Sleazy Fork is available in English. Quick preview on homepage

Allows to Quick preview image collections on Homepage

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The disclaimer.
1. "QuickPreview" feature is available only on collections with a checkmark (if you don't see it just wait a moment it's connected with your connection speed)
2. "Download" feature is available only on collections with a checkmark (if you don't see it just wait a moment it's related with your connection speed)
3. "DownloadAll" feature is available only on collections with a checkmark (if you don't see it just wait a moment it's connected with your connection speed) otherwise you will get information
4. Quality of "QuickPreview" feature is set on "LQ" (low quality) it is related to the demand for internet speed which means that "LQ" (poor quality but faster response) and "HQ" (high quality but much slower response)