// ==UserScript==
// @name E-Hentai E绅士中文版
// @namespace Exhentai_叶海晨星
// @namespace Tast
// @namespace 2016+, Mapaler <[email protected]>
// @version 0.66
// @description E绅士中文化
// @author Tast
// @include *://exhentai.org/*
// @include *://ul.exhentai.org/*
// @include *://*e-hentai.org/*
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getResourceURL
// @icon http://exhentai.org/favicon.ico
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// ==/UserScript==
// @resource testjs http://tast.banner.tw/Javascript/EHentai/Ehentai.user.js
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// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/20312-e-hentai-tag-list-for-chinese/code/E-Hentai%20Tag%20list%20for%20Chinese.js?version=130078
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/20341-eh-chinese-cn-lib-js/code/EH-chinese_CNlibjs.js?version=130143
var url = window.location.href;
var TRvalue = GM_getValue("TRlang", "tw");
var Page =
"p[id='frontpage'] a" :"回到首页"
,"#lb a:contains('Overview')" :"概况状态"
,"#lb a:contains('My Stats')" :"信息统计"
,"#lb a:contains('My Settings')" :"个人设置"
,"#lb a:contains('Hentai@Home')" :"绅士之家"
,"#lb a:contains('Donations')" :"赞助捐款"
,"#lb a:contains('Hath Perks')" :"特殊功能"
,"#lb a:contains('Hath Exchange')" :"骇斯市集" //哈希
//,"#lb a:contains('GP Exchange')" :"GP市场" //Gallery Points
,"#lb a:contains('GP Exchange')" :"图币市场" //Gallery Points
,"#lb a:contains('Credit Log')" :"交易记录"
,"#lb a:contains('Karma Log')" :"业力记录" //https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Karma/Chinese
,"p.ip a:contains('Front Page')" :"回到首页"
,"#toppane h1.ih:contains('E-Hentai Galleries: The Free Hentai Doujinshi, Manga and Image Gallery System')":
"<a href='https://goo.gl/OJksVO'>E绅士图库:免费的绅士同人志、漫画、图片画册系统</a>"
,"#toppane h1.ih:contains('ExHentai.org - The X Makes It Sound Cool')":
"<a href='https://goo.gl/OJksVO'>EX绅士图库:中文化 By Tast</a>"
,"#searchbox p.nopm a:contains('Show Advanced Options')" :"显示高级搜索"
,"#searchbox p.nopm a:contains('Show File Search')" :"显示以图搜图"
,"div.ido p:contains('No hits found')":"<font color='red'><b>没有任何发现</b></font>"
,"#searchbox p:contains('Showing results for file:')" :"显示图片搜索:"
,"#searchbox label:contains('Only Search Covers')" :"只搜索画册封面"
,"#searchbox label:contains('Show Expunged')" :"显示隐藏画册"
,"#searchbox a:contains('Perform a new search')" :"开启新搜索"
,"#searchbox span:contains('disabled')" :"关闭"
,"div.ido table.itg th:contains('Published')" :"发表时间"
,"div.ido table.itg th:contains('Name')" :"标题"
,"div.ido table.itg th:contains('Uploader')" :"上传者"
,"E-Hentai Galleries is a free service from "
,"E绅士图库是免费的服务并来自于 "]
,["html","div.dp a"
,"E-Hentai - Free Hentai, Doujinshi, Manga, CG Sets, H-Anime"
,"E绅士 - 免费绅士,同人志,漫画,CG图片,H动画"]
,"Please read the "
,"请先阅读 "]
,["html","div.dp a"
,"Terms of Service"
,"before participating with or uploading any content to this site."
,["html","div.ido p.ip a" ,"Visit the E-Hentai Main Site" ,"E绅士主站"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip a" ,"Visit the E-Hentai Forums" ,"E绅士论坛"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip a" ,"E-Hentai @ Twitter" ,"E绅士推特"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip a" ,"Play the HentaiVerse Minigame","E绅士游戏"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip a" ,"Lo-Fi Version" ,"E绅士移动版"]
,["html","#searchbox p:contains('a new search to alter this.')"
,"Similarity Scan was "
,["html","#searchbox p:contains('a new search to alter this.')"
," for this search. You must start a new search to alter this."
,". 你必须启动新搜索启用相似度搜条件."]
,["attr","#searchbox input[name='f_search']", "placeholder" ,"输入搜索"]
,["attr","#searchbox input[name='f_apply']" , "value" ,"确定"]
,["attr","#searchbox input[name='f_clear']" , "value" ,"清除"]
,["attr","#searchbox p.nopm a:contains('显示高级搜索')" , "title" ,"显示/隐藏高级搜索"]
,["attr","#searchbox p.nopm a:contains('显示以图搜图')" , "title" ,"显示/隐藏以图搜图"]
,["modi","#searchbox p.nopm a" ,{
"Show Advanced Options" :"显示高级搜索",
"Show File Search" :"显示以图搜图"
,["modi","#advdiv" ,{
"Search Gallery Name" :"搜索图册名称"
,"Search Gallery Tags" :"搜索图册标签"
,"Search Gallery Description" :"搜索图册描述"
,"Search Torrent Filenames" :"搜索种子文件名称"
,"Search Low-Power Tags" :"搜索低等的图册标签"
,"Show Expunged Galleries" :"显示隐藏图册"
,"Only Show Galleries With Torrents":"只显示有种子的图册"
,"Search Downvoted Tags" :"搜索低评价的标签"
,"Minimum Rating:" :"搜索大于星星数:"
,'2 stars':"2 星"
,'3 stars':"3 星"
,'4 stars':"4 星"
,'5 stars':"5 星"
,["modi","#fsdiv" ,{
"If you want to combine a file search with a category/keyword search, upload the file first.":
"Select a file to upload, then hit File Search.":
"All public galleries containing this exact file will be displayed.":
"For color images, the system can also perform a similarity lookup to find resampled images.":
"Use Similarity Scan" :"使用图片类似度搜索",
"Only Search Covers" :"只搜索画册封面",
"Show Expunged" :"显示被隐藏的画册",
'name="f_sfile" value="File Search"':'name="f_sfile" value="搜索文件"'
,"Note: No file was uploaded, or the uploaded file was invalid. Better luck next time."
,"注意:无上传文件,或文件不可用. 祝你下一次成功."]
,["html","#iw p.nopm:contains('The keyword ')"
,"The keyword "
,["html","#iw p.nopm:contains(' is too short, and was therefore skipped.')"
," is too short, and was therefore skipped. Use an exact search or combine it with other words by using quotes."
,["html","div.ido p.ip" ,"Showing" ,"显示"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip" ,"of" ,"共有"]
,["html","div.id42" ,"files" ,"页"]
,["attp","img.tn[src*='.org/g/t.png']" ,"title"
,"Torrents exist for this gallery"
,["html","#pt","Popular Right Now" ,"热门画册显示区"]
"#newshead strong:contains('Welcome to E-Hentai Classic, the portal to the E-Hentai Universe.')":
,"#newshead strong:contains('E-Hentai Galleries')":
,"#searchform a:contains('News & Updates')":
"新闻 & 新知"
,"#searchform a:contains('Wiki FAQ')":
,"#searchform a:contains('E-Hentai Galleries')":
,"#searchform a:contains('E-Hentai Forums')":
,"#searchform a:contains('The HentaiVerse')":
,"#searchform a[href='https://ehwiki.org/']:contains('EHWiki')":
,"#lbs a[href='http://e-hentai.org/?search=']:contains('Search')":
,"#lbl a[href='http://e-hentai.org/?search=']:contains('List')":
,"#sde em:contains('keyword')":
,"td.rbk:contains('Henjutsu Level')":
,"td.rbk:contains('Credit Balance')":
,"#mtd div.sdrl a:contains('Show gallery results as list')":
,"#mtd div.sdm a:contains('Repeat search on E-Hentai Galleries')":
,"td.atk:contains('Series:')" :"系列:"
,"td.atk:contains('Circle:')" :"画家:"
,"td.atk:contains('Uploader:')" :"上传:"
,"td.atk:contains('Language:')" :"语言:"
,"td.atk:contains('Posted:')" :"发表:"
,"td.atk:contains('Images:')" :"图数:"
,"div[id='gcb']:contains('(This space was intentionally left blank.)')" :"( 无叙述 )"
,"table.at a[onclick*='archiver.php']:contains('Download Archive')" :"下载图包"
,"td.atv:contains('Japanese')" :"日文"
,"td.atv:contains('English')" :"英文"
,"td.atv:contains('Chinese')" :"中文"
,"td.atv:contains('Dutch')" :"菏兰语"
,"td.atv:contains('French')" :"法文"
,"td.atv:contains('German')" :"德文"
,"td.atv:contains('Hungarian')" :"匈牙利文"
,"td.atv:contains('Italian')" :"意大利文"
,"td.atv:contains('Korean')" :"韩文"
,"td.atv:contains('Polish')" :"波兰语"
,"td.atv:contains('Portuguese')" :"葡萄牙文"
,"td.atv:contains('Russian')" :"俄语"
,"td.atv:contains('Spanish')" :"西班牙语"
,"td.atv:contains('Thai')" :"泰语"
,"td.atv:contains('Vietnamese')" :"越南文"
,"td.atv:contains('N/A')" :"N/A无法辨识"
,"td.atv:contains('Other')" :"其他"
["html","#newshead div a"
,"For more updated galleries, you can check out "
,["html","#newshead div a"
,"- the next generation free hentai gallery system."
,"- 次世代版的免费绅士画册系统."]
,["attr","#mtd input[value='Hentai Search']" ,"value","绅士搜索"]
,["attr","#mtd input[value='I\\'m Feeling Horny']" ,"value","我硬了!!"]
,["attr","#mtd input[value='Search']" ,"value","搜索"]
,["attr","#mtd input[value='Clear']" ,"value","清除"]
,["html","#sde p"
,"If no search class is specified, "
,["html","#sde p"
,"the following are searched: title, tag, series and circle."
,"可用:title, tag, series and circle."]
,["html","#sde p"
,"You can restrict or expand search classes using the prefixes listed below."
,["html","#sde p"
,'You can search for a phrase by putting it "in quotes", '
,["html","#sde p"
,"and exclude keywords and phrases by prefixing it with a dash/minus \\(-\\)."
,["html","#sde p:contains(' does a normal title search.')"
,"does a normal title search."
," - 搜索画册标题."]
,["html","#sde p:contains(' searches the tags assigned to the galleries.')"
,"searches the tags assigned to the galleries."
," - 搜索画册标签."]
,["html","#sde p:contains(' searches series names and aliases.')"
,"searches series names and aliases."
," - 搜索系列名称和别名."]
,["html","#sde p:contains(' searches circle names and aliases.')"
,"searches circle names and aliases."
," - 搜索选定画家名称和别名."]
,["html","#sde p:contains(' searches the work\\'s language.')"
,"searches the work's language."
," - 搜索画作语言."]
,["html","#mtd div.sdrh:contains('matching galleries:')"
,"Found "
,"发现 "]
,["html","#mtd div.sdrh:contains('matching galleries:')"
,"matching galleries: "
,["html","#mtd div.sdm:contains('Could not find what you were looking for?')"
,"Could not find what you were looking for?"
