WazeWrap site_suite

A base library for WME script writers

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require https://update.sleazyfork.org/scripts/390912/739166/WazeWrap%20site_suite.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WazeWrap site_suite
// @namespace    WazeWrap_site_suite
// @version      2019.05.03.01
// @description  A base library for WME script writers
// @author       JustinS83/MapOMatic
// @include      https://beta.waze.com/*editor*
// @include      https://www.waze.com/*editor*
// @exclude      https://www.waze.com/*user/editor/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
/* global W */
/* global WazeWrap */
/* global & */
/* jshint esversion:6 */
/* eslint-disable */

(function () {
    'use strict';
	let wwSettings;

    function bootstrap(tries = 1) {
        if (!location.href.match(/^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor\/?.*$/))

        if (W && W.map &&
            W.model && W.loginManager.user &&
        else if (tries < 1000)
            setTimeout(function () { bootstrap(tries++); }, 200);
            console.log('WazeWrap failed to load');


    async function init() {
        console.log("WazeWrap initializing...");
        WazeWrap.Version = "2019.09.26.01";
        WazeWrap.isBetaEditor = /beta/.test(location.href);

        W.map.events.register("moveend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
        W.map.events.register("zoomend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
        W.map.events.register("moveend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);
        W.map.events.register("zoomend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);

        WazeWrap.Geometry = new Geometry();
        WazeWrap.Model = new Model();
        WazeWrap.Interface = new Interface();
        WazeWrap.User = new User();
        WazeWrap.Util = new Util();
        WazeWrap.Require = new Require();
        WazeWrap.String = new String();
        WazeWrap.Events = new Events();
        WazeWrap.Alerts = new Alerts();
	    WazeWrap.Remote = new Remote();

        WazeWrap.getSelectedFeatures = function () {
            return W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures();

        WazeWrap.hasSelectedFeatures = function () {
            return W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures();

        WazeWrap.selectFeature = function (feature) {
            if (!W.selectionManager.select)
                return W.selectionManager.selectFeature(feature);

            return W.selectionManager.select(feature);

        WazeWrap.selectFeatures = function (featureArray) {
            if (!W.selectionManager.select)
                return W.selectionManager.selectFeatures(featureArray);
            return W.selectionManager.select(featureArray);

        WazeWrap.hasPlaceSelected = function () {
            return (W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures() && W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures()[0].model.type === "venue");

        WazeWrap.hasSegmentSelected = function () {
            return (W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures() && W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures()[0].model.type === "segment");

        WazeWrap.hasMapCommentSelected = function () {
            return (W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures() && W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures()[0].model.type === "mapComment");

        await initializeToastr();

        // 5/22/2019 (mapomatic)
        // Temporary workaround to get the address field on the place edit
        // panel to update when the place is updated.  Can be removed if
        // staff fixes it on their end.
        try {
            W.model.venues.on('objectschanged', venues => {
                // Update venue address field display, if needed.
                try {
                    const features = WazeWrap.getSelectedFeatures();
                    if (features.length === 1) {
                        const venue = features[0].model;
                        if (venues.includes(venue)) {
                            $('#landmark-edit-general span.full-address').text(venue.getAddress().format());
                } catch (ex) {
                    console.error('WazeWrap error:', ex)
        } catch (ex) {
            // ignore if this doesn't work.

        WazeWrap.Ready = true;

        console.log('WazeWrap Loaded');
	function initializeWWInterface(){
		var $section = $("<div>", {style:"padding:8px 16px", id:"WMEPIESettings"});
			'<h4 style="margin-bottom:0px;"><b>WazeWrap</b></h4>',
			`<h6 style="margin-top:0px;">${WazeWrap.Version}</h6>`,
			`<div id="divEditorPIN" class="controls-container">Editor PIN: <input type="${wwSettings.editorPIN != "" ? "password" : "text"}" size="10" id="wwEditorPIN" ${wwSettings.editorPIN != "" ? 'disabled' : ''}/>${wwSettings.editorPIN === "" ? '<button id="wwSetPin">Set PIN</button>' : ''}<i class="fa fa-eye fa-lg" style="display:${wwSettings.editorPIN === "" ? 'none' : 'inline-block'}" id="showWWEditorPIN" aria-hidden="true"></i></div><br/>`,
			`<div id="changePIN" class="controls-container" style="display:${wwSettings.editorPIN !== "" ? "block" : "none"}"><button id="wwChangePIN">Change PIN</button></div>`,
			'<div id="divShowAlertHistory" class="controls-container"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbShowAlertHistory" class="wwSettingsCheckbox" /><label for="_cbShowAlertHistory">Show alerts history</label></div>'
			].join(' '));
		new WazeWrap.Interface.Tab('WW', $section.html(), postInterfaceSetup);
	function postInterfaceSetup(){
        $('#wwEditorPIN')[0].value = wwSettings.editorPIN;
		setChecked('_cbShowAlertHistory', wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon);
			$('.WWAlertsHistory').css('display', 'none');
			$('#wwEditorPIN').attr('type', 'text');
			$('#wwEditorPIN').attr('type', 'password');
			let pin = $('#wwEditorPIN')[0].value;
			if(pin != ""){
				wwSettings.editorPIN = pin;
				$('#showWWEditorPIN').css('display', 'inline-block');
				$('#wwEditorPIN').css('type', 'password');
				$('#wwEditorPIN').attr("disabled", true);
				$('#wwSetPin').css("display", 'none');
				$('#changePIN').css("display", 'block');
			WazeWrap.Alerts.prompt("WazeWrap", "This will <b>not</b> change the PIN stored with your settings, only the PIN that is stored on your machine to lookup/save your settings. \n\nChanging your PIN can result in a loss of your settings on the server and/or your local machine.  Proceed only if you are sure you need to change this value. \n\n Enter your new PIN", '', function(e, inputVal){
				wwSettings.editorPIN = inputVal;
				$('#wwEditorPIN')[0].value = inputVal;
				$('.WWAlertsHistory').css('display', 'block');
				$('.WWAlertsHistory').css('display', 'none');
			wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon = this.checked;
	function setChecked(checkboxId, checked) {
        $('#' + checkboxId).prop('checked', checked);
	function loadSettings() {
        wwSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("_wazewrap_settings"));
        let _defaultsettings = {
            showAlertHistoryIcon: true,
            editorPIN: ""
        wwSettings = $.extend({}, _defaultsettings, wwSettings);
	function saveSettings() {
        if (localStorage) {
            let settings = {
                showAlertHistoryIcon: wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon,
                editorPIN: wwSettings.editorPIN
            localStorage.setItem("_wazewrap_settings", JSON.stringify(settings));

    async function initializeToastr() {
        let toastrSettings = {};
        try {
            function loadSettings() {
                var loadedSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("WWToastr"));
                var defaultSettings = {
                    historyLeftLoc: 35,
                    historyTopLoc: 40
                toastrSettings = $.extend({}, defaultSettings, loadedSettings)

            function saveSettings() {
                if (localStorage) {
                    var localsettings = {
                        historyLeftLoc: toastrSettings.historyLeftLoc,
                        historyTopLoc: toastrSettings.historyTopLoc

                    localStorage.setItem("WWToastr", JSON.stringify(localsettings));
                $('<link/>', {
                    rel: 'stylesheet',
                    type: 'text/css',
                    href: 'https://cdn.staticaly.com/gh/WazeDev/toastr/master/build/toastr.min.css'
                $('<style type="text/css">.toast-container-wazedev > div {opacity: 0.95;} .toast-top-center-wide {top: 32px;}</style>')

            await $.getScript('https://cdn.staticaly.com/gh/WazeDev/toastr/master/build/toastr.min.js');
		wazedevtoastr.options = {
		    target: '#map',
		    timeOut: 6000,
		    positionClass: 'toast-top-center-wide',
		    closeOnHover: false,
		    closeDuration: 0,
		    showDuration: 0,
		    closeButton: true,
		    progressBar: true

            if ($('.WWAlertsHistory').length > 0)
            var $sectionToastr = $("<div>", { style: "padding:8px 16px", id: "wmeWWScriptUpdates" });
                '<div class="WWAlertsHistory" title="Script Alert History"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-lg"></i><div id="WWAlertsHistory-list"><div id="toast-container-history" class="toast-container-wazedev"></div></div></div>'
            ].join(' '));

            $('.WWAlertsHistory').css('left', `${toastrSettings.historyLeftLoc}px`);
            $('.WWAlertsHistory').css('top', `${toastrSettings.historyTopLoc}px`);

            try {
                await $.getScript("https://greasyfork.org/scripts/28687-jquery-ui-1-11-4-custom-min-js/code/jquery-ui-1114customminjs.js");
            catch (err) {
                console.log("Could not load jQuery UI " + err);

            if ($.ui) {
                    stop: function () {
                        let windowWidth = $('#map').width();
                        let panelWidth = $('#WWAlertsHistory-list').width();
                        let historyLoc = $('.WWAlertsHistory').position().left;
                        if ((panelWidth + historyLoc) > windowWidth) {
                            $('#WWAlertsHistory-list').css('left', Math.abs(windowWidth - (historyLoc + $('.WWAlertsHistory').width()) - panelWidth) * -1);
                            $('#WWAlertsHistory-list').css('left', 'auto');

                        toastrSettings.historyLeftLoc = $('.WWAlertsHistory').position().left;
                        toastrSettings.historyTopLoc = $('.WWAlertsHistory').position().top;
        catch (err) {

    function initializeScriptUpdateInterface() {
        console.log("creating script update interface");
        var $section = $("<div>", { style: "padding:8px 16px", id: "wmeWWScriptUpdates" });
            '<div id="WWSU-Container" class="fa" style="position:fixed; top:20%; left:40%; z-index:1000; display:none;">',
            '<div id="WWSU-Close" class="fa-close fa-lg"></div>',
            '<div class="modal-heading">',
            '<h2>Script Updates</h2>',
            '<h4><span id="WWSU-updateCount">0</span> of your scripts have updates</h4>',
            '<div class="WWSU-updates-wrapper">',
            '<div id="WWSU-script-list">',
            '<div id="WWSU-script-update-info">',
        ].join(' '));

