------------------*/
- function updateMemberFilters() {
- $I('Content').find('select, input[type=text]').each(function () {
- var name = rS($(this).attr('id'));
- console.log('updating filter: ' + name);
- if(!filters[name]) {
- return;
- }
- if(typeof filters[name][2] != 'string') {
- var options = $(this).find('option:selected');
- filters[name][0] = false;
- filters[name][1] = [];
- $(options).each(function () {
- filters[name][0] = true;
- filters[name][1].push($(this).val());
- });
- if(filters[name][1].length == 1 && filters[name][1]
- [0] === '') {
- filters[name][0] = false;
- }
- }
- else
- if(filters[name][2] != $(this).val()) {
- filters[name][0] = true;
- filters[name][1] = $(this).val();
- }
- else {
- filters[name][0] = false;
- filters[name][1] = filters[name][2];
- }
- });
- console.log(filters);
- }
- function updateAvatarFilter() {
- onlyWithAvatar = ($I('HasAvatar', ':checked').length > 0);
- }
- function updatePaginationFilters() {
- var reload = false;
- var $fromPage = parseInt($I('FromPage').val());
- var $toPage = parseInt($I('ToPage').val());
- if(_fromPage != $fromPage) {
- _fromPage = $fromPage;
- reload = true;
- }
- if(_toPage != $toPage) {
- _toPage = $toPage;
- reload = true;
- }
- console.log(' _fromPage ' + _fromPage + ' $fromPage ' + $fromPage);
- console.log(' _toPage ' + _toPage + ' $toPage ' + $toPage);
- return reload;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- var Refining = function (cacheItem) {
- var c = cacheItem;
- var filtered = false;
- /**
- * @return bool false by default, element is not trapped */
- this.isFiltered = function () {
- // NOTE for debug purpose uncomment the second block and / comment this one.
- // TODO how secure is eval() ?
- /**
- role();
- name();
- location();
- hasAvatar();
- gender();
- ageMin();
- ageMax();
- intoStatus();
- intoActivity();
- /**/
- /**/
- var functions = [
- "ageMax",
- "ageMin",
- "gender",
- "hasAvatar",
- "intoActivity",
- "intoStatus",
- "location",
- "name",
- "role"
- ];
- for(var fn of functions) {
- // jshint ignore : start
- eval(fn + '()');
- // jshint ignore : end
- if(getF()) {
- console.log('is filtered: ' + fn.toString());
- console.log(c);
- // stop filtering here
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**/
- return filtered;
- };
- /**
- * @arg boolean filtered ?
- * @return void(0)
- */
- function setF(F) {
- if(F) {
- filtered = true;
- }
- }
- function getF() {
- return filtered;
- }
- /** NOTE Each filter (except hasAvatar) check if filter was modified
- (updateMemberFilters) and look if the changes concern the current
- user. Filter must set false if ok.
- */
- function ageMax() {
- if(filters.AgeMax[0]) {
- setF(c[1] > parseInt(filters.AgeMax[1]));
- }
- }
- function ageMin() {
- if(filters.AgeMin[0]) {
- setF(c[1] < parseInt(filters.AgeMin[1]));
- }
- }
- function gender() {
- if(filters.Gender[0]) {
- setF($.inArray(c[2], filters.Gender[1]) < 0);
- }
- }
- function hasAvatar() {
- // console.log('avatar ' + onlyWithAvatar.toString());
- setF((onlyWithAvatar && !c[6]) ? true : false);
- }
- function intoActivity() {
- if(filters.IntoActivity[0]) {
- setF($.inArray(c[8], filters.IntoActivity[1]) < 0);
- }
- }
- function intoStatus() {
- if(filters.IntoStatus[0]) {
- setF($.inArray(c[7], filters.IntoStatus[1]) < 0);
- }
- }
- function location() {
- if(filters.LocContains[0]) {
- setF(
- c[4].toLowerCase().indexOf(
- filters.LocContains[1].toLowerCase()
- ) < 0
- );
- }
- }
- function name() {
- if(filters.NameContains[0]) {
- setF(
- c[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(
- filters.NameContains[1].toLowerCase()
- ) < 0
- );
- }
- }
- function role() {
- if(filters.Role[0]) {
- setF($.inArray(c[3], filters.Role[1]) < 0);
- }
- }
- }; // Filter
- /** filter each user */
- function filterUser(n) {
- // console.log('filtering n°' + n);
- var o;
- var filter = new Refining(mCache[n]);
- return(filter.isFiltered());
- }
- /*-----------Ajax & pagination -----------------*/
- /** @param mixed (str or jQ.), a link "next" in pagination */
- function setNext(mix) {
- console.log('setNext: ');
- console.log(mix);
- var next = '';
- if(mix.nodeName === 'A') {
- next = mix.href;
- }
- else if(typeof mix == 'string') {
- next = mix;
- }
- else if(
- (typeof mix == 'function' ||
- typeof mix == 'object') &&
- $(mix).is('A')
- ) {
- next = mix.attr('href');
- }
- _pageNext = next;
- return(next);
- }
- function getNext() {
- console.log(_pageNext);
- if(_pageNext === '' || _pageNext.match(/^\s*$/)) {
- return '';
- }
- if(_pageNext.indexOf("fetlife.com") < 0) {
- return 'https://fetlife.com/' + _pageNext;
- }
- else {
- return _pageNext;
- }
- }
- function getCurrentPageNo() {
- return parseInt($(Selector.currentPage).text());
- }
- function getLastPageNum() {
- var $e = $(Selector.nextPage);
- if($e.length > 0) {
- return parseInt($e.prev().text());
- }
- $e = $(Selector.nextDisabled);
- if($e.length > 0) {
- return parseInt($e.prev().text());
- }
- return -1;
- }
- function isLastFetchedPage(next) {
- var p = next.lastIndexOf('?');
- var search;
- var S;
- if(p > -1) {
- // url.search W/o leading ?