,["html","#lrc:contains(' of ')"
,["html","#lrc:contains(' of ')"
"div.stuffbox h1:contains('Hentai@Home Clients')" :"Hentai@Home 绅士之家客户端"
,"#div_stats th:contains('H@H Region')" :"区域"
,"#div_stats th:contains('Available Network Capacity')" :"总有效网络流量"
,"#div_stats th:contains('Used Network Capacity')" :"总使用网络流量"
,"#div_stats th:contains('Util%')" :"比例%"
,"#div_stats th:contains('Cover')" :"覆盖率"
,"#div_stats td:contains('North and South America')" :"北美和南美"
,"#div_stats td:contains('Europe and Africa')" :"欧洲和非洲"
,"#div_stats td:contains('Asia and Oceania')" :"亚洲和大洋洲"
,"#div_stats td:contains('Total')" :"总计"
,"#div_clients p:contains('Your Active Clients')" :"你使用的客户端"
,"#div_clients p a:contains('PM Tenboro')" :"Tenboro 碳波罗"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Client')" :"客户端"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('ID')" :"编号"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Status')" :"状态"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Created')" :"建立日期"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Last Seen')" :"最后上线"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Files Served')" :"已确定文件数量"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Client IP')" :"客户端IP"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Port')" :"连接端口"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Version')" :"版本号"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Max Speed')" :"最大速度"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Trust')" :"信任度"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Quality')" :"品质"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Hitrate')" :"连接比率"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Hathrate')" :"骇斯比率"
,"#div_clients table.hct th:contains('Country')" :"国家"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Client Download')" :"客户端下载"
,"#div_download table th:contains('File')" :"文件"
,"#div_download table th:contains('Size')" :"大小"
,"div.stuffbox td:contains('Client ID#:')" :"客户端编号#:"
,"div.stuffbox td:contains('Client Key:')" :"客户端密钥:"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Port for Incoming Connections')" :"连入的通信端口"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Client Name')" :"客户端名称 ( 随意填 )"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Maximum Burst Speed')" :"最大连接速度"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Hourly Bandwidth Limit')" :"每小时流量限制"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Maximum Disk Cache Size')" :"最大缓存容量 ( 硬盘使用量 )"
,"td.infota:contains('Advanced Settings')" :"高级设置"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Reset Client Key')" :"重设客户端密钥"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Local Network Host IP Address')" :"本地端网络IP地址"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Minimum space to leave on disk')" :"最小保留容量 ( 硬盘保留空间大小 )"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Client Proxy Mode')" :"客户端代理模式"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Scheduler')" :"调度"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Static Ranges')" :"静态文件范围 ( 可用文件列表 )"
,"div.infotitle:contains('Miscellaneous Toggles')" :"杂项开关"
,"td.infotv:contains('The settings below are optional advanced settings.')":"以下高级设置请先了解后更改"
,"label[for='f_disable_bwm']" :"取消客户端连接速度限制"
,"label[for='f_verify_cache']" :"下次启动检查缓存完整性"
,"label[for='f_reducestatic_ok']" :"如果需要就移除静态文件范围"
,"label[for='resetkey']" :"重设密钥"
,"table.infot span:contains('Not Set')" :"尚未设置"
,"label[for='resetstaticranges']" :"重设静态范围"
,"label[for='f_disable_logging']" :"关闭硬盘记录:稍微降低硬盘使用率,错误依然会记录."
,"label[for='f_use_less_memory']" :"低内存模式:提高内存和硬盘使用率."
,"a[href*='hentaiathome.php']:contains('[Back to Overview]')":"回到上一页"
,"td:contains('Active')" :"启用"
,"td:contains('Mon')" :"周一"
,"td:contains('Tue')" :"周二"
,"td:contains('Wed')" :"周三"
,"td:contains('Thu')" :"周四"
,"td:contains('Fri')" :"周五"
,"td:contains('Sat')" :"周六"
,"td:contains('Sun')" :"周日"
,"td:contains('Start Hour')" :"开始时间"
,"td:contains('End Hour')" :"停止时间"
,"td:contains('Burst Speed')" :"最大速度"
,"td:contains('Hourly Limit')" :"流量限制"
,"td:contains('Hourly Limit')" :"流量限制"
,"a[href*='act=settings']:contains('[Back to Settings]')":"回设置页"
["html","#div_stats td"
,"Stats are near-realtime and update every minute."
,["html","#div_stats td"
,"Util% is based on the region of the visitor rather than the client, "
,["html","#div_stats td"
,"and can therefore be over 100%."
,["html","#div_stats td"
,"Cover denotes the average number of times a static file range can be found within a given region, "
,["html","#div_stats td"
,"indicating the total available storage capacity."
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"To add more clients, "
,"如要加入更多客户端的话,请联系管理员 "]
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"Make sure to read the requirements first to make sure that you qualify."
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"Include the specs for the client in the message, "
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"and specify whether it is a home connection or a VPS/Dedicated."
,"并且指定使用的是家用网络或虚拟主机 / 专业主机."]
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"Each client requires its own unique public IPv4 address to run, "
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"and must either be reachable directly from the Internet, "
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"or have a port forwarded."
,"或有设置好<a href='https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E7%AB%AF%E5%8F%A3%E6%98%A0%E5%B0%84' target='_bank'>端口映射</a>."]
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"These are technical requirements, and it is not possible to make any exceptions."
+"<br>给管理员 Tenboro 碳波罗 发送客户端申请之后假如太久没回应,请勿大肆发送询问或重复发送消息."
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"If the auto-detected country is wrong, "
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"contact Tenboro to have an override applied."
,"请联系 Tenboro 碳波罗等待修正."]
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"Include the correct country, client ID and IP address in your message, "
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"and make sure to keep your client running."
,["html","#div_clients p"
,"Having the client set to the wrong country will make it perform worse than it would otherwise do."
,["html","#div_download p"
,"The current version of Hentai@Home is "
,"现在的绅士之家版本为 "]
,["html","#div_download p"
,"Hentai@Home is released as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public Licence v3."
,["html","#div_download p"
,"The source code along with necessary libraries and scripts to build it on Windows and Linux/BSD/Unix-type systems can be downloaded below."
,["html","#div_download p"
,"You will also need the stand-alone SQLiteJDBC Library to build your own version."
,"<br>你也需要独立的 SQLiteJDBC 进程库用来建造属于你自己的版本类型."]
,["html","#div_download p"
,"Note that for security reasons, this page and the files themselves are hosted on different servers."
,["html","#div_download p"
,"For your safety, please verify that the size and SHA-256 hash correspond to the file you download."
,"<br>为了你的安全,请检验对应下载文件的大小以及 SHA-256 的 Hash 哈吸值."]
,["html","#div_download p"
,"For more information about file validation, "
,["html","#div_download p"
,"and links to available versions for Microsoft Windows, see this link:"
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Can be most numbers between 1024 and 65534."
,"通信端口编号可在 1024 到 65534 之间."]
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This port must be opened in your firewall, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"and forwarded from any NAT-based cable/ADSL modems/routers you connect to the Internet through."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"You can set a custom name for this client here."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This will be used in the various listings this client appears in."
,"<br> ( 这会变成你对外各种列表显示的暱称 )"]
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This is the maximum speed the client is allowed to use, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"measured in kilobytes per second."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Actual utilization will reach at most 80% of this over time, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"unless you also set an hourly limit below."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Turning off the client-side throttle saves some CPU and may make you test higher, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"but could make the traffic more bursty."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"The number of megabytes this client is allowed to send every hour."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Leave at 0 to limit with max speed alone."
,"设置为 0 代表不限制."]
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"How much disk space you wish to reserve for this client."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"The reserved space must always be available."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This must be at least 5 GB. We recommend at least 1 GB disk per 25 KByte/s bandwidth, "
,"必须至少大于 5GB. <br>建议以带宽速度的每 25Kbps * 1GB 相乘"]
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"or 5 GB for every MBit/s, but more is always better."
,"<br>或使用每 1Mbps * 5GB 相乘会比较好."]
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Static Range allocation is limited to 1 per 175 MB of disk space."
,"每一单位的静态分配范围,仅限于每 175 MB 的硬盘空间."
+"<br><br>额外说明:( 请适度决定最大可用大小 )"
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"If you believe your client key has been compromised, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"you can reset the key by checking this box."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"You will have to re-enter the key the next the the client starts."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"If you are on a NAT network and your router has problems routing a request back to itself, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"you can set its LAN IP address here."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This will make the system route requests originating from your IP address directly to the server on your local network."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Note that some browsers and extensions may restrict this type of local network access, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"requiring explicit whitelisting of the site."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"If this value is set, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"the client will temporarily stop getting new files if the free space on the disk decreases below this value."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Note that even if this is not set, the client will leave at least 100MB for working space."
,"如果没有设置,客户端只会保留 100MB 的可用空间."]
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"In most cases, this should be set to Local Network Only."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This will allow you to use the H@H client as a proxy for viewing images."
,"<br>可以把绅士家客户端当作浏览图片的代理服务器 ( 仅限E绅士 )."]
,["html","div.infotext p strong"
,"Do not set this to All Networks Allowed unless you know what you are doing."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"You can optionally require a passkey, found below."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This passkey will change if you reset your client key."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"The Scheduler allows you to specify periods of time where the client is operating with lower speed limits."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Over time, your client is assigned a number of static ranges that indicate specific, "
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"permanently assigned ranges of files it is able to serve."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"This toggle will reset this set of ranges."
,["html","div.infotext p"
,"Various toggles to optimize client behavior."
,["html","td.infotv p","Current Value:" ,"现有值:"]
,["html","td.infotv p","New Value:" ,"赋予新值:"]
,["html","td.infotv p"
,"Note: The port cannot be changed while the client is running."
,["html","td.infotv p"
,"Warning: 1 KB/s or KBps \\(Kilo Bytes per Second\\) is equivalent to 8 Kb/s or Kbps \\(Kilo Bits per Second\\)."
,"警告:1KB = 8Kbps. 请参考:<a href='http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=507&t=3464621#45094546'>说明1</a>、"
+"<a href='http://www.spring.url.tw/internet/internet_06.html'>说明2</a>"
,["html","td.infotv p"
,"Internet speeds are typically advertised as the latter, "
,"<br>网络速度通常都是以 Kbps 为单位,"]
,["html","td.infotv p"
,"so make sure you use the right one."
,["html","td.infotv p"
,"You should not set this higher than the upstream bandwidth of your Internet connection."
,["html","td.infotv p span" ,"No Limit" ,"无限制"]
,["html","td.infotv p" ,"MBytes/hour" ,"MB/每小时"]
,["html","td.infotv" ,"Current Value:" ,"现有值:"]
,["html","td.infotv" ,"New Value:" ,"改变成:"]
,["html","td.infotv" ,"Disabled" ,"关闭"]
,"Local Networks Only \\[Restricted - Passkey Required\\]"
,"仅限本地端网络 [ 限制模式 - 需要代理密钥 ]"]
,"Local Networks Only \\[Open - No Authentication Required\\]"
,"仅限本地端网络 [ 开放模式 - 不需代理密钥 ]"]
,"All Networks Allowed \\[Restricted - Passkey Required\\]"
,"全部网络都准许 [ 限制模式 - 需要代理密钥 ]"]
,"All Networks Allowed \\[Open - No Authentication Required\\]"
,"全部网络都准许 [ 开放模式 - 不需代理密钥 ]"]
,["html","td.infotv strong" ,"Not Recommended" ," 不建议使用 "]
,["html","td.infotv span" ,"Very Not Recommended" ," 非常不建议 "]
,["html","td.infotv p" ,"Proxy Passkey:" ," 代理密钥: "]
,["html","td.infotv p a"
,"Click here to modify the schedule of this client"
,["html","td.infotv p"
,"This client currently has"
,["html","td.infotv p"
,"static range\\(s\\) assigned."
,["html","td.infotv span" ,"Warning: You should" ,"你最好"]
,["html","td.infotv strong" ,"never" ,"不要"]
,["html","td.infotv span" ,"reset your static ranges" ,"重设静态范围"]
,["html","td.infotv strong" ,"unless" ,"除非"]
,["html","td.infotv span"
,"the cache has been deleted or is otherwise lost. It should"
,["html","td.infotv strong" ,"always" ,"随时"]
,["html","td.infotv span"
,"be reset if the cache has been cleared for whatever reason, "
,["html","td.infotv span"
,"or the client will encounter serious trust issues."
,"将会造成严重的客户端信任危机. ( 减少连接机会 )"]
,"Note that any changes you make here will be applied the next time your client pings the server, "
,"which usually happens every five minutes. Some changes will not be applied until next restart."
