Porn to torrent auto search

Add small buttons on many porn pages to search for the movie's title or performer on 3 torrent sites. Based on 'IMDB to RARBG Torrent Search' from nickpapoutsis.

Tác giả
Kinder Way
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2 0 0
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9 KB
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Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Áp dụng cho

I don't know why but the script only correctly works when opening a link with a new tab or after a reload if in the same tab.

This is my first Javascript code, so it is ROUGH.
I took 'IMDB to RARBG Torrent Search' from nickpapoutsis and made the most naive modifications.
Many thanks for the unintentional learning you provide me!
Just made it for my personal use and since there is nothing similar around here, I decided to share.
Probably I will add more sites and functionalities in the future, to match my needs.
Thank you for the interest!