        $('#WWSU-Close').click(function () {

        $(document).on('click', '.WWSU-script-item', function () {

    function injectCSS() {
        let css = [
            '#WWSU-Container { position:relative; background-color:#fbfbfb; width:650px; height:375px; border-radius:8px; padding:20px; box-shadow: 0 22px 84px 0 rgba(87, 99, 125, 0.5); border:1px solid #ededed; }',
            '#WWSU-Close { color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff; border:1px solid #ececec; border-radius:10px; height:25px; width:25px; position: absolute; right:14px; top:10px; cursor:pointer; padding: 5px 0px 0px 5px;}',
            '#WWSU-Container .modal-heading,.WWSU-updates-wrapper { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Open Sans", sans-serif; } ',
            '.WWSU-updates-wrapper { height:350px; }',
            '#WWSU-script-list { float:left; width:175px; height:100%; padding-right:6px; margin-right:10px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; height:300px; }',
            '.WWSU-script-item { text-decoration: none; min-height:40px; display:flex; text-align: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin:3px 3px 10px 3px; background-color:white; border-radius:8px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 1px 1px 0.25px; transition:all 200ms ease-in-out; cursor:pointer;}',
            '.WWSU-script-item:hover { text-decoration: none; }',
            '.WWSU-active { transform: translate3d(5px, 0px, 0px); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 3px 7px 0px; }',
            '#WWSU-script-update-info { width:auto; background-color:white; height:275px; overflow-y:auto; border-radius:8px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09) 0px 6px 7px 0.09px; padding:15px; position:relative;}',
            '#WWSU-script-update-info div { display: none;}',
            '#WWSU-script-update-info div:target { display: block; }',
            `.WWAlertsHistory {display:${wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon ? 'block' : 'none'}; width:32px; height:32px; background-color: #F89406; position: absolute; top:35px; left:40px; border-radius: 10px; border: 2px solid; box-size: border-box; z-index: 1050;}`,
            '.WWAlertsHistory:hover #WWAlertsHistory-list{display:block;}',
            '.WWAlertsHistory > .fa-exclamation-triangle {position: absolute; left:50%; margin-left:-9px; margin-top:8px;}',
            '#WWAlertsHistory-list{display:none; position:absolute; top:28px; border:2px solid black; border-radius:10px; background-color:white; padding:4px; overflow-y:auto; max-height: 300px;}',
            '#WWAlertsHistory-list #toast-container-history > div {max-width:500px; min-width:500px; border-radius:10px;}',
            '#WWAlertsHistory-list > #toast-container-history{ position:static; }'
        ].join(' ');
        $('<style type="text/css">' + css + '</style>').appendTo('head');
	function RestoreMissingWRule(){
			W.Rule = OL.Class(OpenLayers.Rule, {
				getContext(feature) {
				return feature;

				CLASS_NAME: "Waze.Rule"

    function RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions() {
        if (W.model.segments.getObjectArray().length > 0) {
            W.map.events.unregister("moveend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
            W.map.events.unregister("zoomend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].model.getDirection == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.getDirection = function () { return (this.attributes.fwdDirection ? 1 : 0) + (this.attributes.revDirection ? 2 : 0); };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].model.isTollRoad == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isTollRoad = function () { return (this.attributes.fwdToll || this.attributes.revToll); };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isLockedByHigherRank == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isLockedByHigherRank = function () { return !(!this.attributes.lockRank || !this.model.loginManager.isLoggedIn()) && this.getLockRank() > this.model.loginManager.user.rank; };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isDrivable == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isDrivable = function () { let V = [5, 10, 16, 18, 19]; return !V.includes(this.attributes.roadType); };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isWalkingRoadType == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isWalkingRoadType = function () { let x = [5, 10, 16]; return x.includes(this.attributes.roadType); };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isRoutable == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isRoutable = function () { let P = [1, 2, 7, 6, 3]; return P.includes(this.attributes.roadType); };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isInBigJunction == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isInBigJunction = function () { return this.isBigJunctionShort() || this.hasFromBigJunction() || this.hasToBigJunction(); };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isBigJunctionShort == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isBigJunctionShort = function () { return null != this.attributes.crossroadID; };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].hasFromBigJunction == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.hasFromBigJunction = function (e) { return null != e ? this.attributes.fromCrossroads.includes(e) : this.attributes.fromCrossroads.length > 0; };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].hasToBigJunction == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.hasToBigJunction = function (e) { return null != e ? this.attributes.toCrossroads.includes(e) : this.attributes.toCrossroads.length > 0; };
            if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].getRoundabout == "undefined")
                W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.getRoundabout = function () { return this.isInRoundabout() ? this.model.junctions.getObjectById(this.attributes.junctionID) : null; };