,"If you are changing the Port Number or reseting your key, "
,"you should exit Hentai@Home before hitting the button below."
,["attr","input[value='Apply Settings']","value","确定设置"]
,["html","h1:contains('Modify Schedule for Client')"
,"Modify Schedule for Client"
,["html","p:contains('The Scheduler allows you')"
,"The Scheduler allows you to specify periods of time where the client is operating with different Maximum Burst Speed and Hourly Bandwidth Limit settings."
,["html","p:contains('To add a new scheduling entry')"
,"To add a new scheduling entry, "
,["html","p:contains('simply use the row at the bottom.')"
,"simply use the row at the bottom."
,["html","p:contains('Enter the required values')"
,"Enter the required values and make sure that Active is checked, "
,["html","p:contains('then hit Apply Schedule.')"
,"then hit Apply Schedule."
,["html","p:contains('Repeat to add more than one entry.')"
,"Repeat to add more than one entry."
,["html","p:contains('You can have up to 9 entries per client, ')"
,"You can have up to 9 entries per client, "
,["html","p:contains('excluding the default entry.')"
,"excluding the default entry."
,["html","p:contains('In case of overlap, ')"
,"In case of overlap, "
,["html","p:contains('the schedule with the highest')"
,"the schedule with the highest granularity will always be applied."
,["html","p:contains('Schedule settings should always be')"
,"Schedule settings should always be lower than the default schedule entry."
,["html","p:contains('The active Maximum Burst Speed')"
,"The active Maximum Burst Speed and Hourly Bandwidth Limit will never be set higher than the default entry."
,["html","p:contains('To change the default entry, ')"
,"To change the default entry, "
,["html","p:contains('alter the Maximum Burst Speed and')"
,"alter the Maximum Burst Speed and Hourly Bandwidth Limit values on the Settings page."
,["html","p:contains('All schedule times are in UTC.')"
,"All schedule times are in UTC. As a reference, the current UTC time is"
,["attr","input[value='Delete Entry']" ,"value","删除调度"]
,["attr","input[value='Apply Schedule']" ,"value","确定设置"]
"div.stuffbox h2:contains('Bitcoin Donation')" :
"Bitcoin Donation 比特币赞助捐款 ( 仅翻译主要部分 )<br>"
+"( <a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Donation' target='_bank'><font color='green'><b>"
+"</a></b></font> )<br>"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Your Wallet Address:')" :"你的钱包地址:"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Send Address Information')" :"钱包地址发送说明"
,"div.stuffbox p a:contains('Request New Address')" :"要求新地址"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Incoming Bitcoin Transactions')" :
+"<br><font color='blue'>Pending</font>:<font color='gray'>正在处理</font>|"
+"<font color='green'>Confirmed</font>:<font color='black'>入帐完成</font>"
,"div.stuffbox h2:contains('Bitcoin Spending History')" :"比特币花费纪录"
,"div.stuffbox h2:contains('Donation Log')" :"捐款记录 ( 美金 )"
,"div.stuffbox h2:contains('Adopt-a-Server Log')" :"认养记录"
,"#tdon th:contains('Donation Level')" :"赞助等级"
,"#tdon th:contains('EXP Bonus')" :"经验加成"
,"#tdon th:contains('Daily Bonus')" :"每日赠币"
,"#tdon th:contains('Daily Hath')" :"每日骇斯币"
,"#tdon th:contains('Free Archives')" :"免费打包"
,"#dlvl td.tdon1:contains('None')" :"尚未赞助"
,"#tdon td.tdon1:contains('None')" :"尚未赞助"
,"#tdon td.tdon2:contains('You did not donate anything yet, but we still love you.')":
,"div.stuffbox p a:contains('Request New Address')"
,"if(confirm('你确定要建立新的钱包接收地址?? 你只能在24小时内执行一次."
+"发送到以前的地址仍然会有效.')) { create_new_wallet(); }"]
["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('account or otherwise blocks your transfer.')"
,"Bitcoin is a virtual currency that is completely decentralized and independent of any formal authority."
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('account or otherwise blocks your transfer.')"
,"Much like real money, you can spend Bitcoins however you wish, "
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('account or otherwise blocks your transfer.')"
,"without any fear that someone shuts down your account or otherwise blocks your transfer."
,["html","div.stuffbox a:contains('about Bitcoins and how to acquire them')"
,"See this thread for more information about Bitcoins and how to acquire them"
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('Three confirmations are required for')"
,"This page allows you to transfer Bitcoins from an online service or a local wallet on your computer or cellphone to your wallet at E-Hentai, "
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('Three confirmations are required for')"
,"then apply that either as a donation or Adopt-a-Server slots."
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('Three confirmations are required for')"
,"Donations can typically be applied within an hour of it being transferred."
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('Three confirmations are required for')"
,"You will be able to track the progress of a transfer below as soon as it has been broadcasted to the network - click the transaction ID to bring up the transaction details."
,"你可于交易至网络运作时追踪交易进度 - 点击交易ID显示交易细况."]
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('Three confirmations are required for')"
,"Three confirmations are required for"
,["html","div.stuffbox p strong:contains('Confirmed')"
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains(' status.')"
," status."
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('weighted average provided by ')"
,"Your Bitcoins will be converted to the equivalent value in US dollars at the time you choose to apply it."
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('weighted average provided by ')"
,"We currently use whichever is highest of the 7-day and 24-hour weighted average provided by"
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('random volatility. Current rate is ')"
,", plus a 10% bonus to cover transaction fees and random volatility. Current rate is "
," 提供,附加总额 10% 的额外奖励用于支付手续费和应对随机波动率. 现在的汇率:"]
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('is actually in the E-Hentai system.')"
,"You can use this form to send someone a PM from the gallery system with your wallet address."
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('is actually in the E-Hentai system.')"
,"This lets people know for sure that a given wallet address is actually in the E-Hentai system."
,["html","form:contains('Send to member name:')"
,"Send to member name:"
,["html","div.stuffbox div","Available Balance:" ,"可用余额:"]
,["html","div.stuffbox div","Donation Total:" ,"捐款总计:"]
,["html","div.stuffbox div","Adopt-a-Server Days:" ,"服务器认养天数:"]
,["html","div.stuffbox div h2" ,"Apply BTC to Donation" ,"比特币捐款"]
,["attr","div.stuffbox input[name='donate']" ,"value" ,"确定"]
,["html","div.stuffbox div h2" ,"Apply BTC to Adopt-a-Server" ,"比特币认养服务器"]
,["html","#aas_slottype" ,"Select slot duration.." ,"选择认养时长.."]
,["html","#aas_slottype" ,"Month" ,"月"]
,["html","#aas_slottype" ,"month" ,"每月"]
,["html","#aas_slottype" ,"Year" ,"年"]
,["attr","div.stuffbox input[name='aas']" ,"value","确定"]
,["html","#dlvl td.tdon2"
,"You did not donate anything yet, but we still love you."
,["html","#tdon td.tdon1","Bronze Star" ,"青铜之星"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon1","Silver Star" ,"白银之星"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon1","Gold Star" ,"黄金之星"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon1","Tri Star" ,"黄金三星"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon1","Quint Star" ,"黄金五星"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon1","Septua Star" ,"黄金七星"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon1","Honorary Catgirl","骨灰级猫女"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon2","Awarded for a total donation of \\$1000.","赞助满 $1000 获得."]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon2","Awarded for a total donation of \\$700." ,"赞助满 $700 获得."]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon2","Awarded for a total donation of \\$500." ,"赞助满 $500 获得."]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon2","Awarded for a total donation of \\$300." ,"赞助满 $300 获得."]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon2","Awarded for a total donation of \\$100." ,"赞助满 $100 获得."]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon2","Awarded for a total donation of \\$50." ,"赞助满 $50 获得."]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon2","Awarded for a total donation of \\$20." ,"赞助满 $20 获得."]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon5","Credits" ,"<font color='Teal'>绅士币</font>"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon5","GP" ,"<font color='RoyalBlue'>图币</font>"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon6","Hath" ,"<font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font>"]
,["html","#tdon td.tdon7"," / day"," / 日"]
"div.ui p:contains('Your Galleries')" :"你的画册"
,"div.ui p a:contains('Create a New Gallery')" :"新建画册"
,"div.ui p a:contains('Manage Folders')" :"管理文件夹"
,"#mgform div[style='float:left']div:contains('Galleries newly created')":
,"#mgform div[style='float:left']div:contains('Galleries under construction, or being modified')":
,"#mgform div[style='float:left']:contains('Galleries active and publicly available')":
,"#mgform div a:contains('Collapse Open Folders')" :"折叠文件夹"
,"#gtable4 td a:contains('Get Folder BBCode')" :"取得文件夹 BBCode"
,"#mgform span.stdbtn:contains('+ All')" :"全选"
,"#mgform span.stdbtn:contains('- All')" :"全不选"
,"option[value='0']:contains('Unsorted')" :"未排序"
,"#mgform table.mt span:contains('Unsorted')" :"未排序"
//Manage Folders
,"div.ui h1:contains('Manage Folders')" :"管理文件夹"
,"div.ui form th:contains('Folder Name')" :"文件夹名称"
,"div.ui form th:contains('Display Order')" :"显示顺序"
,"div.ui p:contains('New Folder')" :"建立文件夹"
,"div.ui p:contains('Auto-Sort')" :"自动排序"
,"div.ui p a:contains('Back to Manager')" :"回到画册管理页面"
//Create a New Gallery
,"div.ui p:contains('Create a New Gallery')" :"建立新画册"
,"div.ui form td:contains('Gallery Title')" :"画册标题"
,"div.ui form td:contains('Japanese Script (optional)')" :"画册副标题(选用)"
,"div.ui form td:contains('Gallery Folder')" :"画册文件夹"
,"div.ui form td:contains('Gallery Description')" :"画册叙述"
,"div.ui form[action*='act=new'] a:contains('Back to Manager')":"回到画册管理页面"
//Modify Gallery
,"div.ui p:contains('Modify Gallery')" :"编辑画册"
,"div.ui td a:contains('Back to Manager')" :"回到画册管理页面"
//Upload Gallery
,"#uploadform span:contains('Files uploaded so far')" :"上传记录"
//Preview Gallery
,"div.stuffbox td:contains('Name:')" :"名称:"
,"div.stuffbox td:contains('Desc:')" :"叙述:"
,"div.stuffbox td:contains('Files:')":"文件:"
,"div.stuffbox span:contains('Gallery Options:')" :"画册选项:"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Add More Files')" :"加入更多图片"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Reorder or Remove Files')" :"排序或移除图片"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Modify Title or Description')" :"更改标题或叙述"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Publish Gallery')" :"发布画册"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Go to Public Gallery')" :"返回画册"
//Reorder Gallery
,"div.stuffbox h1:contains('Reorder Gallery')":"画册排序"
["html","#mgform th","Gallery Name" ,"画册名称"]
,["html","#mgform th","Date Added" ,"建立时间"]
,["html","#mgform th","Files" ,"图片数"]
,["html","#mgform th","Public Category" ,"公开分类"]
,["html","#mgform th","Available Actions" ,"可用动作"]
,["modi","#mgform" ,{
'modiTarget1' :'tr.gtr1,tr.gtr0'
,'>Go To Gallery<' :'>返回画册<'
,'>Stats<' :'>画册统计<'
,'>Add Files<' :'>添加图片<'
,'>Reorder<' :'>重新排序<'
,'>Modify<' :'>编辑<'
,'>Publish<' :'>发布<'
,'>Delete<' :'>删除<'
,'modiTarget2' :'td.gtc1'
,'Loading folder, please wait...' :'加载内容中,请稍后...'
