Romeo Additions

Allows to hide users, display their information on tiles, and enhances the Radar.

Tính đến 03-01-2023. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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Áp dụng cho
  • Display all or selected details on user tiles.
  • Display all visitors or visited profiles from longer than one day ago (feature from Djamana's excellent Poor Men's Plus).
  • View user profiles without leaving a visit.
  • Hide users you are not interested in or which exceed a given age range.
  • Prevent other users to see that you're typing a message.
  • Resize user tiles in the radar or visitor lists.
  • Increase the width of visitor lists if your monitor is large enough.

The script settings can be accessed through your PlanetRomeo user menu under "Settings" > "Romeo Additions".