    function RestoreMissingNodeFunctions() {
        if (W.model.nodes.getObjectArray().length > 0) {
            W.map.events.unregister("moveend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);
            W.map.events.unregister("zoomend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);
            if (typeof W.model.nodes.getObjectArray()[0].areConnectionsEditable == "undefined")
                W.model.nodes.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.areConnectionsEditable = function () { var e = this.model.segments.getByIds(this.attributes.segIDs); return e.length === this.attributes.segIDs.length && e.every(function (e) { return e.canEditConnections(); }); };
    /* jshint ignore:start */
    function RestoreMissingOLKMLSupport() {
        if (!OL.Format.KML) {
            OL.Format.KML = OL.Class(OL.Format.XML, {
                namespaces: { kml: "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2", gx: "http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" }, kmlns: "http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0", placemarksDesc: "No description available", foldersName: "OL export", foldersDesc: "Exported on " + new Date, extractAttributes: !0, kvpAttributes: !1, extractStyles: !1, extractTracks: !1, trackAttributes: null, internalns: null, features: null, styles: null, styleBaseUrl: "", fetched: null, maxDepth: 0, initialize: function (a) {
                this.regExes =
                    { trimSpace: /^\s*|\s*$/g, removeSpace: /\s*/g, splitSpace: /\s+/, trimComma: /\s*,\s*/g, kmlColor: /(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/, kmlIconPalette: /root:\/\/icons\/palette-(\d+)(\.\w+)/, straightBracket: /\$\[(.*?)\]/g }; this.externalProjection = new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"); OL.Format.XML.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [a])
                }, read: function (a) { this.features = []; this.styles = {}; this.fetched = {}; return this.parseData(a, { depth: 0, styleBaseUrl: this.styleBaseUrl }) }, parseData: function (a, b) {
                "string" == typeof a &&
                    (a = OL.Format.XML.prototype.read.apply(this, [a])); for (var c = ["Link", "NetworkLink", "Style", "StyleMap", "Placemark"], d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) { var f = c[d], g = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, "*", f); if (0 != g.length) switch (f.toLowerCase()) { case "link": case "networklink": this.parseLinks(g, b); break; case "style": this.extractStyles && this.parseStyles(g, b); break; case "stylemap": this.extractStyles && this.parseStyleMaps(g, b); break; case "placemark": this.parseFeatures(g, b) } } return this.features
                }, parseLinks: function (a,
                    b) { if (b.depth >= this.maxDepth) return !1; var c = OL.Util.extend({}, b); c.depth++; for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) { var f = this.parseProperty(a[d], "*", "href"); f && !this.fetched[f] && (this.fetched[f] = !0, (f = this.fetchLink(f)) && this.parseData(f, c)) } }, fetchLink: function (a) { if (a = OL.Request.GET({ url: a, async: !1 })) return a.responseText }, parseStyles: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) { var e = this.parseStyle(a[c]); e && (this.styles[(b.styleBaseUrl || "") + "#" + e.id] = e) } }, parseKmlColor: function (a) {
                        var b =
                            null; a && (a = a.match(this.regExes.kmlColor)) && (b = { color: "#" + a[4] + a[3] + a[2], opacity: parseInt(a[1], 16) / 255 }); return b
                    }, parseStyle: function (a) {
                        for (var b = {}, c = ["LineStyle", "PolyStyle", "IconStyle", "BalloonStyle", "LabelStyle"], d, e, f = 0, g = c.length; f < g; ++f)if (d = c[f], e = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, "*", d)[0]) switch (d.toLowerCase()) {
                            case "linestyle": d = this.parseProperty(e, "*", "color"); if (d = this.parseKmlColor(d)) b.strokeColor = d.color, b.strokeOpacity = d.opacity; (d = this.parseProperty(e, "*", "width")) && (b.strokeWidth =
                                d); break; case "polystyle": d = this.parseProperty(e, "*", "color"); if (d = this.parseKmlColor(d)) b.fillOpacity = d.opacity, b.fillColor = d.color; "0" == this.parseProperty(e, "*", "fill") && (b.fillColor = "none"); "0" == this.parseProperty(e, "*", "outline") && (b.strokeWidth = "0"); break; case "iconstyle": var h = parseFloat(this.parseProperty(e, "*", "scale") || 1); d = 32 * h; var i = 32 * h, j = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(e, "*", "Icon")[0]; if (j) {
                                    var k = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "href"); if (k) {
                                        var l = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "w"), m = this.parseProperty(j,
                                            "*", "h"); OL.String.startsWith(k, "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml") && (!l && !m) && (m = l = 64, h /= 2); l = l || m; m = m || l; l && (d = parseInt(l) * h); m && (i = parseInt(m) * h); if (m = k.match(this.regExes.kmlIconPalette)) l = m[1], m = m[2], k = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "x"), j = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "y"), k = "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pal" + l + "/icon" + (8 * (j ? 7 - j / 32 : 7) + (k ? k / 32 : 0)) + m; b.graphicOpacity = 1; b.externalGraphic = k
                                } if (e = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(e, "*", "hotSpot")[0]) k = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("x")), j = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("y")),
                                    l = e.getAttribute("xunits"), "pixels" == l ? b.graphicXOffset = -k * h : "insetPixels" == l ? b.graphicXOffset = -d + k * h : "fraction" == l && (b.graphicXOffset = -d * k), e = e.getAttribute("yunits"), "pixels" == e ? b.graphicYOffset = -i + j * h + 1 : "insetPixels" == e ? b.graphicYOffset = -(j * h) + 1 : "fraction" == e && (b.graphicYOffset = -i * (1 - j) + 1); b.graphicWidth = d; b.graphicHeight = i; break; case "balloonstyle": (e = OL.Util.getXmlNodeValue(e)) && (b.balloonStyle = e.replace(this.regExes.straightBracket, "${$1}")); break; case "labelstyle": if (d = this.parseProperty(e,
                                        "*", "color"), d = this.parseKmlColor(d)) b.fontColor = d.color, b.fontOpacity = d.opacity
                        }!b.strokeColor && b.fillColor && (b.strokeColor = b.fillColor); if ((a = a.getAttribute("id")) && b) b.id = a; return b
                    }, parseStyleMaps: function (a, b) {
                        for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++)for (var e = a[c], f = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(e, "*", "Pair"), e = e.getAttribute("id"), g = 0, h = f.length; g < h; g++) {
                            var i = f[g], j = this.parseProperty(i, "*", "key"); (i = this.parseProperty(i, "*", "styleUrl")) && "normal" == j && (this.styles[(b.styleBaseUrl || "") + "#" + e] = this.styles[(b.styleBaseUrl ||
                                "") + i])
                    }, parseFeatures: function (a, b) {
                        for (var c = [], d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) {
                            var f = a[d], g = this.parseFeature.apply(this, [f]); if (g) {
                            this.extractStyles && (g.attributes && g.attributes.styleUrl) && (g.style = this.getStyle(g.attributes.styleUrl, b)); if (this.extractStyles) { var h = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(f, "*", "Style")[0]; if (h && (h = this.parseStyle(h))) g.style = OL.Util.extend(g.style, h) } if (this.extractTracks) {
                                if ((f = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(f, this.namespaces.gx, "Track")) && 0 < f.length) g = { features: [], feature: g },
                                    this.readNode(f[0], g), 0 < g.features.length && c.push.apply(c, g.features)
                            } else c.push(g)
                            } else throw "Bad Placemark: " + d;
                        } this.features = this.features.concat(c)
                    }, readers: {
                        kml: { when: function (a, b) { b.whens.push(OL.Date.parse(this.getChildValue(a))) }, _trackPointAttribute: function (a, b) { var c = a.nodeName.split(":").pop(); b.attributes[c].push(this.getChildValue(a)) } }, gx: {
                            Track: function (a, b) {
                                var c = { whens: [], points: [], angles: [] }; if (this.trackAttributes) {
                                    var d; c.attributes = {}; for (var e = 0, f = this.trackAttributes.length; e <
                                        f; ++e)d = this.trackAttributes[e], c.attributes[d] = [], d in this.readers.kml || (this.readers.kml[d] = this.readers.kml._trackPointAttribute)
                                } this.readChildNodes(a, c); if (c.whens.length !== c.points.length) throw Error("gx:Track with unequal number of when (" + c.whens.length + ") and gx:coord (" + c.points.length + ") elements."); var g = 0 < c.angles.length; if (g && c.whens.length !== c.angles.length) throw Error("gx:Track with unequal number of when (" + c.whens.length + ") and gx:angles (" + c.angles.length + ") elements."); for (var h,
                                    i, e = 0, f = c.whens.length; e < f; ++e) {
                                        h = b.feature.clone(); h.fid = b.feature.fid || b.feature.id; i = c.points[e]; h.geometry = i; "z" in i && (h.attributes.altitude = i.z); this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection && h.geometry.transform(this.externalProjection, this.internalProjection); if (this.trackAttributes) { i = 0; for (var j = this.trackAttributes.length; i < j; ++i)h.attributes[d] = c.attributes[this.trackAttributes[i]][e] } h.attributes.when = c.whens[e]; h.attributes.trackId = b.feature.id; g && (i = c.angles[e], h.attributes.heading =
                                            parseFloat(i[0]), h.attributes.tilt = parseFloat(i[1]), h.attributes.roll = parseFloat(i[2])); b.features.push(h)
                            }, coord: function (a, b) { var c = this.getChildValue(a).replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, "").split(/\s+/), d = new OL.Geometry.Point(c[0], c[1]); 2 < c.length && (d.z = parseFloat(c[2])); b.points.push(d) }, angles: function (a, b) { var c = this.getChildValue(a).replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, "").split(/\s+/); b.angles.push(c) }
                    }, parseFeature: function (a) {
                        for (var b = ["MultiGeometry", "Polygon", "LineString", "Point"],
                            c, d, e, f = 0, g = b.length; f < g; ++f)if (c = b[f], this.internalns = a.namespaceURI ? a.namespaceURI : this.kmlns, d = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, c), 0 < d.length) { if (b = this.parseGeometry[c.toLowerCase()]) e = b.apply(this, [d[0]]), this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection && e.transform(this.externalProjection, this.internalProjection); else throw new TypeError("Unsupported geometry type: " + c); break } var h; this.extractAttributes && (h = this.parseAttributes(a)); c = new OL.Feature.Vector(e, h); a = a.getAttribute("id") ||
                                a.getAttribute("name"); null != a && (c.fid = a); return c
                    }, getStyle: function (a, b) { var c = OL.Util.removeTail(a), d = OL.Util.extend({}, b); d.depth++; d.styleBaseUrl = c; !this.styles[a] && !OL.String.startsWith(a, "#") && d.depth <= this.maxDepth && !this.fetched[c] && (c = this.fetchLink(c)) && this.parseData(c, d); return OL.Util.extend({}, this.styles[a]) }, parseGeometry: {
                        point: function (a) {
                            var b = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, "coordinates"), a = []; if (0 < b.length) var c = b[0].firstChild.nodeValue,
                                c = c.replace(this.regExes.removeSpace, ""), a = c.split(","); b = null; if (1 < a.length) 2 == a.length && (a[2] = null), b = new OL.Geometry.Point(a[0], a[1], a[2]); else throw "Bad coordinate string: " + c; return b
                        }, linestring: function (a, b) {
                            var c = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, "coordinates"), d = null; if (0 < c.length) {
                                for (var c = this.getChildValue(c[0]), c = c.replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, ""), c = c.replace(this.regExes.trimComma, ","), d = c.split(this.regExes.splitSpace), e = d.length, f = Array(e), g, h, i = 0; i < e; ++i)if (g =
                                    d[i].split(","), h = g.length, 1 < h) 2 == g.length && (g[2] = null), f[i] = new OL.Geometry.Point(g[0], g[1], g[2]); else throw "Bad LineString point coordinates: " + d[i]; if (e) d = b ? new OL.Geometry.LinearRing(f) : new OL.Geometry.LineString(f); else throw "Bad LineString coordinates: " + c;
                            } return d
                        }, polygon: function (a) {
                            var a = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, "LinearRing"), b = a.length, c = Array(b); if (0 < b) for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d)if (b = this.parseGeometry.linestring.apply(this, [a[d], !0])) c[d] =
                                b; else throw "Bad LinearRing geometry: " + d; return new OL.Geometry.Polygon(c)
                        }, multigeometry: function (a) { for (var b, c = [], d = a.childNodes, e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; ++e)a = d[e], 1 == a.nodeType && (b = this.parseGeometry[(a.prefix ? a.nodeName.split(":")[1] : a.nodeName).toLowerCase()]) && c.push(b.apply(this, [a])); return new OL.Geometry.Collection(c) }
                    }, parseAttributes: function (a) {
                        var b = {}, c = a.getElementsByTagName("ExtendedData"); c.length && (b = this.parseExtendedData(c[0])); for (var d, e, f, a = a.childNodes, c = 0, g =
                            a.length; c < g; ++c)if (d = a[c], 1 == d.nodeType && (e = d.childNodes, 1 <= e.length && 3 >= e.length)) { switch (e.length) { case 1: f = e[0]; break; case 2: f = e[0]; e = e[1]; f = 3 == f.nodeType || 4 == f.nodeType ? f : e; break; default: f = e[1] }if (3 == f.nodeType || 4 == f.nodeType) if (d = d.prefix ? d.nodeName.split(":")[1] : d.nodeName, f = OL.Util.getXmlNodeValue(f)) f = f.replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, ""), b[d] = f } return b
                    }, parseExtendedData: function (a) {
                        var b = {}, c, d, e, f, g = a.getElementsByTagName("Data"); c = 0; for (d = g.length; c < d; c++) {
                            e = g[c]; f = e.getAttribute("name");
                            var h = {}, i = e.getElementsByTagName("value"); i.length && (h.value = this.getChildValue(i[0])); this.kvpAttributes ? b[f] = h.value : (e = e.getElementsByTagName("displayName"), e.length && (h.displayName = this.getChildValue(e[0])), b[f] = h)
                        } a = a.getElementsByTagName("SimpleData"); c = 0; for (d = a.length; c < d; c++)h = {}, e = a[c], f = e.getAttribute("name"), h.value = this.getChildValue(e), this.kvpAttributes ? b[f] = h.value : (h.displayName = f, b[f] = h); return b
                    }, parseProperty: function (a, b, c) {
                        var d, a = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, b, c); try { d = OL.Util.getXmlNodeValue(a[0]) } catch (e) {
                            d =
                        } return d
                    }, write: function (a) { OL.Util.isArray(a) || (a = [a]); for (var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "kml"), c = this.createFolderXML(), d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d)c.appendChild(this.createPlacemarkXML(a[d])); b.appendChild(c); return OL.Format.XML.prototype.write.apply(this, [b]) }, createFolderXML: function () {
                        var a = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Folder"); if (this.foldersName) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "name"), c = this.createTextNode(this.foldersName); b.appendChild(c); a.appendChild(b) } this.foldersDesc &&
                            (b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "description"), c = this.createTextNode(this.foldersDesc), b.appendChild(c), a.appendChild(b)); return a
                    }, createPlacemarkXML: function (a) {
                        var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "name"); b.appendChild(this.createTextNode(a.style && a.style.label ? a.style.label : a.attributes.name || a.id)); var c = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "description"); c.appendChild(this.createTextNode(a.attributes.description || this.placemarksDesc)); var d = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Placemark"); null !=
                            a.fid && d.setAttribute("id", a.fid); d.appendChild(b); d.appendChild(c); b = this.buildGeometryNode(a.geometry); d.appendChild(b); a.attributes && (a = this.buildExtendedData(a.attributes)) && d.appendChild(a); return d
                    }, buildGeometryNode: function (a) { var b = a.CLASS_NAME, b = this.buildGeometry[b.substring(b.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase()], c = null; b && (c = b.apply(this, [a])); return c }, buildGeometry: {
                        point: function (a) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Point"); b.appendChild(this.buildCoordinatesNode(a)); return b }, multipoint: function (a) {
                            return this.buildGeometry.collection.apply(this,
                        }, linestring: function (a) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "LineString"); b.appendChild(this.buildCoordinatesNode(a)); return b }, multilinestring: function (a) { return this.buildGeometry.collection.apply(this, [a]) }, linearring: function (a) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "LinearRing"); b.appendChild(this.buildCoordinatesNode(a)); return b }, polygon: function (a) {
                            for (var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Polygon"), a = a.components, c, d, e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; ++e)c = 0 == e ? "outerBoundaryIs" : "innerBoundaryIs",
                                c = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, c), d = this.buildGeometry.linearring.apply(this, [a[e]]), c.appendChild(d), b.appendChild(c); return b
                        }, multipolygon: function (a) { return this.buildGeometry.collection.apply(this, [a]) }, collection: function (a) { for (var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "MultiGeometry"), c, d = 0, e = a.components.length; d < e; ++d)(c = this.buildGeometryNode.apply(this, [a.components[d]])) && b.appendChild(c); return b }
                    }, buildCoordinatesNode: function (a) {
                        var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "coordinates"),
                        c; if (c = a.components) { for (var d = c.length, e = Array(d), f = 0; f < d; ++f)a = c[f], e[f] = this.buildCoordinates(a); c = e.join(" ") } else c = this.buildCoordinates(a); c = this.createTextNode(c); b.appendChild(c); return b
                    }, buildCoordinates: function (a) { this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection && (a = a.clone(), a.transform(this.internalProjection, this.externalProjection)); return a.x + "," + a.y }, buildExtendedData: function (a) {
                        var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "ExtendedData"), c; for (c in a) if (a[c] && "name" != c && "description" !=
                            c && "styleUrl" != c) { var d = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Data"); d.setAttribute("name", c); var e = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "value"); if ("object" == typeof a[c]) { if (a[c].value && e.appendChild(this.createTextNode(a[c].value)), a[c].displayName) { var f = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "displayName"); f.appendChild(this.getXMLDoc().createCDATASection(a[c].displayName)); d.appendChild(f) } } else e.appendChild(this.createTextNode(a[c])); d.appendChild(e); b.appendChild(d) } return this.isSimpleContent(b) ? null : b
                CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Format.KML"
    /* jshint ignore:end */
    function Geometry() {
        //Converts to "normal" GPS coordinates
        this.ConvertTo4326 = function (lon, lat) {
            let projI = new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913");
            let projE = new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326");
            return (new OL.LonLat(lon, lat)).transform(projI, projE);