,'modiTarget3' :'td.gtc4'
,"Doujinshi" :"同人志"
,"Manga" :"漫画"
,"Artist CG Sets" :"画师绘图"
,"Game CG Sets" :"游戏绘图"
,"Western" :"西方的"
,"Non-H" :"无色情"
,"Image Sets" :"图片集"
,"Cosplay" :"角色扮演"
,"Misc" :"杂项"
,["html","#mgform td"
,"Set public category for selected galleries:"
,["html","#mgform td"
,"Move selected galleries to folder:"
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","\\(Private\\)" ,"( 私人画册 )"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Doujinshi" ,"同人志-Doujinshi"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Manga" ,"漫画--Manga"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Artist CG Sets","画师绘图Artist CG Sets"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Game CG Sets" ,"游戏绘图Game CG Sets"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Western" ,"西方的-Western"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Non-H" ,"无色情-Non-H"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Image Sets" ,"图片集-Image Sets"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Cosplay" ,"角色扮演Cosplay"]
,["html","select[name='publiccat']","Misc" ,"杂项--Misc"]
,["attr","input[name='folderize']" ,"value","转移画册"]
,["html","#mgform div:contains('Galleries active and publicly available')"
,"Galleries active and publicly available"
//Manage Folders
,["attr","input[value='Apply Sort Order']" ,"value","设置排序"]
,["attr","input[value='Create']" ,"value","建立"]
,["html","div.ui form[action*='fact=autosort']"
,"Sort folders alphabetically: "
,["attr","input[value='Auto-Sort']" ,"value","开始排序"]
//Create a New Gallery
,["html","form td"," or new folder: " ," 或使用新文件夹:"]
,"Make this gallery publicly available for viewing under the category:"
,"I have read and agree with the terms of the"
,["attr","input[name='creategallery']" ,"value","建立并继续"]
//Modify Gallery
,["attr","input[value='Confirm Changes']" ,"value","确认编辑"]
//Upload Gallery
,["html","#uploadform div > span:eq(0)"
,"Upload new files to gallery:"
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(1)"
,"\\(No files added yet\\)"
,"( 还未有文件上传 )"]
,["html","#uploadform td span"
,"Accepted Image Formats:"
,["html","#uploadform td span"
,"Accepted Archive Formats:"
,["html","#uploadform td span"
,"Max File Size: "
,["html","#uploadform td span"
,"per Image. Max Resolution:"
,"每张图片. 最大分辨率:"]
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"Max 2,000 files per gallery."
,"一个画册最多容纳 2千张图片."]
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"You should upload no more than 500MB at a time, "
,"你单次上传不应该超过 500MB,"]
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"less if you have a slow connection."
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"To upload the files listed above and return here to continue adding files, "
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"hit Upload and Add More."
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"To upload these files and continue to the next step, "
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"hit Upload and Continue."
,["html","#uploadform > div:eq(2) td"
,"If you need to remove or reorder files, you can do so at the next step."
,["attr","input[value='Upload and Add More']","value","上传并回到本页"]
,["attr","input[value='Upload and Continue']","value","上传并至下一步"]
//Preview Gallery
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('This is only a preview.')"
,"This is only a preview. Do not link to this page, "
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('as you are the only')"
,"as you are the only one who can access it!"
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('To let people access')"
,"To let people access this gallery, "
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('you must first')"
,'you must first "Publish" it, '
,'你必须先 "发布" 画册,']
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('then get a link by')"
,'then get a link by hitting "Go to Public Gallery"'
,'然后从 "到公开画册" 取得画册网址']
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('at the main manager screen.')"
,' here or "View Gallery" at the main manager screen.'
,'或在管理页面点击 "浏览画册".']
,["html","div.stuffbox td:contains(' total)')"
,["html","div.stuffbox td:contains('(No files have been added to this gallery.)')"
,"\\(No files have been added to this gallery.\\)"
,"( 目前本画册没有图片. )"]
//Reorder Gallery
,["attr","input[value='Cancel and Return']","value","取消回去"]
//Publish Gallery
,"Please confirm that you wish to publish this gallery."
,"Doing so will lock it for new file additions and modifications."
,"If you wish to add to or modify this gallery later, "
,"a copy will be created for this purpose."
,"Note that published galleries cannot be deleted."
,"<br><font color='red'><b>请注意!!发布画册后无法删除!!</b></font>"]
,["attr","input[value='Cancel']" ,"value","取消"]
,["attr","input[value='Publish']" ,"value","发布"]
//Delete Gallery
,"Please confirm that you wish to delete the gallery:"
,["attr","input[value='Delete']" ,"value","删除"]
"p:contains('Copy the code below, and paste it to a BBCode-compatible forum or similar to make a gallery.')":
"div.ido h1 a:contains('EHG Toplists')" :"E绅士排行总榜"
,"div.ido div.dc h2:contains('Gallery Toplists')" :"画册排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Galleries All-Time')" :"画册时间总排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Galleries Past Year')" :"画册去年排行榜"
,"div.ido a:contains('Galleries Past Month')" :"画册上个月排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Galleries Yesterday')" :"画册昨天排行榜"
,"div.ido h2:contains('Uploader Toplists')" :"上传排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Uploader All-Time')" :"上传时间总排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Uploader Past Year')" :"上传去年排行榜"
,"div.ido a:contains('Uploader Past Month')":"上传上个月排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Uploader Yesterday')" :"上传昨天排行榜"
,"div.ido h2:contains('Tagging Toplists')" :"标签排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Tagging All-Time')" :"标签时间总排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Tagging Past Year')" :"标签去年排行榜"
,"div.ido a:contains('Tagging Past Month')" :"标签上个月排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Tagging Yesterday')" :"标签昨天排行榜"
,"div.ido h2:contains('Hentai@Home Toplists')" :"绅士之家排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Hentai@Home All-Time')" :"绅士之家时间总排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Hentai@Home Past Year')" :"绅士之家去年排行榜"
,"div.ido a:contains('Hentai@Home Past Month')" :"绅士之家上个月排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Hentai@Home Yesterday')" :"绅士之家昨天排行榜"
,"div.ido h2:contains('EHTracker Toplists')" :"BT种子排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('EHTracker All-Time')" :"BT种子时间总排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('EHTracker Past Year')" :"BT种子去年排行榜"
,"div.ido a:contains('EHTracker Past Month')" :"BT种子上个月排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('EHTracker Yesterday')" :"BT种子昨天排行榜"
,"div.ido h2:contains('Cleanup Toplists')" :"清理排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Cleanup All-Time')" :"清理时间总排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Cleanup Past Year')" :"清理去年排行榜"
,"div.ido a:contains('Cleanup Past Month')" :"清理上个月排行"
,"div.ido a:contains('Cleanup Yesterday')" :"清理昨天排行榜"
,"table.itg th:contains('Rank')" :"排名"
,"table.itg th:contains('Score')" :"分数"
,"table.itg th:contains('Published')" :"发表时间"
,"table.itg th:contains('Name')" :"名称"
,"table.itg th:contains('Uploader')" :"上传者"
,"#ot a:contains('Show only my galleries')" :"只显示我的画册"
,"#ot a:contains('Show all galleries')" :"显示全部画册"
,"#nf:contains('No matching entries found')":"<b>无搜索结果</b>"
["text","div.ido h2" ,"Rating & Reviewing Toplists" ,"评星&回顾排行"]
,["text","div.ido a" ,"Rating & Reviewing All-Time" ,"评星&时间总排行"]
,["text","div.ido a" ,"Rating & Reviewing Past Year" ,"评星&去年排行榜"]
,["text","div.ido a" ,"Rating & Reviewing Past Month","评星&上个月排行"]
,["text","div.ido a" ,"Rating & Reviewing Yesterday" ,"评星&昨天排行榜"]
,["html","p.os:contains('Only showing galleries uploaded by')"
,"Only showing galleries uploaded by "
"#lb a:contains('Bounty List')" :"悬赏列表"
,"#lb a:contains('Most Wanted Standard Bounties')" :"标准悬赏类"
,"#lb a:contains('Most Wanted Translation Bounties')" :"翻译悬赏类"
,"#lb a:contains('Most Wanted Editing Bounties')" :"补充悬赏类"
,"#lb a:contains('Post New Bounty')" :"发起悬赏"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Post New Bounty')" :"发起悬赏"
,"span:contains('Bounty Headline:')" :"悬赏头名:"
,"span:contains('Detailed Bounty Description:')" :"悬赏详细叙述:"
,"span:contains('Wanted Poster:')" :"悬赏大头贴:"
,"span:contains('Offered Reward:')" :"提供赏金:"
,"span:contains('Bounty Type:')" :"悬赏类型:"
,"span:contains('Minimum Hunter Rank:')" :"赏金猎人最低等级要求:"
,"span:contains('Accepted Delivery:')" :"可用的交货方式:"
,"span:contains('Super Dwarf Princess')" :"超级矮人公主"
,"label[for*='minrank_']:contains('Rank A')" :"分级 A"
,"label[for*='minrank_']:contains('Rank B')" :"分级 B"
,"label[for*='minrank_']:contains('Rank C')" :"分级 C"
,"label[for*='minrank_']:contains('Rank D')" :"分级 D"
,"label[for*='minrank_']:contains('Rank E')" :"分级 E"
,"label[for*='minrank_']:contains('Rank F')" :"分级 F"
,"label[for*='minrank_']:contains('Unranked')" :"未分级"
,"label[for*='acceptable_']:contains('Posted to the E-Hentai Galleries System')" :
,"label[for*='acceptable_']:contains('Archive download at a file locker service')" :
,"label[for*='acceptable_']:contains('BitTorrent download at a public tracker')" :
,"label[for*='acceptable_']:contains('Other; specify in bounty description')" :
"其他; 注明在悬赏说明中"
,"label[for*='acceptable_']:contains('Unranked')" :"未分级"
["html","td:contains('A short one-liner')"
,"A short one-liner consistently describing the bounty. "
,["html","td:contains('This will appear on the')"
,"This will appear on the Bounty Overview screen."
,["html","td:contains('Remember to be specific.')"
,["html","td:contains('Remember to be specific.')"
,'Remember to be specific. Bounties like Requesting'
,"定义要足够具体. <br>叙述像是:「想要"]
,["html","td:contains('Hentai is not very specific,')"
,'Hentai is not very specific, '
,["html","td:contains('and any bounty claim featuring')"
,"and any bounty claim featuring anything that matches would be accepted;"
,["html","td:contains('bounties like Any')"
,"bounties like Any "
,["html","td:contains('Hentai I don\\'t have would require an actual list;')"
,"Hentai I don't have would require an actual list;"
,["html","td:contains('and so on.')"
,"and so on. "
,["html","td:contains('If you have any minimum quality/resolution demands,')"
,"If you have any minimum quality/resolution demands, "
,["html","td:contains('make sure to include this as well.')"
,"make sure to include this as well."
,["html","td:contains('The more precise you can define your bounty,')"
,"The more precise you can define your bounty, "
,["html","td:contains('the higher the chance you will be satisfied with its result.')"
,"the higher the chance you will be satisfied with its result."
,["html","td:contains('Keep in mind that if your bounty')"
,"Keep in mind that if your bounty is vague and someone technically fulfills it \\(as determined by a Bounty Moderator\\), your posted reward is forfeit."
,"<br><br>请多当心,如果你的悬赏内容定义模糊,且某个人技术性地提供符合条件的内容 "
+"( 由悬赏主持人评断 ),你的赏金将会被没收."
,["html","td:contains('You can optionally upload a thumbnail, cover page,')"
,"You can optionally upload a thumbnail, cover page, "
,["html","td:contains('an image from an incomplete collection')"
,"an image from an incomplete collection, or any other image to further specify the bounty. \\(JPG/PNG\\)"
,["html","td:contains('The reward you offer for this bounty,')"
,"The reward you offer for this bounty, "
,["html","td:contains('in Credits and/or Hath.')"
,"in Credits and/or Hath. The minimum allowed is 20000 Credits or 2 Hath."
,"使用<font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font>或<font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font>. "
+"<br>最低赏金为 20000 <font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font>或 2 <font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font>."]