- search = next.substr(p + 1);
- }
- else {
- // no url.search, stop now
- // TODO throw warning
- return true;
- }
- S = search.split('&');
- for(var i = 0; i < S.length; i++) {
- if(S[i].substr(0, 5) === 'page=') {
- return(parseInt(S[i].substr(5)) >= parseInt(_toPage) + 1);
- }
- }
- // unknown case, stop now
- // TODO throw warning
- return true;
- }
- function addUrlString(url, pageNb) {
- var S = location.search.toString();
- console.log('location.search: ' + S);
- if(S.length <= 0) {
- return url + "?page=" + pageNb;
- }
- if(S.indexOf('page=') > -1) {
- return url.replace(/page=\d+/, 'page=' + pageNb);
- }
- // FIXME: return what ? return (url + '&page=' + pageNb);
- }
- function fetchMembers(startPageNo) {
- // if (typeof startPageNo === 'undefined')
- // seekingEnded();
- var next;
- if(startPageNo) {
- console.log('start fetching from Page: ' + startPageNo);
- if(parseInt(startPageNo) > 0) {
- setNext(addUrlString(location.href, startPageNo));
- }
- }
- else {
- startPageNo = false;
- }
- next = getNext();
- console.log("trying to fetch: " + next);
- if(
- next === '' ||
- next.match(/^\s*$/) ||
- next === void(0)
- ) {
- seekingEnded();
- return;
- }
- if(!ajaxLocked) {
- ajaxLocked = true;
- $.ajax({
- url: next,
- dataType: 'html',
- useCache: false,
- success: onMembersPage,
- error: function (event) {
- seekingEnded();
- console.error(event);
- }
- });
- }
- showCount();
- }
- function onMembersPage(data) {
- var aNext = $(data).find(Selector.nextPage);
- setNext(aNext);
- console.log("next page to fetch: " +
- getNext());
- var users = $(data).find(Selector.users);
- $.each(users, (i, user) => {
- show(storeUser(user));
- });
- if(!stopped && !isLastFetchedPage(getNext())) {
- setTimeout(
- function () {
- ajaxLocked = false;
- fetchMembers(false);
- );
- }
- else {
- seekingEnded();
- }
- }
- function showInfo(str) {
- $I('ShowCount').html(str);
- }
- function showCount() {
- showInfo("members: " + _shownCount + " of " + members.length);
- }
- function show(n) {
- if(!filterUser(n)) {
- $(listContainers[alternColumn]).append(members[n]);
- _shownCount++;
- alternColumn = (alternColumn == (listContainers.length - 1)) ?
- 0 : (
- alternColumn + 1);
- }
- }
- // TODO for 2.0
- // var Cache = function () {}
- //
- // var Member = function () {
- //
- // htmlCache = [];
- //
- //
- // var isfilter = function (n) { Refining.isFiltered()}
- // var store = function () {};
- //
- // this.add = function () {};
- // this.show = function () {};
- // this.get = function (n) {};
- //
- // return this;
- // };
- function storeUser(user) {
- console.log(user);
- var i = (members.push(user) - 1);
- // TODO add page num
- var matches = []; /* match: [whole, age (not null), gender, role ] */
- var firstSpan = $(user).find(Selector.user.firstSpan);
- var C, into;
- var avatar = $(user).find(Selector.user.imageAvatar);
- mCache[i] = ['', 0, '', '', '', '', false, '', ''];
- C = mCache[i];
- /* name */
- C[0] = firstSpan.text();
- /** profile url */
- C[5] = firstSpan.find(Selector.user.profileLink).attr('href');
- /** hasAvatar, need to be false if user has */
- C[6] = (avatar.attr('src').indexOf('/images/avatar_missing') < 0) ?