        this.ConvertTo900913 = function (lon, lat) {
            let projI = new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913");
            let projE = new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326");
            return (new OL.LonLat(lon, lat)).transform(projE, projI);

        //Converts the Longitudinal offset to an offset in 4326 gps coordinates
        this.CalculateLongOffsetGPS = function (longMetersOffset, lon, lat) {
            let R = 6378137; //Earth's radius
            let dLon = longMetersOffset / (R * Math.cos(Math.PI * lat / 180)); //offset in radians
            let lon0 = dLon * (180 / Math.PI); //offset degrees

            return lon0;

        //Converts the Latitudinal offset to an offset in 4326 gps coordinates
        this.CalculateLatOffsetGPS = function (latMetersOffset, lat) {
            let R = 6378137; //Earth's radius
            let dLat = latMetersOffset / R;
            let lat0 = dLat * (180 / Math.PI); //offset degrees

            return lat0;

		 * Checks if the given lon & lat
         * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.isGeometryInMapExtent
         * @param {lon, lat} object
        this.isLonLatInMapExtent = function (lonLat) {
            return lonLat && W.map.getExtent().containsLonLat(lonLat);

		 * Checks if the given geometry point is on screen
         * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.isGeometryInMapExtent
         * @param {OL.Geometry.Point} Geometry Point we are checking if it is in the extent
        this.isGeometryInMapExtent = function (geometry) {
            return geometry && geometry.getBounds &&

		 * Calculates the distance between given points, returned in meters
         * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.calculateDistance
         * @param {OL.Geometry.Point} An array of OL.Geometry.Point with which to measure the total distance. A minimum of 2 points is needed.
        this.calculateDistance = function (pointArray) {
            if (pointArray.length < 2)
                return 0;

            let line = new OL.Geometry.LineString(pointArray);
            let length = line.getGeodesicLength(W.map.getProjectionObject());
            return length; //multiply by 3.28084 to convert to feet

		 * Finds the closest on-screen drivable segment to the given point, ignoring PLR and PR segments if the options are set
		 * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.findClosestSegment
		 * @param {OL.Geometry.Point} The given point to find the closest segment to
		 * @param {boolean} If true, Parking Lot Road segments will be ignored when finding the closest segment
		 * @param {boolean} If true, Private Road segments will be ignored when finding the closest segment
        this.findClosestSegment = function (mygeometry, ignorePLR, ignoreUnnamedPR) {
            let onscreenSegments = WazeWrap.Model.getOnscreenSegments();
            let minDistance = Infinity;
            let closestSegment;

            for (var s in onscreenSegments) {
                if (!onscreenSegments.hasOwnProperty(s))

                let segmentType = onscreenSegments[s].attributes.roadType;
                if (segmentType === 10 || segmentType === 16 || segmentType === 18 || segmentType === 19) //10 ped boardwalk, 16 stairway, 18 railroad, 19 runway, 3 freeway

                if (ignorePLR && segmentType === 20) //PLR

                if (ignoreUnnamedPR)
                    if (segmentType === 17 && WazeWrap.Model.getStreetName(onscreenSegments[s].attributes.primaryStreetID) === null) //PR

                let distanceToSegment = mygeometry.distanceTo(onscreenSegments[s].geometry, { details: true });

                if (distanceToSegment.distance < minDistance) {
                    minDistance = distanceToSegment.distance;
                    closestSegment = onscreenSegments[s];
                    closestSegment.closestPoint = new OL.Geometry.Point(distanceToSegment.x1, distanceToSegment.y1);
            return closestSegment;

    function Model() {

        this.getPrimaryStreetID = function (segmentID) {
            return W.model.segments.getObjectById(segmentID).attributes.primaryStreetID;

        this.getStreetName = function (primaryStreetID) {
            return W.model.streets.getObjectById(primaryStreetID).name;

        this.getCityID = function (primaryStreetID) {
            return W.model.streets.getObjectById(primaryStreetID).cityID;

        this.getCityName = function (primaryStreetID) {
            return W.model.cities.getObjectById(this.getCityID(primaryStreetID)).attributes.name;

        this.getStateName = function (primaryStreetID) {
            return W.model.states.getObjectById(this.getStateID(primaryStreetID)).attributes.name;

        this.getStateID = function (primaryStreetID) {
            return W.model.cities.getObjectById(this.getCityID(primaryStreetID)).attributes.stateID;

        this.getCountryID = function (primaryStreetID) {
            return W.model.cities.getObjectById(this.getCityID(primaryStreetID)).attributes.CountryID;

        this.getCountryName = function (primaryStreetID) {
            return W.model.countries.getObjectById(this.getCountryID(primaryStreetID)).name;

        this.getCityNameFromSegmentObj = function (segObj) {
            return this.getCityName(segObj.attributes.primaryStreetID);

        this.getStateNameFromSegmentObj = function (segObj) {
            return this.getStateName(segObj.attributes.primaryStreetID);

		 * Returns an array of segment IDs for all segments that make up the roundabout the given segment is part of
		 * @function WazeWrap.Model.getAllRoundaboutSegmentsFromObj
		 * @param {Segment object (Waze/Feature/Vector/Segment)} The roundabout segment
        this.getAllRoundaboutSegmentsFromObj = function (segObj) {
            if (segObj.model.attributes.junctionID === null)
                return null;

            return W.model.junctions.objects[segObj.model.attributes.junctionID].attributes.segIDs;

		 * Returns an array of all junction nodes that make up the roundabout
		 * @function WazeWrap.Model.getAllRoundaboutJunctionNodesFromObj
		 * @param {Segment object (Waze/Feature/Vector/Segment)} The roundabout segment
        this.getAllRoundaboutJunctionNodesFromObj = function (segObj) {
            let RASegs = this.getAllRoundaboutSegmentsFromObj(segObj);
            let RAJunctionNodes = [];
            for (i = 0; i < RASegs.length; i++)

            return RAJunctionNodes;

		 * Checks if the given segment ID is a part of a roundabout
		 * @function WazeWrap.Model.isRoundaboutSegmentID
		 * @param {integer} The segment ID to check
        this.isRoundaboutSegmentID = function (segmentID) {
            return W.model.segments.getObjectById(segmentID).attributes.junctionID !== null

		 * Checks if the given segment object is a part of a roundabout
		 * @function WazeWrap.Model.isRoundaboutSegmentID
		 * @param {Segment object (Waze/Feature/Vector/Segment)} The segment object to check
        this.isRoundaboutSegmentObj = function (segObj) {
            return segObj.model.attributes.junctionID !== null;

		 * Returns an array of all segments in the current extent
		 * @function WazeWrap.Model.getOnscreenSegments
        this.getOnscreenSegments = function () {
            let segments = W.model.segments.objects;
            let mapExtent = W.map.getExtent();
            let onScreenSegments = [];
            let seg;

            for (var s in segments) {
                if (!segments.hasOwnProperty(s))

                seg = W.model.segments.getObjectById(s);
                if (mapExtent.intersectsBounds(seg.geometry.getBounds()))
            return onScreenSegments;