,["html","td:contains(' Credits')"
," Credits"
," <font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币 ( Credits )</font>"]
,["html","td:contains(' Hath')"
," Hath"
," <font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币 ( Hath )</font>"]
,["html","td:contains('If this bounty is for a translation job,')"
,"If this bounty is for a translation job, "
,["html","td:contains('select Translation.')"
,"select Translation. In this case, you should provide a link to the source material."
,"右边请选择翻译类. <br>在这种情况下,你也应该提供原始素材的网址链接."]
,["html","td:contains('Otherwise, select Standard.')"
,"Otherwise, select Standard."
,["html","td:contains('This is the minimum rank')"
,"This is the minimum rank a Bounty Hunter needs to accept or claim this bounty."
,["html","td:contains('The default recommended setting is Rank D,')"
,"The default recommended setting is Rank D, "
,"<br>默认的建议设置是分级 D,"]
,["html","td:contains('which will allow unranked hunters,')"
,"which will allow unranked hunters, "
,["html","td:contains('but exclude those who')"
,"but exclude those who have an inordinate number of rejected claims."
,"但不包括不良猎人. <br>( 拥有过多投稿被拒绝纪录者 )."]
,["html","td:contains('These are the delivery methods')"
,"These are the delivery methods you accept for this bounty."
,["html","td:contains('If you only want galleries')"
,"If you only want galleries posted to E-Hentai Galleries, you do not need to change this."
,["html","td:contains('Please verify that your information')"
,"Please verify that your information is correct before you submit this bounty."
,["attr","input[value='Post Bounty']","value","- 发起悬赏 -"]
"#lb a:contains('Bounty List')" :"悬赏列表"
,"#lb a:contains('Most Wanted Standard Bounties')" :"标准悬赏榜"
,"#lb a:contains('Most Wanted Translation Bounties')" :"翻译悬赏榜"
,"#lb a:contains('Most Wanted Editing Bounties')" :"补充悬赏榜"
,"#lb a:contains('Post New Bounty')" :"发起悬赏"//
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing All Open Bounties')" :"显示<font color='blue'>开放式</font>悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing All Reserved Bounties')" :"显示<font color='blue'>已保留</font>悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing All Claimed Bounties')" :"显示<font color='blue'>已服务</font>悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing All Completed Bounties')" :"显示<font color='blue'>已完成</font>悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing Bounties Posted By Me')" :"显示<font color='blue'>我发起</font>的悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing Bounties Boosted By Me')" :"显示<font color='blue'>我投资</font>的悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing Bounties Accepted By Me')" :"显示<font color='blue'>我接受</font>的悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing Bounties Reserved For Me')" :"显示<font color='blue'>我保留</font>的悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing Bounties Claimed By Me')" :"显示<font color='blue'>我投稿</font>的悬赏"
,"h1.ih:contains('Showing Bounties Completed By Me')" :"显示<font color='blue'>我完成</font>的悬赏"
,"table.itg th:contains('Last Updated')" :"最后更新"
,"table.itg th:contains('Bounty Headline')" :"悬赏头名"
,"table.itg th:contains('Bounty Type')" :"悬赏类型"
,"table.itg th:contains('Bounty Status')" :"悬赏状态"
,"table.itg th:contains('Total Bounty')" :"总悬赏金额"
,"table.itg th:contains('Posted By')" :"发起者"
,"table.itg td:contains('Standard')" :"<font color='green'>标准</font>"
,"table.itg td:contains('Translation')" :"<font color='blue'>翻译</font>"
,"table.itg td:contains('Editing')" :"<font color='black'>补充</font>"
,"table.itg td.itd span:contains('Open/New')" :"开放 / 新建"
,"table.itg td.itd span:contains('Open/Accepted')" :"开放 / 接受"
,"table.itg td.itd span:contains('Closed/Reserved')" :"关闭 / 保留"
,"table.itg td.itd span:contains('Closed/Claimed')" :"关闭 / 投稿"
,"table.itg td.itd span:contains('Closed/Completed')" :"关闭 / 完成"
,"div.stuffbox div:contains('You are currently an Unranked Bounty Hunter.')": "猎人等级尚未分级"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Most Wanted Standard Bounties')" :"标准悬赏榜"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Most Wanted Translation Bounties')" :"翻译悬赏榜"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Most Wanted Editing Bounties')" :"补充悬赏榜"
,"td.bd1:contains('Bounty Poster:')" :"悬赏发起者:"
,"td.bd1:contains('Posted Date:')" :"发起时间:"
,"td.bd1:contains('Bounty Status:')" :"悬赏状态:"
,"td.bd1:contains('Min Hunter Rank:')" :"最低等级要求:"
,"td.bd1:contains('Current Reward:')" :"现有赏金:"
,"table.btl span:contains('Open/New')" :"开放 / 新建"
,"table.btl span:contains('Open/Accepted')" :"开放 / 接受"
,"table.btl span:contains('Closed/Reserved')" :"关闭 / 保留"
,"table.btl span:contains('Closed/Claimed')" :"关闭 / 投稿"
,"table.btl span:contains('Closed/Completed')" :"关闭 / 完成"
,"table.btl span:contains('Rank A')" :"分级 A"
,"table.btl span:contains('Rank B')" :"分级 B"
,"table.btl span:contains('Rank C')" :"分级 C"
,"table.btl span:contains('Rank D')" :"分级 D"
,"table.btl span:contains('Rank E')" :"分级 E"
,"table.btl span:contains('Rank F')" :"分级 F"
,"table.btl span:contains('Unranked')" :"未分级"
,"p:contains('You have successfully upped the reward on this bounty.')":
"<font color='green'>你已经成功加码到此悬赏</font>"
,"td:contains('Bounty Posted By:')" :"悬赏发起者:"
,"td:contains('Bounty Type:')" :"悬赏类型:"
,"td:contains('Accepted Delivery:')" :"接受交货:"
,"div.brd td.bd2 strong:contains('Updated')":"已更新"
,"td.bd2 strong:contains('Standard')" :"标准"
,"td.bd2 strong:contains('Translation')" :"翻译"
,"td.bd2 strong:contains('Editing')" :"补充"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Open/New')" :"开放 / 新建"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Open/Accepted')" :"开放 / 接受"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Closed/Reserved')" :"关闭 / 保留"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Closed/Claimed')" :"关闭 / 投稿"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Closed/Completed')" :"关闭 / 完成"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Rank A')" :"分级 A"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Rank B')" :"分级 B"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Rank C')" :"分级 C"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Rank D')" :"分级 D"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Rank E')" :"分级 E"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Rank F')" :"分级 F"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Unranked')" :"未分级"
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Posted to the E-Hentai Galleries System')":
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Archive download at a file locker service')":
,"td.bd2 span:contains('BitTorrent download at a public tracker')":
,"td.bd2 span:contains('Other; specify in bounty description')":
,"div.brw th:contains('Added')" :"加入时间"
,"div.brw th:contains('Amount')" :"金额"
,"div.brw th:contains('Posted By')" :"提供者"
,"div.bcl th:contains('Claim Date')" :"服务日期"
,"div.bcl th:contains('Status')" :"状态"
,"div.bcl th:contains('Bounty Hunter')" :"赏金猎人"
,"div.bcl th:contains('Hunter Rating')" :"猎人等级"
,"div.brw td:contains('Original Bounty')":"基本赏金"
,"div.bcl td:contains('This bounty has not been accepted or claimed by anyone.')":
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('WANTED')":"悬赏"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('REWARD')":"累积赏金"
,"div.bcl td span:contains('Bounty Reserved')" :"悬赏保留"
,"div.bcl td span:contains('Claim Disputed')" :"争议投稿"
,"div.bcl td span:contains('Claim Pending')" :"等待要求"
,"div.bcl td span:contains('Claim Accepted')" :"投稿接受"
,"div.bcl td span:contains('Bounty Accepted')" :"领取赏金"
,"td:contains('Rank A')" :"分级 A"
,"td:contains('Rank B')" :"分级 B"
,"td:contains('Rank C')" :"分级 C"
,"td:contains('Rank D')" :"分级 D"
,"td:contains('Rank E')" :"分级 E"
,"td:contains('Rank F')" :"分级 F"
,"td:contains('Unranked')" :"未分级"
["attr","#focusme", "placeholder" ,"输入搜索"]
,["html","#searchform","Bounty Type:" ,"悬赏类型:"]
,["html","#searchform","Bounty Status:" ,"悬赏状态:"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='t']",">All<" ,">全部<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='t']",">Standard<" ,">标准<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='t']",">Translation<" ,">翻译<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='t']",">Editing<" ,">补充<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">All Open Bounties<" ,">开放式<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">All Reserved Bounties<" ,">已保留<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">All Claimed Bounties<" ,">已投稿<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">All Completed Bounties<" ,">已完成<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">Bounties Posted By Me<" ,">我发起的<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">Bounties Boosted By Me<" ,">我投资的<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">Bounties Accepted By Me<" ,">我接受的<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">Bounties Reserved For Me<" ,">我保留的<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">Bounties Claimed By Me<" ,">我投稿的<"]
,["html","#searchform select.stdinput[name='s']",">Bounties Completed By Me<" ,">我完成的<"]
,["attr","input[value='Search Bounties']" , "value","搜索悬赏"]
,["attr","input[value='Clear']" , "value","清除"]
,["html","h1.ih:contains('Showing All Open Bounties posted by ')"
,"Showing All Open Bounties posted by "
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('\\< Prev 10')","Prev 10","前 10 项"]
,["html","div.stuffbox span:contains('Next 10 \\>')","Next 10","后 10 项"]
,["html","div.stuffbox a:contains('\\< Prev 10')" ,"Prev 10","前 10 项"]
,["html","div.stuffbox a:contains('Next 10 \\>')" ,"Next 10","后 10 项"]
,["attr","img[title='Contact Poster']","title","跟他联系"]
,"You have successfully upped the reward on this bounty."
,["html","#lb p"
,"You have rescinded your reward for this bounty."
,["html","div.brd td.bd2"," Credits \\+ "," <font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font> + "]
,["html","div.brd td.bd2"," Hath"," <font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font>"]
,["attr","input[value='Rescind']" , "value","撤销"]
,["html","div.brd p"
,"If you wish, you can throw in some more Credits or Hath for this reward."
,"可以照想法加码<font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font>或<font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font>."]
,["html","div.brd p"
,"As long as the bounty has not been accepted or claimed by anyone, "
,["html","div.brd p"
,"you are free to rescind this additional bounty at any time."
,["html","div.brd p"
,"Note however that you will have no saying in whether a claim for the bounty is accepted or not."
,["html","div.brd p"
,"If this bounty is cancelled, your funds will be automatically returned to you."
,["html","div.brd p"
,"Additional rewards must be at least"
,["html","div.brd p"
,"You can no longer add rewards for this bounty."
,["html","div.brd p strong:contains('Credits')" ,"Credits" ,"<font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font>"]
,["html","div.brd p strong:contains('Hath')" ,"Hath" ,"<font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font>"]
,["html","div.brd p strong:contains('5000C')" ,"5000C" ,"5000 <font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font>"]
,["html","div.brd p"," or " ," 或是 "]
,["html","div.brd p"," Less than " ," <br>少于 "]
,["html","div.brd p"," will not bump." ," 将不会延长悬赏时间和或提升榜单排名."]
,["html","div.brd p","You currently have" ,"你拥有"]
,["html","div.brd p"," and " ," 和 "]
,["html","div.brd form p"," C \\+ " ," <font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font> + "]
,["html","div.brd form p"," Hath " ," <font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font> "]
,["attr","input[value='Submit Additional Reward']", "value" ,"我要加码!"]
,["html","div.bcl td"
,"Comments from Bounty Poster:"
,["html","div.bcl td"
,"\\(No comment was given.\\)"
,"( 无语置评 )"]
,["html","div.bcl td"
,"This claim has been disputed, and is pending ruling by a Bounty Moderator."
,["html","div.bcl td"
,"This claim has been accepted, and the bounty has been closed."