- true :
- false;
- matches = $(user).find(Selector.user.shortDesc).text().match(
- userRegExp);
- // console.log("match: "+(M[1]||"")+", "+(M[2]||"")+", "+(M[3]||""));
- /* age */
- C[1] = matches[1];
- /* gender */
- C[2] = matches[2];
- /* role */
- C[3] = matches[3];
- /* location*/
- C[4] = $(user).find(Selector.user.location).text() || '';
- /* into */
- if(isFetishesPage) {
- matches = []; /* match: ["into status", "rest aka into activity" ] */
- into = $(user).find(Selector.user.into).text() || '';
- console.log('into: '+into);
- matches = into.match(regInto);
- console.log(matches);
- if(matches) {
- C[7] = matches[1] || '';
- C[8] = matches[2] || '';
- }
- // console.log("mCache[i][7] = "+C[7]+" && mCache[i][8] = "+C[8])
- }
- console.log(C);
- return i;
- }
- function initCache() {
- M = []; // TODO undef ?
- members = [];
- mCache = [];
- }
- function clearCache() {
- members = [];
- mCache = [];
- }
- function gC(n) {
- return mCache[n];
- }
- function getCache(n) {
- return gC(n);
- }
- /*--------------helpers---------------*/
- function isInt(n) {
- return(!isNaN(n));
- }
- /*--------------Actions--------------*/
- function init() {
- var $pageNext = $(Selector.nextPage);
- var $previousPage = $(Selector.previousPage);
- var $pageUsers = $(Selector.users);
- var $fromPage = $I('FromPage');
- /** next_page link and list of members are on current page ? go on */
- if(($pageNext.length > 0 || $previousPage.length > 0) &&
- $pageUsers.length > 0
- ) {
- _clientPageNo = _pageCurrentNo = getCurrentPageNo();
- initContainers($pageUsers);
- console.log('_pageCurrentNo :' + _pageCurrentNo);
- drawBlock();
- $I('FromPage').val(
- useCurrentPageAsDefault ?
- _pageCurrentNo :
- 1
- );
- pageMax = lastPageNumber = getLastPageNum();
- console.log("lastPageNumber: " + lastPageNumber);
- $I('ToPage').val(lastPageNumber);
- setNext($pageNext);
- initListener();
- }
- }
- function showFilterAgain() {
- $I('ButtonGo').val("filter\x20again");
- enableAllInput();
- $I('ButtonGo').bind('click', () => {
- if(updatePaginationFilters()) {
- launchAgain();
- }
- else {
- filterAgain();
- }
- $(this).unbind('click');
- });
- }
- function initListener() {
- $I('Controls').click(function () {
- $I('Content').toggle("slow");
- toggleMarker($(this).find('b:first'));
- });
- $I('ButtonCurrentPage').click(function () {
- $I('FromPage').val(_pageCurrentNo);
- });
- $I('ButtonGo').click(function () {
- $(this).unbind('click');
- launchSearch();
- });
- $I('ButtonStop').click(function () {
- // $(this).unbind('click');
- stopped = true;
- });
- }
- function launchSearch() {
- if(!scriptLaunched) {
- updatePaginationFilters();
- console.log("_fromPage: " + _fromPage);
- console.log("_toPage: " + _toPage);
- showInfo("loading ...");
- updateMemberFilters();
- updateAvatarFilter();
- cleanPage();
- disableAllInput();
- fetchMembers(_fromPage);
- scriptLaunched = true;
- }
- }
- function launchAgain() {
- cleanPage();
- clearCache();
- scriptLaunched = false;
- launchSearch();
- }
- function filterAgain() {
- alternColumn = 0;
- // window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- updateMemberFilters();
- updateAvatarFilter();
- cleanPage();
- for(var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
- show(i);
- }
- showCount();
- }
- /** due to recursive function*/
- function seekingEnded() {
- console.log("total members: " + members.length);
- ajaxLocked = false;
- stopped = false;
- enableAllInput();
- showFilterAgain();
- showCount();
- }
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- var count = 0;
- if(typeof $ == 'function') {
- init();
- }
- else {
- setTimeout(function () {
- if(typeof $ !== 'function') {
- alert('fetlife is modified, script ' +
- GM_info.script.name +
- 'can\'t run please contact the author.');
- }
- }, 3000);
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- })(jQuery);
- jQuery.noConflict(true);
- /* jshint ignore:end */