         * Defers execution of a callback function until the WME map and data
         * model are ready. Call this function before calling a function that
         * causes a map and model reload, such as W.map.moveTo(). After the
         * move is completed the callback function will be executed.
         * @function WazeWrap.Model.onModelReady
         * @param {Function} callback The callback function to be executed.
         * @param {Boolean} now Whether or not to call the callback now if the
         * model is currently ready.
         * @param {Object} context The context in which to call the callback.
        this.onModelReady = function (callback, now, context) {
            var deferModelReady = function () {
                return $.Deferred(function (dfd) {
                    var resolve = function () {
                        W.model.events.unregister('mergeend', null, resolve);
                    W.model.events.register('mergeend', null, resolve);
            var deferMapReady = function () {
                return $.Deferred(function (dfd) {
                    var resolve = function () {
                        W.vent.off('operationDone', resolve);
                    W.vent.on('operationDone', resolve);

            if (typeof callback === 'function') {
                context = context || callback;
                if (now && WazeWrap.Util.mapReady() && WazeWrap.Util.modelReady()) {
                } else {
                    $.when(deferMapReady() && deferModelReady()).
                        then(function () {

         * Retrives a route from the Waze Live Map.
         * @class
         * @name WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection
         * @param firstSegment The segment to use as the start of the route.
         * @param lastSegment The segment to use as the destination for the route.
         * @param {Array|Function} callback A function or array of funcitons to be
         * executed after the route
         * is retrieved. 'This' in the callback functions will refer to the
         * RouteSelection object.
         * @param {Object} options A hash of options for determining route. Valid
         * options are:
         * fastest: {Boolean} Whether or not the fastest route should be used.
         * Default is false, which selects the shortest route.
         * freeways: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid freeways. Default is false.
         * dirt: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid dirt roads. Default is false.
         * longtrails: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid long dirt roads. Default
         * is false.
         * uturns: {Boolean} Whether or not to allow U-turns. Default is true.
         * @return {WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection} The new RouteSelection object.
         * @example: // The following example will retrieve a route from the Live Map and select the segments in the route.
         * selection = W.selectionManager.selectedItems;
         * myRoute = new WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection(selection[0], selection[1], function(){this.selectRouteSegments();}, {fastest: true});
        this.RouteSelection = function (firstSegment, lastSegment, callback, options) {
            var i,
                start = this.getSegmentCenterLonLat(firstSegment),
                end = this.getSegmentCenterLonLat(lastSegment);
            this.options = {
                fastest: options && options.fastest || false,
                freeways: options && options.freeways || false,
                dirt: options && options.dirt || false,
                longtrails: options && options.longtrails || false,
                uturns: options && options.uturns || true
            this.requestData = {
                from: 'x:' + start.x + ' y:' + start.y + ' bd:true',
                to: 'x:' + end.x + ' y:' + end.y + ' bd:true',
                returnJSON: true,
                returnGeometries: true,
                returnInstructions: false,
                type: this.options.fastest ? 'HISTORIC_TIME' : 'DISTANCE',
                clientVersion: '4.0.0',
                timeout: 60000,
                nPaths: 3,
                options: this.setRequestOptions(this.options)
            this.callbacks = [];
            if (callback) {
                if (!(callback instanceof Array)) {
                    callback = [callback];
                for (i = 0, n = callback.length; i < n; i++) {
                    if ('function' === typeof callback[i]) {
            this.routeData = null;

        this.RouteSelection.prototype =
            /** @lends WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection.prototype */ {

                 * Formats the routing options string for the ajax request.
                 * @private
                 * @param {Object} options Object containing the routing options.
                 * @return {String} String containing routing options.
                setRequestOptions: function (options) {
                    return 'AVOID_TOLL_ROADS:' + (options.tolls ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
                        'AVOID_PRIMARIES:' + (options.freeways ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
                        'AVOID_TRAILS:' + (options.dirt ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
                        'AVOID_LONG_TRAILS:' + (options.longtrails ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
                        'ALLOW_UTURNS:' + (options.uturns ? 't' : 'f');

                 * Gets the center of a segment in LonLat form.
                 * @private
                 * @param segment A Waze model segment object.
                 * @return {OL.LonLat} The LonLat object corresponding to the
                 * center of the segment.
                getSegmentCenterLonLat: function (segment) {
                    var x, y, componentsLength, midPoint;
                    if (segment) {
                        componentsLength = segment.geometry.components.length;
                        midPoint = Math.floor(componentsLength / 2);
                        if (componentsLength % 2 === 1) {
                            x = segment.geometry.components[midPoint].x;
                            y = segment.geometry.components[midPoint].y;
                        } else {
                            x = (segment.geometry.components[midPoint - 1].x +
                                segment.geometry.components[midPoint].x) / 2;
                            y = (segment.geometry.components[midPoint - 1].y +
                                segment.geometry.components[midPoint].y) / 2;
                        return new OL.Geometry.Point(x, y).
                            transform(W.map.getProjectionObject(), 'EPSG:4326');


                 * Gets the route from Live Map and executes any callbacks upon success.
                 * @private
                 * @returns The ajax request object. The responseJSON property of the
                 * returned object
                 * contains the route information.
                getRouteData: function () {
                    var i,
                        that = this;
                    return $.ajax({
                        dataType: 'json',
                        url: this.getURL(),
                        data: this.requestData,
                        dataFilter: function (data, dataType) {
                            return data.replace(/NaN/g, '0');
                        success: function (data) {
                            that.routeData = data;
                            for (i = 0, n = that.callbacks.length; i < n; i++) {

                 * Extracts the IDs from all segments on the route.
                 * @private
                 * @return {Array} Array containing an array of segment IDs for
                 * each route alternative.
                getRouteSegmentIDs: function () {
                    var i, j, route, len1, len2, segIDs = [],
                        routeArray = [],
                        data = this.routeData;
                    if ('undefined' !== typeof data.alternatives) {
                        for (i = 0, len1 = data.alternatives.length; i < len1; i++) {
                            route = data.alternatives[i].response.results;
                            for (j = 0, len2 = route.length; j < len2; j++) {
                            routeArray = [];
                    } else {
                        route = data.response.results;
                        for (i = 0, len1 = route.length; i < len1; i++) {
                    return segIDs;

                 * Gets the URL to use for the ajax request based on country.
                 * @private
                 * @return {String} Relative URl to use for route ajax request.
                getURL: function () {
                    if (W.model.countries.getObjectById(235) || W.model.countries.getObjectById(40)) {
                        return '/RoutingManager/routingRequest';
                    } else if (W.model.countries.getObjectById(106)) {
                        return '/il-RoutingManager/routingRequest';
                    } else {
                        return '/row-RoutingManager/routingRequest';

                 * Selects all segments on the route in the editor.
                 * @param {Integer} routeIndex The index of the alternate route.
                 * Default route to use is the first one, which is 0.
                selectRouteSegments: function (routeIndex) {
                    var i, n, seg,
                        segIDs = this.getRouteSegmentIDs()[Math.floor(routeIndex) || 0],
                        segments = [];
                    if ('undefined' === typeof segIDs) {
                    for (i = 0, n = segIDs.length; i < n; i++) {
                        seg = W.model.segments.getObjectById(segIDs[i]);
                        if ('undefined' !== seg) {
                    return WazeWrap.selectFeatures(segments);

    function User() {
		 * Returns the "normalized" (1 based) user rank/level
        this.Rank = function () {
            return W.loginManager.user.normalizedLevel;

		 * Returns the current user's username
        this.Username = function () {
            return W.loginManager.user.userName;

		 * Returns if the user is a CM (in any country)
        this.isCM = function () {
            return W.loginManager.user.editableCountryIDs.length > 0

		 * Returns if the user is an Area Manager (in any country)
        this.isAM = function () {
            return W.loginManager.user.isAreaManager;

