Chaturbate Animate Thumbnail

Animated the thumbnail of a Chaturbate room on mouse hover

Tính đến 14-12-2021. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Chaturbate Animate Thumbnail
// @name:de         Chaturbate Miniaturansicht Animieren
// @name:fr         Vignette Animée Chaturbate
// @name:it         Miniatura Animata Chaturbate
// @author          iXXX94
// @namespace
// @icon  
// @description     Animated the thumbnail of a Chaturbate room on mouse hover
// @description:de  Animieren die miniaturansicht eines Chaturbate-raums beim maus über
// @description:fr  Anime le vignette d'une salle Chaturbate au survol de la souris
// @description:it  Animata la miniatura di una stanza Chaturbate al passaggio del mouse
// @copyright       2021, iXXX94 (
// @license         MIT
// @version         1.4.1
// @homepageURL
// @homepage
// @supportURL
// @require[email protected]/dist/index.min.js
// @require[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js
// @match           *://**
// @exclude-match   *://*
// @exclude-match   *://*
// @run-at          document-start
// @inject-into     page
// ==/UserScript==

/* global $, VM */

(() => {
  VM.observe(document.documentElement || document.body, () => {
    const rooms = $('#discover_root .room_list_room, #room_list .room_list_room, #broadcasters .room_list_room, .followedContainer .roomElement')

    if (rooms.length > 0) { // if rooms exists
      $('#room_list') // to be able to scale, on room list
        .css('display', 'inline-flex')
        .css('overflow', 'visible')
        .css('white-space', 'nowrap')
        .css('align-content', 'flex-start')
        .css('justify-content', 'flex-start')
        .css('align-items', 'flex-start')
        .css('position', 'relative')
        .css('left', '0')
        .css('flex-wrap', 'wrap')
      $('#room_list .room_list_room')
        .css('transition', 'transform .1s ease-in-out')
      $('.isIpad #room_list .room_list_room *, #broadcasters .room_list_room *')
        .css('user-select', 'none')
        .css('-webkit-touch-callout', 'none')

      $(rooms).each((index, element) => { // for each room
        let timer
        const name = $(element).find('> a').data('room') ? $(element).find('> a').data('room') : $(element).find('> .user-info > .username > a').text().replace(/^\s/g, '')
        const thumbnail = $(element).find('> a img')

          .bind('pointerdown', (event) => {
          .bind('pointerenter', (event) => { // start
            if ($(element).parent('#room_list').length > 0) { // scale only on room list
                .css('transform-origin', 'center center')
                .css('transform', 'translateX(0px) scale(1.2)')
                .css('z-index', '999')

            timer = setInterval(() => { // animate thumbnail
                .attr('src', `${name}.jpg?f=${}`)
            }, event.pointerType === 'touch' ? 166 : 83)
          .bind('pointerup pointerleave', (event) => { // stop
            if ($(element).parent('#room_list').length > 0) { // scale only on room list
                .css('transform-origin', 'center center')
                .css('transform', 'translateX(0px) scale(1)')
                .css('z-index', '0')

            clearInterval(timer) // stop animate thumbnail
            timer = undefined

      // keep observing
      return false