Iwara Animation Script

Animate Iwara video thumbnail when mouse over. to make iwara easier to see.

Tính đến 27-02-2020. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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Áp dụng cho

1.Makes the text on the thumbnail easier to see when loading the page.
2.Zoom thumbnails on mouse over.
3.Then animate the thumbnail.

About having problems:
1.Some videos cannot be switched because their thumbnails are 403.
2.It may take about 700ms to read an image and it may fail.
3.Since the size of the thumbnail image to be switched is different from the original size of the thumbnail, the size after execution is different from the original size.
4.If the switching time is too early, the image cannot be downloaded. Once cached, they can be displayed faster, but are not yet supported.