    function Require() {
        this.DragElement = function () {
            var myDragElement = OL.Class({
                started: !1,
                stopDown: !0,
                dragging: !1,
                touch: !1,
                last: null,
                start: null,
                lastMoveEvt: null,
                oldOnselectstart: null,
                interval: 0,
                timeoutId: null,
                forced: !1,
                active: !1,
                initialize: function (e) {
                    this.map = e,
                        this.uniqueID = myDragElement.baseID--
                callback: function (e, t) {
                    if (this[e])
                        return this[e].apply(this, t)
                dragstart: function (e) {
                    e.xy = new OL.Pixel(e.clientX - this.map.viewPortDiv.offsets[0], e.clientY - this.map.viewPortDiv.offsets[1]);
                    var t = !0;
                    return this.dragging = !1,
                        (OL.Event.isLeftClick(e) || OL.Event.isSingleTouch(e)) && (this.started = !0,
                            this.start = e.xy,
                            this.last = e.xy,
                            OL.Element.addClass(this.map.viewPortDiv, "olDragDown"),
                            this.callback("down", [e.xy]),
                            this.oldOnselectstart || (this.oldOnselectstart = document.onselectstart ? document.onselectstart : OL.Function.True),
                            document.onselectstart = OL.Function.False,
                            t = !this.stopDown),
                forceStart: function () {
                    var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];
                    return this.started = !0,
                        this.endOnMouseUp = e,
                        this.forced = !0,
                        this.last = {
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0
                forceEnd: function () {
                    if (this.forced)
                        return this.endDrag()
                dragmove: function (e) {
                    return this.map.viewPortDiv.offsets && (e.xy = new OL.Pixel(e.clientX - this.map.viewPortDiv.offsets[0], e.clientY - this.map.viewPortDiv.offsets[1])),
                        this.lastMoveEvt = e,
                        !this.started || this.timeoutId || e.xy.x === this.last.x && e.xy.y === this.last.y || (this.interval > 0 && (this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(OL.Function.bind(this.removeTimeout, this), this.interval)),
                            this.dragging = !0,
                            this.oldOnselectstart || (this.oldOnselectstart = document.onselectstart,
                                document.onselectstart = OL.Function.False),
                            this.last = e.xy),
                dragend: function (e) {
                    if (e.xy = new OL.Pixel(e.clientX - this.map.viewPortDiv.offsets[0], e.clientY - this.map.viewPortDiv.offsets[1]),
                        this.started) {
                        var t = this.start !== this.last;
                            this.callback("up", [e.xy]),
                            t && this.callback("done", [e.xy])
                    return !0
                endDrag: function () {
                    this.started = !1,
                        this.dragging = !1,
                        this.forced = !1,
                        OL.Element.removeClass(this.map.viewPortDiv, "olDragDown"),
                        document.onselectstart = this.oldOnselectstart
                down: function (e) { },
                move: function (e) { },
                up: function (e) { },
                out: function (e) { },
                mousedown: function (e) {
                    return this.dragstart(e)
                touchstart: function (e) {
                    return this.touch || (this.touch = !0,
                            mousedown: this.mousedown,
                            mouseup: this.mouseup,
                            mousemove: this.mousemove,
                            click: this.click,
                            scope: this
                mousemove: function (e) {
                    return this.dragmove(e)
                touchmove: function (e) {
                    return this.dragmove(e)
                removeTimeout: function () {
                    if (this.timeoutId = null,
                        return this.mousemove(this.lastMoveEvt)
                mouseup: function (e) {
                    if (!this.forced || this.endOnMouseUp)
                        return this.started ? this.dragend(e) : void 0
                touchend: function (e) {
                    if (e.xy = this.last,
                        return this.dragend(e)
                click: function (e) {
                    return this.start === this.last
                activate: function (e) {
                    this.$el = e,
                        this.active = !0;
                    var t = $(this.map.viewPortDiv);
                    return this.$el.on("mousedown.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.mousedown, this)),
                        this.$el.on("touchstart.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.touchstart, this)),
                        t.on("mouseup.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.mouseup, this)),
                        t.on("mousemove.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.mousemove, this)),
                        t.on("touchmove.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.touchmove, this)),
                        t.on("touchend.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.touchend, this))
                deactivate: function () {
                    return this.active = !1,
                        this.$el.off(".drag-" + this.uniqueID),
                        $(this.map.viewPortDiv).off(".drag-" + this.uniqueID),
                        this.touch = !1,
                        this.started = !1,
                        this.forced = !1,
                        this.dragging = !1,
                        this.start = null,
                        this.last = null,
                        OL.Element.removeClass(this.map.viewPortDiv, "olDragDown")
                adjustXY: function (e) {
                    var t = OL.Util.pagePosition(this.map.viewPortDiv);
                    return e.xy.x -= t[0],
                        e.xy.y -= t[1]
                CLASS_NAME: "W.Handler.DragElement"
            myDragElement.baseID = 0;
            return myDragElement;

        this.DivIcon = OL.Class({
            className: null,
            $div: null,
            events: null,
            initialize: function (e, t) {
                this.className = e,
                    this.moveWithTransform = !!t,
                    this.$div = $("<div />").addClass(e),
                    this.div = this.$div.get(0),
                    this.imageDiv = this.$div.get(0);
            destroy: function () {
                    this.$div = null;
            clone: function () {
                return new i(this.className);
            draw: function (e) {
                return this.moveWithTransform ? (this.$div.css({
                    transform: "translate(" + e.x + "px, " + e.y + "px)"
                        position: "absolute"
                    })) : this.$div.css({
                        position: "absolute",
                        left: e.x,
                        top: e.y
            moveTo: function (e) {
                null !== e && (this.px = e),
                    null === this.px ? this.display(!1) : this.moveWithTransform ? this.$div.css({
                        transform: "translate(" + this.px.x + "px, " + this.px.y + "px)"
                    }) : this.$div.css({
                        left: this.px.x,
                        top: this.px.y
            erase: function () {
            display: function (e) {
            isDrawn: function () {
                return !!this.$div.parent().length;
            bringToFront: function () {
                if (this.isDrawn()) {
                    var e = this.$div.parent();
            forceReflow: function () {
                return this.$div.get(0).offsetWidth;
            CLASS_NAME: "W.DivIcon"

    function Util() {
         * Function to defer function execution until an element is present on
         * the page.
         * @function WazeWrap.Util.waitForElement
         * @param {String} selector The CSS selector string or a jQuery object
         * to find before executing the callback.
         * @param {Function} callback The function to call when the page
         * element is detected.
         * @param {Object} [context] The context in which to call the callback.
        this.waitForElement = function (selector, callback, context) {
            let jqObj;
            if (!selector || typeof callback !== 'function')

            jqObj = typeof selector === 'string' ?
                $(selector) : selector instanceof $ ? selector : null;

            if (!jqObj.size()) {
                window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
                    WazeWrap.Util.waitForElement(selector, callback, context);
            } else
                callback.call(context || callback);

         * Function to track the ready state of the map.
         * @function WazeWrap.Util.mapReady
         * @return {Boolean} Whether or not a map operation is pending or
         * undefined if the function has not yet seen a map ready event fired.
        this.mapReady = function () {
            var mapReady = true;
            W.vent.on('operationPending', function () {
                mapReady = false;
            W.vent.on('operationDone', function () {
                mapReady = true;
            return function () {
                return mapReady;

         * Function to track the ready state of the model.
         * @function WazeWrap.Util.modelReady
         * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the model has loaded objects or
         * undefined if the function has not yet seen a model ready event fired.
        this.modelReady = function () {
            var modelReady = true;
            W.model.events.register('mergestart', null, function () {
                modelReady = false;
            W.model.events.register('mergeend', null, function () {
                modelReady = true;
            return function () {
                return modelReady;

		 * Returns orthogonalized geometry for the given geometry and threshold
		 * @function WazeWrap.Util.OrthogonalizeGeometry
		 * @param {OL.Geometry} The OL.Geometry to orthogonalize
		 * @param {integer} threshold to use for orthogonalization - the higher the threshold, the more nodes that will be removed
		 * @return {OL.Geometry } Orthogonalized geometry
        this.OrthogonalizeGeometry = function (geometry, threshold = 12) {
            let nomthreshold = threshold, // degrees within right or straight to alter
                lowerThreshold = Math.cos((90 - nomthreshold) * Math.PI / 180),
                upperThreshold = Math.cos(nomthreshold * Math.PI / 180);

            function Orthogonalize() {
                var nodes = geometry,
                    points = nodes.slice(0, -1).map(function (n) {
                        let p = n.clone().transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"));
                        p.y = lat2latp(p.y);
                        return p;
                    corner = { i: 0, dotp: 1 },
                    epsilon = 1e-4,
                    i, j, score, motions;

                // Triangle
                if (nodes.length === 4) {
                    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                        motions = points.map(calcMotion);

                        var tmp = addPoints(points[corner.i], motions[corner.i]);
                        points[corner.i].x = tmp.x;
                        points[corner.i].y = tmp.y;

                        score = corner.dotp;
                        if (score < epsilon)

                    var n = points[corner.i];
                    n.y = latp2lat(n.y);
                    let pp = n.transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"));

                    let id = nodes[corner.i].id;
                    for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                        if (nodes[i].id != id)

                        nodes[i].x = pp.x;
                        nodes[i].y = pp.y;

                    return nodes;
                } else {
                    var best,
                        originalPoints = nodes.slice(0, -1).map(function (n) {
                            let p = n.clone().transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"));
                            p.y = lat2latp(p.y);
                            return p;
                    score = Infinity;

                    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                        motions = points.map(calcMotion);
                        for (j = 0; j < motions.length; j++) {
                            let tmp = addPoints(points[j], motions[j]);
                            points[j].x = tmp.x;
                            points[j].y = tmp.y;
                        var newScore = squareness(points);
                        if (newScore < score) {
                            best = [].concat(points);
                            score = newScore;
                        if (score < epsilon)

                    points = best;

                    for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
                        // only move the points that actually moved
                        if (originalPoints[i].x !== points[i].x || originalPoints[i].y !== points[i].y) {
                            let n = points[i];
                            n.y = latp2lat(n.y);
                            let pp = n.transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"));

                            let id = nodes[i].id;
                            for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
                                if (nodes[j].id != id)

                                nodes[j].x = pp.x;
                                nodes[j].y = pp.y;

                    // remove empty nodes on straight sections
                    for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
                        let dotp = normalizedDotProduct(i, points);
                        if (dotp < -1 + epsilon) {
                            id = nodes[i].id;
                            for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
                                if (nodes[j].id != id)

                                nodes[j] = false;

                    return nodes.filter(item => item !== false);

                function calcMotion(b, i, array) {
                    let a = array[(i - 1 + array.length) % array.length],
                        c = array[(i + 1) % array.length],
                        p = subtractPoints(a, b),
                        q = subtractPoints(c, b),
                        scale, dotp;

                    scale = 2 * Math.min(euclideanDistance(p, { x: 0, y: 0 }), euclideanDistance(q, { x: 0, y: 0 }));
                    p = normalizePoint(p, 1.0);
                    q = normalizePoint(q, 1.0);

                    dotp = filterDotProduct(p.x * q.x + p.y * q.y);