,["html","div.bcl td"
,"Remaining Claim Dispute Time:"
,["html","div.bcl td"
,"争议投稿时间剩下: None"
,"争议投稿时间剩下: 无"]
,["html","div.stuffbox div[style*='wanted.png'] p"," Credits \\+ "," <font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font> + "]
,["html","div.stuffbox div[style*='wanted.png'] p"," Hath"," <font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font>"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"Bounties that are "
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p span"
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p span"
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
," are open to be accepted and claimed."
,",代表任务开放中等待猎人'<font color='darkred'><b>接下任务</b></font>'或'<font color='darkred'><b>投稿</b></font>'."]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"If you intent to fulfill a bounty within a reasonable amount of time, "
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"you can optionally"
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p span"
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"the bounty first. After a bounty has been"
,"这个悬赏任务. <br>当悬赏被"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p span"
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,", the original poster of the bounty has 7 days to accept or dispute it, "
," 后,悬赏发起人有七天时间修改任务状态为接受或争议宣告,"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"after which a moderator will decide the outcome."
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"In case of a dispute, "
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"a Bounty Moderator will decide the outcome of the bounty."
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"A rejected claim cannot be resubmitted, and will affect your rank."
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"Your rank \\("
,"你的猎人等级 ("]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"\\) is insufficient to accept this bounty."
,") 不足以接下这个悬赏任务."]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"\\(Rank A\\)"
,"(<font color='red'>分级 A</font>)"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"\\(Rank B\\)"
,"(<font color='red'>分级 B</font>)"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"\\(Rank C\\)"
,"(<font color='red'>分级 C</font>)"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"\\(Rank D\\)"
,"(<font color='red'>分级 D</font>)"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"\\(Rank E\\)"
,"(<font color='red'>分级 E</font>)"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"\\(Rank F\\)"
,"(<font color='red'>分级 F</font>)"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"(<font color='red'>未分级</font>)"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"You have not yet accepted or claimed this bounty."
//,"For accepting a bounty, you can enter a short comment here. "
//+"For claiming a bounty, "
//+"you must enter all the necessary details for where the bounty can be found."
+"you must enter all the necessary details for where the bounty can be found.\n"
+"( 上面这句我不知道怎么翻译啦... )\n\n"
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"If you intend to claim this bounty, "
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"make sure that all necessary URLs entered above are correct, "
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"and that they match the Accepted Carriers of this bounty."
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"," and ","及"]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"Do not, for instance, submit a link to a torrent file if that carrier is not accepted."
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"All information required to determine the validity of a claim MUST be posted in the claim itself."
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,"投稿时,你必须付出押金 1000 <font color='RoyalBlue'>绅士币</font>."]
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,["html","div.stuffbox > div:eq(1) p"
,["attr","input[value='Withdraw Accept/Claim']","value",
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,["attr","input[value='Claim Bounty']","value",
"div.ido h1.ih:contains('Torrents')" :"BT种子列表"
,"#torrentform p a:contains('All')" :"全部"
,"#torrentform p a:contains('Seeded')" :"已做种"
,"#torrentform p a:contains('Unseeded')" :"无做种"
,"#torrentform p a:contains('All Torrents')" :"全部种子"
,"#torrentform p a:contains('Only My Torrents')":"只有我的"
,"table.itg th a:contains('Added')" :"加入时间"
,"table.itg th:contains('Torrent Name')" :"种子名称"
,"table.itg th:contains('Gallery')" :"编号"
,"table.itg th a:contains('Size')" :"大小"
,"table.itg th a:contains('Seeds')" :"做种"
,"table.itg th a:contains('Peers')" :"人数"
,"table.itg th a:contains('DLs')" :"下载"
,"table.itg th:contains('Uploader')" :"上传者"
,"div.ido p.ip a:contains('Advanced Gallery/Torrent Search')":"高级画册 / 种子搜索"
,"div.ido p[style*='text-align:center; font-style:italic;']:contains('No hits found')":
["attr","#focusme","placeholder" ,"关键字搜索"]
,["html","#torrentform p","Status:" ,"种子:"]
,["html","#torrentform p","Show:" ,"显示:"]
,["attr","#torrentform input[value='Search Torrents']" ,"value","搜索"]
,["attr","#torrentform input[value='Clear']" ,"value","清除"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip","Showing" ,"显示"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip","of" ,"共有"]
,["html","div.ido p.ip"
,"Note that you cannot add torrents directly to this page."
,["html","div.ido p.ip"
,"To upload torrents to this system, visit the torrent screen for a gallery."
"#torrentinfo span:contains('Posted:')" :"发表时间:"
,"#torrentinfo span:contains('Size:')" :"文件大小:"
,"#torrentinfo span:contains('Seeds:')" :"种子数:"
,"#torrentinfo span:contains('Peers:')" :"人数:"
,"#torrentinfo span:contains('Downloads:')" :"下载数:"
,"#torrentinfo span:contains('Posted:')" :"发表时间:"
,"#torrentinfo span:contains('Uploader:')" :"上传者:"
,"#torrentinfo span:contains('New Torrents:')" :"新建种子:"
,"#ett td:contains('Posted')" :"发表时间"
,"#ett td:contains('Uploader')" :"上传者"
,"#ett td:contains('Size')" :"文件大小"
,"#ett td:contains('Seeds')" :"种子数"
,"#ett td:contains('DLers')" :"下载数"
,"#ett td:contains('Completes')" :"完成数"
,"#expungeform a:contains('Vote to Expunge')" :"投票隐藏"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Close Window')" :"关闭窗口"
,"#torrentinfo td[style='font-weight:bold']:contains('Torrent Name')" :"<br>种子名称"
,"#torrentinfo td[style='font-weight:bold']:contains('Comments')" :"<br>评论注释"
["html","#torrentinfo p"
,"torrent was found for this gallery."
,["html","#torrentinfo p"
,"torrents were found for this gallery."
,["html","#torrentinfo div"
,"You can add a torrent for this gallery by uploading it here."
,["html","#torrentinfo div"
,"The maximum torrent file size is 10 MB."
,["html","#torrentinfo div"
,"If you are creating the torrent yourself, "
,["html","#torrentinfo div"
,"set this as announce tracker:"
,"请设置这个BT Tracker服务器:"]
,["html","#torrentinfo div"
,"Note that you have to download the finished torrent from this site after uploading for stats to be recorded."
,"请注意,上传种子后请重新下载种子才可以进行记录追踪 ( 获得图币、绅士币 )"]
,["html","#torrentinfo td","Personalized Torrent" ,"私人用种子 "]
,["html","#torrentinfo td","Redistributable Torrent" ,"公开用种子 "]
,["html","#torrentinfo td"
,"\\(Just For You - this makes sure to record your stats\\)"
,"( 仅给你自己使用 - 会影响到你的统计信息 )"]
,["html","#torrentinfo td"
,"\\(use if you want a file you can post or give to others\\)"
,"( 可公开使用分享 - 发表或给予他人 )"]
,"No comments were given for this torrent."
,["attr","input[value='Back to Index']" ,"value","回列表页"]
,["attr","input[value='Modify']" ,"style","width:100px"]
,["attr","input[value='Modify']" ,"value","编辑种子"]
"h2:contains('Image Limits')" :"图片上限"
,"h2:contains('EHTracker')" :"BT统计表"
,"h2:contains('Total GP Gained')" :"图币总获得"
,"h2:contains('Toplists')" :"全站排名"
,"h2:contains('Moderation Power')" :"加权指数 ( <a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Power' target='_Blank'>版务愿力</a> )"
["html","div.homebox p","You are currently at" ,"已使用 "]
,["html","div.homebox p"," towards a limit of " ," 至上限 "]
,["html","div.homebox p",". This regenerates at a rate of ","。 重置频率为每分钟 "]
,["html","div.homebox p"," per minute." ," 次"]
,["html","div.homebox p","Reset Cost: " ,"重置花费:"]
,["attr","div.homebox input[name='reset']","value" ,"设置重置"]
,["html","div.homebox td.c2","uploaded" ,"已上传流量"]
,["html","div.homebox td.c2","downloaded" ,"已下载流量"]
,["html","div.homebox td.c2","up/down ratio","上下载比例"]
,["html","div.homebox td.c2","torrent completes","做种完成数"]
,["html","div.homebox td.c2","gallery completes","画册完成数"]
,["html","div.homebox td.c2","seedmins" ,"做种时间(分钟)"]
,["html","div.homebox div a","Show My Torrents" ,"显示我的种子"]
,["html","div.homebox p"
,"If you misplace any of your personalized torrents, hit the button below to reset your key."
,["html","div.homebox p"
,"This will immediately invalidate all of your personalized torrents in play."
,["html","div.homebox p","Your current key is:" ,"种子密钥:"]
,["attp","div.homebox input[name='reset_torrent_key']","value" ,"Reset Torrent Key","重置密钥"]
,["attr","div.homebox input[name='reset_torrent_key']","onclick" ,"return confirm('确定要重置种子密钥?? 此动作不可回复!!')"]
,["html","div.homebox td","GP from gallery visits" ,"<font color='green'>图币</font>来自画册浏览量"]
,["html","div.homebox td","GP from torrent completions" ,"<font color='green'>图币</font>来自做种完成数"]
,["html","div.homebox td","GP from archive downloads" ,"<font color='green'>图币</font>来自打包下载量"]
,["html","div.homebox td","GP from Hentai@Home" ,"<font color='green'>图币</font>来自于绅士之家"]
,["html","div.homebox td","You are currently:" ,"当前排名:"]
,["html","div.homebox td","on the " ,"名位于 "]
,["html","div.homebox td"," toplist" ," 排行榜"]
//EHG Toplists
,["html","div.homebox td a","Hentai@Home " ,"绅士之家"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Galleries " ,"画册"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Uploader " ,"上传"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Tagging " ,"标签"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","EHTracker " ,"BT种子"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Cleanup " ,"清理"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Rating & Reviewing " ,"评星\&回顾"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","All-Time" ,"时间总计"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Past Year" ,"去年累计"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Past Month" ,"上月统计"]
,["html","div.homebox td a","Yesterday" ,"昨天截止"]
,["html","div.homebox td div","Current Moderation Power","当前总加权指数"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Base" ,"基础"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Awards" ,"赏赉勋章"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Tagging" ,"添加标签"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Level" ,"《HentaiVerse》等级"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Donations" ,"捐款加权"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Forum Activity" ,"论坛积极度"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Uploads/H@H" ,"上传/绅士家"]
,["html","div.homebox td","Account Age" ,"帐号年资"]
,["html","div.homebox td","(capped to 25)" ,"封顶上限25"]
"div.stuffbox th:contains('Ranking')" :"排名"
,"div.stuffbox th:contains('Score')" :"评分"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Galleries All-Time')" :"画册时间总计"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Galleries Past Year')" :"画册去年统计"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Galleries Past Month')" :"画册上个月计"
,"div.stuffbox a:contains('Galleries Yesterday')" :"画册昨天截止"
,"div.stuffbox td:contains('Not currently in Top 1000')" :"不在前 1千名内"
,"div.stuffbox td:contains('The number of total visits on your galleries.')":
,"div.stuffbox p a:contains('Back To Gallery')":"回到画册"
["html","div.stuffbox p","Visitor Statistics" ,"来访量统计表格"]
,["html","div.stuffbox" ,"Visits" ,"来访"]
,["html","div.stuffbox" ,"Hits" ,"点击"]
,["html","div.stuffbox" ,"Yearly Stats" ,"年度统计"]
,["html","div.stuffbox" ,"Last 12 Months" ,"12个月内"]
,["html","div.stuffbox" ,"Daily Stats" ,"每日统计"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Jan" ,"1月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Feb" ,"2月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Mar" ,"3月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Apr" ,"4月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"May" ,"5月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Jun" ,"6月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Jul" ,"7月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Aug" ,"8月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Sep" ,"9月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Oct" ,"10月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Nov" ,"11月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td.stdk" ,"Dec" ,"12月"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td","The number of total visits on your galleries." ,"画册游客数量"]
,["html","div.stuffbox td","The number of total image accesses on your galleries." ,"画册图片浏览量"]
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"This gallery has had a total of"
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
"#msg:contains('Settings were updated')" :"<font color='Green'><b>设置已更新完毕</b></font>"
,"#outer h1:contains('Settings')" :"个人设置"
,"#outer h2:contains('Image Load Settings')" :"图片加载"
,"#outer h2:contains('Image Size Settings')" :"图片大小"
,"#outer h2:contains('Gallery Name Display')" :"画册名称"
,"#outer h2:contains('Archiver Settings')" :"打包设置"
,"#outer h2:contains('Front Page Settings')" :"首页设置"
,"#outer h2:contains('Favorites')" :"我的收藏"
,"#outer h2:contains('Ratings')" :"评分颜色"
,"#outer h2:contains('Tag Namespaces')" :"标记命名"
,"#outer h2:contains('Excluded Languages')" :"隐藏语系"
,"#outer h2:contains('Search Result Count')" :"搜索数量"
,"#outer h2:contains('Thumbnail Settings')" :"缩略图预览"
,"#outer h2:contains('Gallery Comments')" :"画册注释"
,"#outer h2:contains('Gallery Tags')" :"画册标记"
,"#outer h2:contains('Gallery Page Numbering')" :"预览数量"
,"#outer h2:contains('Hentai@Home Proxy')" :"绅士之家"
,"#outer h2:contains('Tag Flagging')" :"标记旗帜"
,"#outer h2:contains('Advertisements')" :"广告设置"
,"#outer h2:contains('Original Images')" :"原始图片"
,"#outer h2:contains('Multi-Page Viewer')" :"多图浏览"
//Image Load Settings
,"label[for='uh_y']" :"同意 (建议)"
,"label[for='uh_n']" :"不同意 (你将无法一次浏览多页,请只有在出问题的时候启动此功能.)"
