Sleazy Fork is available in English.

E-Hentai <-> ExHentai

Links between E-Hentai and ExHentai page, and also links user to ExHentai automatically if gallery is "removed"

Tính đến 30-06-2017. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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This userscript allows you to:
1. Move between exhentai and e-hentai page by pressing clicking the "To E-Hentai"/"To ExHentai" on the top menu.
They are colored differently, so finding them should be relatively easy.
2. Automatically redirect you to exhentai in case of "pining for the fjords".
3. Save user setting from e-hentai and exhentai. Currently, they share same space, therefore user setting saved from e-hentai or exhentai can be used for both site.
4. Redirect you to e-hentai forum to login, as well as enabling you to go inside exhentai