                    // nasty hack to deal with almost-straight segments (angle is closer to 180 than to 90/270).
                    if (array.length > 3) {
                        if (dotp < -0.707106781186547)
                            dotp += 1.0;
                    } else if (dotp && Math.abs(dotp) < corner.dotp) {
                        corner.i = i;
                        corner.dotp = Math.abs(dotp);

                    return normalizePoint(addPoints(p, q), 0.1 * dotp * scale);

            function lat2latp(lat) {
                return 180 / Math.PI * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + lat * (Math.PI / 180) / 2));

            function latp2lat(a) {
                return 180 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(a * Math.PI / 180)) - Math.PI / 2);

            function squareness(points) {
                return points.reduce(function (sum, val, i, array) {
                    let dotp = normalizedDotProduct(i, array);

                    dotp = filterDotProduct(dotp);
                    return sum + 2.0 * Math.min(Math.abs(dotp - 1.0), Math.min(Math.abs(dotp), Math.abs(dotp + 1)));
                }, 0);

            function normalizedDotProduct(i, points) {
                let a = points[(i - 1 + points.length) % points.length],
                    b = points[i],
                    c = points[(i + 1) % points.length],
                    p = subtractPoints(a, b),
                    q = subtractPoints(c, b);

                p = normalizePoint(p, 1.0);
                q = normalizePoint(q, 1.0);

                return p.x * q.x + p.y * q.y;

            function subtractPoints(a, b) {
                return { x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y };

            function addPoints(a, b) {
                return { x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y };

            function euclideanDistance(a, b) {
                let x = a.x - b.x, y = a.y - b.y;
                return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));

            function normalizePoint(point, scale) {
                let vector = { x: 0, y: 0 };
                let length = Math.sqrt(point.x * point.x + point.y * point.y);
                if (length !== 0) {
                    vector.x = point.x / length;
                    vector.y = point.y / length;

                vector.x *= scale;
                vector.y *= scale;

                return vector;

            function filterDotProduct(dotp) {
                if (lowerThreshold > Math.abs(dotp) || Math.abs(dotp) > upperThreshold)
                    return dotp;

                return 0;

            this.isDisabled = function (nodes) {
                let points = nodes.slice(0, -1).map(function (n) {
                    let p = n.toLonLat().transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"));
                    return { x: p.lat, y: p.lon };

                return squareness(points);

            return Orthogonalize();

		 * Returns the general location of the segment queried
		 * @function WazeWrap.Util.findSegment
		 * @param {OL.Geometry} The server to search on. The current server can be obtained from W.app.getAppRegionCode()
		 * @param {integer} The segment ID to search for
		 * @return {OL.Geometry.Point} A point at the general location of the segment, null if the segment is not found
        this.findSegment = async function (server, segmentID) {
            let apiURL = location.origin;
            switch (server) {
                case 'row':
                    apiURL += '/row-Descartes/app/HouseNumbers?ids=';
                case 'il':
                    apiURL += '/il-Descartes/app/HouseNumbers?ids=';
                case 'usa':
                    apiURL += '/Descartes/app/HouseNumbers?ids=';
            let response, result = null;
            try {
                response = await $.get(`${apiURL + segmentID}`);
                if (response && response.editAreas.objects.length > 0) {
                    let segGeoArea = response.editAreas.objects[0].geometry.coordinates[0];
                    let ringGeo = [];
                    for (let i = 0; i < segGeoArea.length - 1; i++)
                        ringGeo.push(new OL.Geometry.Point(segGeoArea[i][0], segGeoArea[i][1]));
                    if (ringGeo.length > 0) {
                        let ring = new OL.Geometry.LinearRing(ringGeo);
                        result = ring.getCentroid();
            catch (err) {

            return result;

		 * Returns the location of the venue queried
		 * @function WazeWrap.Util.findVenue
		 * @param {OL.Geometry} The server to search on. The current server can be obtained from W.app.getAppRegionCode()
		 * @param {integer} The venue ID to search for
		 * @return {OL.Geometry.Point} A point at the location of the venue, null if the venue is not found
        this.findVenue = async function (server, venueID) {
            let apiURL = location.origin;
            switch (server) {
                case 'row':
                    apiURL += '/row-SearchServer/mozi?max_distance_kms=&lon=-84.22637&lat=39.61097&format=PROTO_JSON_FULL&venue_id=';
                case 'il':
                    apiURL += '/il-SearchServer/mozi?max_distance_kms=&lon=-84.22637&lat=39.61097&format=PROTO_JSON_FULL&venue_id=';
                case 'usa':
                    apiURL += '/SearchServer/mozi?max_distance_kms=&lon=-84.22637&lat=39.61097&format=PROTO_JSON_FULL&venue_id=';
            let response, result = null;
            try {
                response = await $.get(`${apiURL + venueID}`);
                if (response && response.venue) {
                    result = new OL.Geometry.Point(response.venue.location.x, response.venue.location.y);
            catch (err) {

            return result;

    function Events() {
        const eventMap = {
            'moveend': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'zoomend': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'mousemove': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'mouseup': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'mousedown': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'changelayer': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.map.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'selectionchanged': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.selectionManager.events.register(p1, p2, p3) }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.selectionManager.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3) } },
            'afterundoaction': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.model.actionManager.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.model.actionManager.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'afterclearactions': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.model.actionManager.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.model.actionManager.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'afteraction': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.model.actionManager.events.register(p1, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) { W.model.actionManager.events.unregister(p1, p2, p3); } },
            'change:editingHouseNumbers': { register: function (p1, p2) { W.editingMediator.on(p1, p2); }, unregister: function (p1, p2) { W.editingMediator.off(p1, p2); } },
            'change:mode': { register: function (p1, p2) { W.app.bind(p1, p2); }, unregister: function (p1, p2) { W.app.unbind(p1, p2); } },
            'change:isImperial': { register: function (p1, p2) { W.prefs.on(p1, p2); }, unregister: function (p1, p2) { W.prefs.off(p1, p2); } }

        var eventHandlerList = {};

        this.register = function (event, context, handler, errorHandler) {
            if (typeof eventHandlerList[event] == "undefined")
                eventHandlerList[event] = [];

            let newHandler = function () {
                try {
                catch (err) {
                    console.error(`Error thrown in: ${handler.name}\n ${err}`);
                    if (errorHandler)

            eventHandlerList[event].push({ origFunc: handler, newFunc: newHandler });
            if (event === 'change:editingHouseNumbers' || event === 'change:mode' || event === 'change:isImperial')
                eventMap[event].register(event, newHandler);
                eventMap[event].register(event, context, newHandler);

        this.unregister = function (event, context, handler) {
            let unregHandler;
            if (eventHandlerList && eventHandlerList[event]) { //Must check in case a script is trying to unregister before registering an eventhandler and one has not yet been created
                for (let i = 0; i < eventHandlerList[event].length; i++) {
                    if (eventHandlerList[event][i].origFunc.toString() == handler.toString())
                        unregHandler = eventHandlerList[event][i].newFunc;
                if (typeof unregHandler != "undefined") {
                    if (event === 'change:editingHouseNumbers' || event === 'change:mode' || event === 'change:isImperial')
                        eventMap[event].unregister(event, unregHandler);
                        eventMap[event].unregister(event, context, unregHandler);


    function Interface() {
         * Generates id for message bars.
         * @private
        var getNextID = function () {
            let id = 1;
            return function () {
                return id++;

		 * Creates a keyboard shortcut for the supplied callback event
		 * @function WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {function} 
		 * @param {object} 
		 * @param {integer} The segment ID to search for
		 * @return {OL.Geometry.Point} A point at the general location of the segment, null if the segment is not found
        this.Shortcut = class Shortcut {
            constructor(name, desc, group, title, shortcut, callback, scope) {
                if ('string' === typeof name && name.length > 0 && 'string' === typeof shortcut && 'function' === typeof callback) {
                    this.name = name;
                    this.desc = desc;
                    this.group = group || this.defaults.group;
                    this.title = title;
                    this.callback = callback;
                    this.shortcut = {};
                    if (shortcut.length > 0)
                        this.shortcut[shortcut] = name;
                    if ('object' !== typeof scope)
                        this.scope = null;
                        this.scope = scope;
                    this.groupExists = false;
                    this.actionExists = false;
                    this.eventExists = false;
                    this.defaults = { group: 'default' };

                    return this;

		* Determines if the shortcut's action already exists.
		* @private
            doesGroupExist() {
                this.groupExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.Groups[this.group] &&
                    undefined !== typeof W.accelerators.Groups[this.group].members;
                return this.groupExists;

		* Determines if the shortcut's action already exists.
		* @private
            doesActionExist() {
                this.actionExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.Actions[this.name];
                return this.actionExists;

		* Determines if the shortcut's event already exists.
		* @private
            doesEventExist() {
                this.eventExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name] &&
                    W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name].length > 0 &&
                    this.callback === W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name][0].func &&
                    this.scope === W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name][0].obj;
                return this.eventExists;

		* Creates the shortcut's group.
		* @private
            createGroup() {
                W.accelerators.Groups[this.group] = [];
                W.accelerators.Groups[this.group].members = [];

                if (this.title && !I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[this.group]) {
                    I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[this.group] = [];
                    I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[this.group].description = this.title;
                    I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[this.group].members = [];

		* Registers the shortcut's action.
		* @private
            addAction() {
                if (this.title)
                    I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[this.group].members[this.name] = this.desc;
                W.accelerators.addAction(this.name, { group: this.group });

		* Registers the shortcut's event.
		* @private
            addEvent() {
                W.accelerators.events.register(this.name, this.scope, this.callback);

		* Registers the shortcut's keyboard shortcut.
		* @private
            registerShortcut() {

		* Adds the keyboard shortcut to the map.
		* @return {WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
            add() {
                /* If the group is not already defined, initialize the group. */
                if (!this.doesGroupExist()) {

                /* Clear existing actions with same name */
                if (this.doesActionExist()) {
                    W.accelerators.Actions[this.name] = null;

                /* Register event only if it's not already registered */
                if (!this.doesEventExist()) {

                /* Finally, register the shortcut. */
                return this;

		* Removes the keyboard shortcut from the map.
		* @return {WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
            remove() {
                if (this.doesEventExist()) {
                    W.accelerators.events.unregister(this.name, this.scope, this.callback);
                if (this.doesActionExist()) {
                    delete W.accelerators.Actions[this.name];
                //remove shortcut?
                return this;

		* Changes the keyboard shortcut and applies changes to the map.
		* @return {WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
            change(shortcut) {
                if (shortcut) {
                    this.shortcut = {};
                    this.shortcut[shortcut] = this.name;
                return this;