//Image Size Settings
,"label[for='xr_0']" :"自动"
//Gallery Name Display
,"label[for='tl_r']" :"默认标题"
,"label[for='tl_j']" :"日文标题 ( 如果可以使用 )"
//Archiver Settings
,"label[for='ar_0']" :"手动付费,手动下载 (默认)"
,"label[for='ar_2']" :"手动付费,自动下载"
,"label[for='ar_1']" :"自动付费,手动下载"
,"label[for='ar_3']" :"自动付费,自动下载"
//Front Page Settings
,"label[for='dm_l']" :"列表模式"
,"label[for='dm_t']" :"缩略图模式"
,"label[for='fs_p']" :"排序:以最新的画册更新时间为准"
,"label[for='fs_f']" :"排序:以收藏时间为准"
//Tag Namespaces
,"label[for='xns_1']":"reclass<br> (重分类)"
,"label[for='xns_2']":"language<br> ( 语 系 )"
,"label[for='xns_3']":"parody<br> ( 滑稽模仿 )"
,"label[for='xns_4']":"character<br> ( 角 色 )"
,"label[for='xns_5']":"group<br> ( 分 组 )"
,"label[for='xns_6']":"artist<br> ( 画 师 )"
,"label[for='xns_7']":"male<br> ( 男 性 )"
,"label[for='xns_8']":"female<br> ( 女 性 )"
//Search Result Count
,"label[for='rc_0']":"25 个项目"
,"label[for='rc_1']":"50 个项目"
,"label[for='rc_2']":"100 个项目"
,"label[for='rc_3']":"200 个项目"
//Thumbnail Settings
,"label[for='lt_m']":"鼠标停留时 ( 网页读取快,鼠标停留读取缩略图时会有点迟滞 )"
,"label[for='lt_p']":"网页读取时 ( 读取网页慢,鼠标停留读取缩略图无延迟 )"
//Gallery Comments
//Gallery Tags
//Gallery Page Numbering
//Tag Flagging
//Original Images
//Multi-Page Viewer
,"label[for='ms_n']":"往左对齐,只有图片大于浏览器宽度才缩小" //Align left; Only scale if image is larger than browser width
,"label[for='ms_c']":"中间对齐,只有图片大于浏览器宽度才缩小" //Align center; Only scale if image is larger than browser width
,"label[for='ms_y']":"中间对齐,随时缩小图片适应浏览器宽度" //Align center; Always scale images to fit browser width
//Image Load Settings
,"Do you wish to load images through the Hentai@Home Network, if available?"
//Image Size Settings
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Normally, images are resampled to 1280 pixels of horizontal resolution for online viewing."
,"通常来说,为了在线浏览图片会压缩至垂直高度1280像素大小. "]
,["html","div.optmain p"
," You can alternatively select one of the following resample resolutions."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"To avoid murdering the staging servers, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"resolutions above 1280x are temporarily restricted to donators, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"people with any hath perk, and people with a UID below 3,000,000."
//Gallery Name Display
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"While the site will automatically scale down images to fit your screen width, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"you can also manually restrict the maximum display size of an image. "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Like the automatic scaling, this does not resample the image, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"as the resizing is done browser-side."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"(0 = no limit)"
," 0 = 不做限制 "]
,["html","div.optsub td","Horizontal:" ,"水平:"]
,["html","div.optsub td","Vertical:" ,"垂直:"]
,["html","div.optsub td","pixels" ,"像素"]
//Gallery Name Display
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Many galleries have both an English/Romanized title and a title in Japanese script. "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Which gallery name would you like to see as default?"
//Archiver Settings
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"The default behavior for the Archiver is to confirm the \"cost\" for downloading an archive, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"then present a link that can be clicked or copied elsewhere. You can change this behavior here."
//Front Page Settings
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Which display mode would you like to use on the front and search pages?"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Would you like the Popular Right Now pane to be displayed below the most recently added galleries on the front page?"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"What categories would you like to view as default on the front page?"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Here you can choose and rename your favorite categories."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"You can also select your default sort order for galleries on your favorites page. "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Note that favorites added prior to the March 2016 revamp did not store a timestamp, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"and will use the gallery posted time regardless of this setting."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"By default, galleries that you have rated will appear with red stars for ratings of 2 stars and below, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"green for ratings between 2.5 and 4 stars, and blue for ratings of 4.5 or 5 stars."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"You can customize this by entering your desired color combination below."
,["html","div.optmain #ru2"
,"Each letter represents one star. "
,"每一个字符代表一星. "]
,["html","div.optmain #ru2"
,"The default RRGGB means R\\(ed\\) for the first and second star, G\\(reen\\) for the third and fourth, "
,["html","div.optmain #ru2"
,"and B\\(lue\\) for the fifth. You can also use \\(Y\\)ellow for the normal stars."
,"B为蓝色. <br>你也可以使用黄色Y."]
,["html","div.optmain #ru2"
,"Any five-letter combination of R, G, B and Y will work."
//Tag Namespaces
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"If you want to exclude certain namespaces from a default tag search, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"you can check those below."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Note that this does not prevent galleries with tags in these namespaces from appearing, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"it just makes it so that when searching tags, it will forego those namespaces."
//Excluded Languages
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"If you wish to hide galleries in certain languages from the gallery list and searches, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"select them from the list below."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Note that matching galleries will never appear regardless of your search query."
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel th","Original" ,"原文本"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel th","Translated" ,"翻译本"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel th","Rewrite" ,"重制版"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel th","All" ,"全部"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Japanese" ,"日文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","English" ,"英文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Chinese" ,"中文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Dutch" ,"菏兰语"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","French" ,"法文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","German" ,"德文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Hungarian" ,"匈牙利文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Italian" ,"意大利文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Korean" ,"韩文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Polish" ,"波兰语"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Portuguese" ,"葡萄牙文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Russian" ,"俄语"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Spanish" ,"西班牙语"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Thai" ,"泰语"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Vietnamese" ,"越南文"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","N/A" ,"N/A无法辨识"]
,["html","div.optmain #xlasel td.xla","Other" ,"其他"]
//Search Result Count
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"How many results would you like per page for the index/search page and torrent search pages?"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"\\(Hath Perk: Paging Enlargement Required\\)"
,"( 特殊功能需求:Paging Enlargement - 版面扩张 )"]
//Thumbnail Settings
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"How would you like the mouse-over thumbnails on the front page to load when using List Mode?"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"You can set a default thumbnail configuration for all galleries you visit."
,["html","div.optmain div.optsub td"
,"Size: "
,["html","div.optmain div.optsub td"
//Gallery Comments
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Sort order for gallery comments:"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Show gallery comment votes:"
//Gallery Tags
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Sort order for gallery tags:"
//Gallery Page Numbering
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Show gallery page numbers:"
//Hentai@Home Proxy
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Set the field below to the IP:Port of a proxy-enabled Hentai@Home Client to load all images through this client, "
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"or leave blank to not use one."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"If you are running the client on the same PC you browse from, you can use"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"You can also use private network IPs for local proxies, for example"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"In the default H@H setting, the client must be on your local computer or local network in order to allow proxy connections."
,"但是绅士之家的默认值,客户端必须是同台电脑或同局域网路才可准许连接 ( 或更改设置但不建议 )."]
,["html","div.optmain div.optsub table.hathproxy th"
,"IP Address:Port"
,["html","div.optmain div.optsub table.hathproxy th"
,"Passkey \\(Optional\\)"
,"连接密钥 (选用) "]
//Tag Flagging
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Enable Tag Flagging?"
,"是否在搜索页显示标签旗帜?? "]
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"\\(Bronze Star or Hath Perk: Tag Flagging Required\\)"
,"( 必须拥有青铜之星或特殊功能:Tag Flagging - 首页标签旗号 )"]
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Tags entered below will be flagged on the index/search pages."
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Tags should be separated by a comma. You can add up to "
,"标记可用逗号分隔,你最多可使用 "]
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"tags per flag."
," 个标记"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Would you like to browse with advertisements enabled?"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"\\(Bronze Star or Hath Perk: Ads-Be-Gone Required\\)"
,"( 必须拥有青铜之星或特殊功能:Ads-Be-Gone - 去去广告滚开 )"]
//Original Images
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Always display the original images instead of the resampled versions?"
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"\\(Silver Star or Hath Perk: Source Nexus Required\\)"
,"( 必须拥有白银之星或特殊功能:Source Nexus - 原始人用图片 )"]
//Multi-Page Viewer
,["html","div.optmain p"
,"Enable the Multi-Page Viewer\\? \\(Gold Star or Hath Perk: Multi-Page Viewer Required\\)"
,"是否使用多图快速阅览??? ( 必须拥有黄金之星或特殊功能:Multi-Page Viewer - 多页快速阅览 )"]
,["html","div.optmain a[href*='mpv']:contains('demo')" ,"demo","范例网页"]
,["html","div.optmain p","Multi-Page Viewer Display Style:" ,"多页浏览显示样式:"]
,["html","div.optmain p","Multi-Page Viewer Thumbnail Pane:","多页浏览显示缩略图区:"]
"div.stuffbox h1:contains('Hath Perks')" :
"骇斯币(Hath):<a href='https://youtu.be/mJsnsKs5ZHQ' target='_bank'>特异功能</a>"
,"div.stuffbox a[href*='exchange.php?type=hath']:contains('Hath Exchange')" :"Hath Exchange ( 骇斯市集 ) "
,"div.stuffbox a[href*='bitcoin.php']:contains('Donation Screen')" :"Donation Screen ( 捐款网页 ) "
,"div.stuffbox th:contains('Hath Perk')" :"功能名称"
,"div.stuffbox th:contains('Description')" :"功能说明"
,"div.stuffbox p:contains('Obtained')" :"已购买"
,"div.stuffbox td a:contains('demo')" :"范例网页"
,"div.stuffbox span:contains('Free with a $20 donation.')" :"捐款 $20 以上自动免费 ( 如已购买的骇斯币将会退还 )"
,"div.stuffbox span:contains('Free with a $50 donation.')" :"捐款 $50 以上自动免费 ( 如已购买的骇斯币将会退还 )"
,"div.stuffbox span:contains('Free with a $100 donation.')":"捐款 $100 以上自动免费 ( 如已购买的骇斯币将会退还 )"
,"td:contains('Ads-Be-Gone')" :"Ads-Be-Gone<br>" +"去去广告滚开"
,"td:contains('Tag Flagging')" :"Tag Flagging<br>" +"首页标签旗号"
,"td:contains('Source Nexus')" :"Source Nexus<br>" +"原始人用图片"
,"td:contains('Multi-Page Viewer')" :"Multi-Page Viewer<br>" +"多页快速阅览"
,"td:contains('More Thumbs')" :"More Thumbs<br>" +"缩略图不够不够"
,"td:contains('Thumbs Up')" :"More Thumbs<br>" +"缩略图增长中"
,"td:contains('All Thumbs')" :"All Thumbs<br>" +"缩略图还是不够"
,"td:contains('More Pages')" :"More Page<br>" +"页数抓狂翻桌"
,"td:contains('Lots of Pages')" :"Lots of Pages<br>" +"需要更多页数"
,"td:contains('Too Many Pages')" :"Too Many Pages<br>" +"页数泛滥啦!"
