
A complete gallery conversion script featuring customization options and multiple viewing modes.

Tính đến 06-12-2020. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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UPDATE: The script doesn't seem to work any longer - I haven't found any further holes in ImageFap that could make this script work.
It could be done, but it would require a lot of work.

Ryan Thaut wrote an excellent little script to browse the porn site ImageFap. As far as I can tell it's not maintained and it stopped working a long time ago. I simply patched it to work again. I hope you can use it, and I hope Ryan approves :)

Looks like imagefap has patched the little hole that I used to load the images. The original script no longer works :(

I've temporarily patched the script, so that when you click a thumbnail, you're taken directly to the image. This also uses a hole in imagefap's setup, which I suspect will be closed as well in the future.