		 * Creates a tab in the side panel
		 * @function WazeWrap.Interface.Tab
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {function} 
		 * @param {object} 
        this.Tab = class Tab {
            constructor(name, content, callback, context) {
                this.TAB_SELECTOR = '#user-tabs ul.nav-tabs';
                this.CONTENT_SELECTOR = '#user-info div.tab-content';
                this.callback = null;
                this.$content = null;
                this.context = null;
                this.$tab = null;

                let idName, i = 0;

                if (name && 'string' === typeof name &&
                    content && 'string' === typeof content) {
                    if (callback && 'function' === typeof callback) {
                        this.callback = callback;
                        this.context = context || callback;
                    /* Sanitize name for html id attribute */
                    idName = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z-_]/g, '');
                    /* Make sure id will be unique on page */
                    while (
                        $('#sidepanel-' + (i ? idName + i : idName)).length > 0) {
                    if (i)
                        idName = idName + i;
                    /* Create tab and content */
                    this.$tab = $('<li/>')
                                'href': '#sidepanel-' + idName,
                                'data-toggle': 'tab',
                    this.$content = $('<div/>')
                        .attr('id', 'sidepanel-' + idName)

                    let that = this;
                    if (W.prefs) {
                        W.prefs.on('change:isImperial', function () { that.appendTab(); });
                    W.app.modeController.model.bind('change:mode', function () { that.appendTab(); });

            append(content) {

            appendTab() {
                if (W.app.attributes.mode === 0) { /*Only in default mode */
                        this.TAB_SELECTOR + ',' + this.CONTENT_SELECTOR,
                        function () {
                            if (this.callback) {
                        }, this);

            clearContent() {

            destroy() {

		 * Creates a checkbox in the layer menu
		 * @function WazeWrap.Interface.AddLayerCheckbox
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {boolean} 
		 * @param {function} 
		 * @param {object} 
		 * @param {Layer object}
        this.AddLayerCheckbox = function (group, checkboxText, checked, callback, layer) {
            group = group.toLowerCase();
            let normalizedText = checkboxText.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '_');
            let checkboxID = "layer-switcher-item_" + normalizedText;
            let groupPrefix = 'layer-switcher-group_';
            let groupClass = groupPrefix + group.toLowerCase();
            sessionStorage[normalizedText] = checked;

            let CreateParentGroup = function (groupChecked) {
                let groupList = $('.layer-switcher').find('.list-unstyled.togglers');
                let checkboxText = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.substr(1);
                let newLI = $('<li class="group">');
                    '<div class="layer-switcher-toggler-tree-category">',
					'<i class="toggle-category w-icon-caret-down" data-group-id="GROUP_' + group.toUpperCase() + '"></i>',
					'<span class="wz-toggle-switch">',
					'<label class="wz-switch">',
                    '<input class="' + groupClass + ' toggleSwitch" id="' + groupClass + '" type="checkbox" ' + (groupChecked ? 'checked' : '') + '>',
					'<span class="wz-slider"></span>',
					'<label class="label-text" for="' + groupClass + '">' + group + '</label>',
					'<ul class="collapsible-GROUP_' + group.toUpperCase() + '">',
                    '<div class="wz-checkbox">',
                    '<input type="checkbox" id="' + checkboxID + '"  class="' + checkboxID + ' toggle">',
                    '<label for="' + checkboxID + '">' + checkboxText + '</label>',
                ].join(' '));

                $('#' + groupClass).change(function () { sessionStorage[groupClass] = this.checked; });

            if (group !== "issues" && group !== "places" && group !== "road" && group !== "display") //"non-standard" group, check its existence
                if ($('.' + groupClass).length === 0) { //Group doesn't exist yet, create it
                    let isParentChecked = (typeof sessionStorage[groupClass] == "undefined" ? true : sessionStorage[groupClass] == 'true');
                    CreateParentGroup(isParentChecked);  //create the group
                    sessionStorage[groupClass] = isParentChecked;

                    W.app.modeController.model.bind('change:mode', function (model, modeId, context) { //make it reappear after changing modes
                        CreateParentGroup((sessionStorage[groupClass] == 'true'));

            var buildLayerItem = function (isChecked) {
                let groupChildren = $(".collapsible-GROUP_" + group.toUpperCase());
                let $li = $('<li>');
                    '<div class="wz-checkbox">',
                    '<input type="checkbox" id="' + checkboxID + '"  class="' + checkboxID + ' toggle">',
                    '<label for="' + checkboxID + '">' + checkboxText + '</label>',
                ].join(' '));

                $('#' + checkboxID).prop('checked', isChecked);
                $('#' + checkboxID).change(function () { callback(this.checked); sessionStorage[normalizedText] = this.checked; });
                if (!$('#' + groupClass).is(':checked')) {
                    $('#' + checkboxID).prop('disabled', true);
                    if (typeof layer === 'undefined')
                    else {
                        if ($.isArray(layer))
                            $.each(layer, (k, v) => { v.setVisibility(false); });

                $('#' + groupClass).change(function () {
                    $('#' + checkboxID).prop('disabled', !this.checked);
                    if (typeof layer === 'undefined')
                        callback(!this.checked ? false : sessionStorage[normalizedText] == 'true');
                    else {
                        if ($.isArray(layer))
                            $.each(layer, (k, v) => { v.setVisibility(this.checked); });

            W.app.modeController.model.bind('change:mode', function (model, modeId, context) {
                buildLayerItem((sessionStorage[normalizedText] == 'true'));

		 * Shows the script update window with the given update text
		 * @function WazeWrap.Interface.ShowScriptUpdate
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
		 * @param {string} 
        this.ShowScriptUpdate = function (scriptName, version, updateHTML, greasyforkLink = "", forumLink = "") {
            let settings;
            function loadSettings() {
                var loadedSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("WWScriptUpdate"));
                var defaultSettings = {
                    ScriptUpdateHistory: {},
                settings = loadedSettings ? loadedSettings : defaultSettings;
                for (var prop in defaultSettings) {
                    if (!settings.hasOwnProperty(prop))
                        settings[prop] = defaultSettings[prop];

            function saveSettings() {
                if (localStorage) {
                    var localsettings = {
                        ScriptUpdateHistory: settings.ScriptUpdateHistory,

                    localStorage.setItem("WWScriptUpdate", JSON.stringify(localsettings));


            if ((updateHTML && updateHTML.length > 0) && (typeof settings.ScriptUpdateHistory[scriptName] === "undefined" || settings.ScriptUpdateHistory[scriptName] != version)) {
                let currCount = $('.WWSU-script-item').length;
                let divID = (scriptName + ("" + version)).toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z-_0-9]/g, '');
                $('#WWSU-script-list').append(`<a href="#${divID}" class="WWSU-script-item ${currCount === 0 ? 'WWSU-active' : ''}">${scriptName}</a>`); //add the script's tab
                $("#WWSU-updateCount").html(parseInt($("#WWSU-updateCount").html()) + 1); //increment the total script updates value
                let install = "", forum = "";
                if (greasyforkLink != "")
                    install = `<a href="${greasyforkLink}" target="_blank">Greasyfork</a>`;
                if (forumLink != "")
                    forum = `<a href="${forumLink}" target="_blank">Forum</a>`;
                let footer = "";
                if (forumLink != "" || greasyforkLink != "") {
                    footer = `<span class="WWSUFooter" style="margin-bottom:2px; display:block;">${install}${(greasyforkLink != "" && forumLink != "") ? " | " : ""}${forum}</span>`;
                $('#WWSU-script-update-info').append(`<div id="${divID}"><span><h3>${version}</h3><br>${updateHTML}</span>${footer}</div>`);
                if (currCount === 0)
                settings.ScriptUpdateHistory[scriptName] = version;

    function Alerts() {
        this.success = function (scriptName, message) {
            $(wazedevtoastr.success(message, scriptName)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();

        this.info = function (scriptName, message, disableTimeout, disableClickToClose) {
            let options = {};
            if (disableTimeout)
                options.timeOut = 0;
            if (disableClickToClose)
                options.tapToDismiss = false;
            $(wazedevtoastr.info(message, scriptName, options)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();

        this.warning = function (scriptName, message) {
            $(wazedevtoastr.warning(message, scriptName)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();

        this.error = function (scriptName, message) {
            $(wazedevtoastr.error(message, scriptName)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();

        this.debug = function (scriptName, message) {
            wazedevtoastr.debug(message, scriptName);

        this.prompt = function (scriptName, message, defaultText = '', okFunction, cancelFunction) {
            wazedevtoastr.prompt(message, scriptName, { promptOK: okFunction, promptCancel: cancelFunction, PromptDefaultInput: defaultText });

        this.confirm = function (scriptName, message, okFunction, cancelFunction, okBtnText = "Ok", cancelBtnText = "Cancel") {
            wazedevtoastr.confirm(message, scriptName, { confirmOK: okFunction, confirmCancel: cancelFunction, ConfirmOkButtonText: okBtnText, ConfirmCancelButtonText: cancelBtnText });
	function Remote(){
		function sendPOST(scriptName, scriptSettings){
		    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
			var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
			xhr.open("POST", "https://wazedev.com:8443", true);
			xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
			xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
			      if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
				      if (xhr.status === 200)
			    userID: W.loginManager.user.id.toString(),
			    pin: wwSettings.editorPIN,
			    script: scriptName,
			    settings: scriptSettings

		this.SaveSettings = async function(scriptName, scriptSettings){
			if(wwSettings.editorPIN === ""){
				console.error("Editor PIN not set");
				return null;
			if(scriptName === ""){
				console.error("No script name provided");
				return null;
				return await sendPOST(scriptName, scriptSettings);
				/*let result = await $.ajax({
				    url: 'https://wazedev.com:8443', 
				    type: 'POST', 
				    contentType: 'application/json', 
				    data: JSON.stringify({
					    userID: W.loginManager.user.id,
					    pin: wwSettings.editorPIN,
					    script: scriptName,
					    settings: scriptSettings
				return result;*/
				return null;
		this.RetrieveSettings = async function(script){
			if(wwSettings.editorPIN === ""){
				console.error("Editor PIN not set");
				return null;
			if(script === ""){
				console.error("No script name provided");
				return null;
				let response = await fetch(`https://wazedev.com/userID/${W.loginManager.user.id}/PIN/${wwSettings.editorPIN}/script/${script}`);
				response = await response.json();
				return response;
				return null;

    function String() {
        this.toTitleCase = function (str) {
            return str.replace(/(?:^|\s)\w/g, function (match) {
                return match.toUpperCase();