,"td:contains('More Favorite Notes I')" :"More Favorite Notes I<br>" +"疯狂注记收藏家1"
,"td:contains('More Favorite Notes II')":"More Favorite Notes II<br>" +"抓狂注记收藏家2"
,"td:contains('Paging Enlargement I')" :"Paging Enlargement I<br>" +"版面扩张手术1 - 盖世神医"
,"td:contains('Paging Enlargement II')" :"Paging Enlargement II<br>" +"版面扩张手术2 - 超神杰克"
,"td:contains('Paging Enlargement III')":"Paging Enlargement III<br>" +"版面扩张手术3 - 你是传奇"
,"td:contains('Postage Paid')" :"Postage Paid<br>" +"邮资清偿专家"
,"td:contains('Vigorous Vitality')" :"Vigorous Vitality<br>" +"生机勃勃"
,"td:contains('Effluent Ether')" :"Effluent Ether<br>" +"溢流以太"
,"td:contains('Suffusive Spirit')" :"Suffusive Spirit<br>" +"心灵坚强"
,"td:contains('Resplendent Regeneration')" :"Resplendent Regeneration<br>" +"辉煌再起"
,"td:contains('Enigma Energizer')" :"Enigma Energizer<br>" +"谜之劲量"
,"td:contains('Yakety Sax')" :"Yakety Sax<br>" +"叶克蒂·萨克斯"
,"td:contains('Soul Catcher')" :"Soul Catcher<br>" +"灵魂捕手"
,"td:contains('Extra Strength Formula')":"Extra Strength Formula<br>" +"特强配方"
//,"td:contains('Thats Good Eatin')" :"That's Good Eatin'<br>" +"这倒是挺好吃的!"
,"td:contains('Coupon Clipper')" :"Coupon Clipper<br>" +"食利者"
,"td:contains('Long Gone Before Daylight')":"Long Gone Before Daylight<br>" +"黎明之前"
,"td:contains('Dark Descent')" :"Dark Descent<br>" +"黑暗后裔"
,"td:contains('Eminent Elementalist')" :"Eminent Elementalist<br>" +"元素大师"
,"td:contains('Divine Warmage')" :"Divine Warmage<br>" +"圣战法师"
,"td:contains('Death and Decay')" :"Death and Decay<br>" +"死亡凋零"
,"td:contains('Evil Enchantress')" :"Evil Enchantress<br>" +"邪恶女巫"
,"td:contains('Force of Nature')" :"Force of Nature<br>" +"自然之力"
,"td:contains('Manehattan Project')" :"Manehattan Project<br>" +"马哈顿计划"
,"td:contains('Follower of Snowflake')" :"Follower of Snowflake<br>" +"雪花的信徒"
,"td:contains('Thinking Cap')" :"Thinking Cap<br>" +"深思"
,"td:contains('Mentats')" :"Mentats<br>" +"门塔特"
,"td:contains('Learning Chip')" :"Learning Chip<br>" +"学习芯片"
,"td:contains('Cybernetic Implants')" :"Cybernetic Implants<br>" +"神经植入物"
,"td:contains('Innate Arcana I')" :"Innate Arcana I<br>" +"天赋奥术"
,"td:contains('Crystarium I')" :"Crystarium I<br>" +"水晶矿脉"
,"td:contains('Tokenizer I')" :"Tokenizer I<br>" +"令牌技师"
,"td:contains('Repair Bear Mk.1')" :"Repair Bear Mk.1<br>" +"修理熊 Mk.1"
,"td:contains('Repair Bear Mk.2')" :"Repair Bear Mk.2<br>" +"修理熊 Mk.2"
,"td:contains('Repair Bear Mk.3')" :"Repair Bear Mk.3<br>" +"修理熊 Mk.3"
,"td:contains('Repair Bear Mk.4')" :"Repair Bear Mk.4<br>" +"修理熊 Mk.4"
,"td:contains('Damon Duality')" :"Damon Duality<br>" +"双重守护精灵"
,"td:contains('Free-Flowing Dust')" :"Free-Flowing Dust<br>" +"自由流动的尘"
,"td:contains('Grace and Knowledge')" :"Grace and Knowledge<br>" +"恩典和知识"
,"td:contains('Golden Compasses')" :"Golden Compasses<br>" +"黄金罗盘"
,"td:contains('Asahattr')" :"Asahattr<br>" +"伊瑟艾特"
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"By running the Hentai@Home client, you will over time gain special bonus points known as "
,"执行 Hentai@Home 绅士之家客户端,将会随着时间获得特殊加分:"]
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,". These are rewards for people who help keeping this site free, "
," 骇斯(一种币值). <br>这些是人们免费帮助网站的奖励,"]
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"fast and responsive by donating bandwidth and computer resources, and can be exchanged here for "
,'<span style="font-style:italic">Hath Perks</span>'
,'<span style="font-style:italic">Hath Perks (特殊功能) </span>']
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,", which grant beneficial effects on E-Hentai Galleries and in the HentaiVerse."
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"If running H@H is not an option, you can also you can exchange Credits for Hath at the "
,"如果不想使用 Hentai@Home 绅士之家,你也可以使用 Credits (绅士币/信用点) 购买交换,就在 "]
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"While the Hath Perks for the HentaiVerse cannot be obtained in any other way, "
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"most of the ones that are specific for Galleries will also get unlocked by making a donation on the "
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,". These will be refunded if you buy them for Hath, and later make a qualifying donation."
,". <br>如果用户获得捐款资格(星星)前就已购入这些能力,那么已花费的 <font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯</font> 会稍后退还.<br>"]
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,'There is also an option to "adopt" H@H clients that will grant you Hath over time as if you were running it yourself.'
,'当然也可以通过自己 "营运" 绅士之家客户端并获得相应的 Hath 骇斯币.<br><br>'
+"本条目部分参考自<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Hath_Perks?variant=zh-tw'>围纪实验室 ( Hath Perks )</a><br>"]
,["html","div.stuffbox p:contains('You currently have')","You currently have","现在拥有"]
,["html","td","That's Good Eatin'" ,"That's Good Eatin'<br>" +"这倒是挺好吃的!"]
,"Unlocks the display ads toggle for E-Hentai Galleries on the User Settings page."
,"解锁E绅士设置页的广告显示开关. "]
,"This will allow you to browse E-Hentai Galleries sans ads, and still retain your conscience."
//Tag Flagging
,"Allows you to specify up to three groups of good and bad tags. "
,"可让你指定多达三组好与坏标签. "]
,"Galleries containing these tags are automatically flagged as such on the index and search pages."
//Source Nexus
,"Unlocks the Original Images functionality on E-Hentai Galleries."
,"This allows you to browse the original, non-resampled version of a gallery directly."
//Multi-Page Viewer
,"Unlocks the Multi-Page Viewer function on E-Hentai Galleries."
,"This allows you to view all images from a gallery on one page."
//More Thumbs
,"Increases the maximum number of thumbnail rows to 10."
,"增加缩略图列(Thumb Rows)的最大列数至 10 列."]
//Thumbs Up
,"Further increases the maximum number of thumbnail rows to 20."
,"进一步增加缩略图列的最大列数至 20 列."]
//All Thumbs
,"Further increases the maximum number of thumbnail rows to 40."
,"进一步增加缩略图列的最大列数至 40 列."]
//More Pages
,"Increases all limits on how many pages you can view by a factor of two."
//Lots of Pages
,"Increases all limits on how many pages you can view by a factor of five."
//Too Many Pages
,"Increases all limits on how many pages you can view by a factor of ten."
//More Favorite Notes I
,"Increases the number of favorite note slots to 10000."
,"我的收藏注记(Favorites Note)栏数扩增至 1万 个."]
//More Favorite Notes II
,"Increases the number of favorite note slots to 25000."
,"我的收藏注记(Favorites Note)栏数扩增至 2万5 个."]
//Paging Enlargement I
,"Increases the number of results you can show per page on the index, search and torrent pages to 50."
,"增加目录/搜索页面每一页的显示项目数至 50 个."]
//Paging Enlargement II
,"Increases the number of results you can show per page on the index, search and torrent pages to 100."
,"增加目录/搜索页面每一页的显示项目数至 100 个."]
//Paging Enlargement III
,"Increases the number of results you can show per page on the index, search and torrent pages to 200."
,"增加目录/搜索页面每一页的显示项目数至 200 个."]
//Postage Paid
,"You no longer have to pay postage or CoD fees on messages sent through MoogleMail."
,"你使用<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/MoogleMail'>莫古利邮务</a>可免收邮资和货到付款手续费。"]
//Vigorous Vitality
,"Increases your base health by 10%."
,"增加你的基础生命值 10%."]
//Effluent Ether
,"Increases your base mana by 10%."
,"增加你的基础魔力值 10%."]
//Suffusive Spirit
,"Increases your base spirit by 10%."
,"增加你的基础灵力值 10%."]
//Resplendent Regeneration
,"Increases both your in-combat and out-of-combat regeneration by 50%."
,"增强你的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Battles#.E4.BD.9C.E6.88.B0'>战斗</a>中与战斗外的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Character_Stats#Regeneration_Rates'>再生能力</a> 50%."]
//Enigma Energizer
,"Doubles the bonus from the riddlemaster, and increases duration to 50 turns."
,"加倍<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/RiddleMaster'>御谜士</a>的奖励,持续回合数增加至 50 回合."]
//Yakety Sax
,"Monsters will never catch you when fleeing."
,"你<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Skills#Innate_Skills'>逃跑</a>时不会被怪物抓到."]
//Soul Catcher
,"Get ten free soul fragments every dawn event."
,"每次<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Dawn_of_a_New_Day'>黎明事件</a>可得到 10 片免费的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Items#Soul_Fragments'>灵魂断片</a>"]
,"Note that it will not tell you that you got them, they are silently added to your inventory."
," 偷偷的增加到你的库存里. "]
//Extra Strength Formula
,"Happy Pills now fully restore a monster's morale."
,"快乐药丸会完全恢复怪物的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Lab#Morale'>士气值</a>."]
//That's Good Eatin'
,"Increases monster food recovery amount by 20%."
,"增加怪物<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Lab#Food'>食物</a>的饱足感 20%."]
//Coupon Clipper
,"10% discount on all purchases at the Item Shop."
,"在<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Bazaar#Item_Shop'>道具店</a>的所有购物享 10% 折扣."]
//Long Gone Before Daylight
,"The first energy drink used in a day gives twice the normal amount of stamina."
,"每天的第一瓶<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Items#Other_Restoratives'>能量饮料</a>恢复量加倍."]
//Dark Descent
,"Halve the required number of amnesia shards for reseting an item's potential."
,"重置装备潜在能力的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Items#Enchantments'>失忆碎片</a>所需数量减半."]
//Eminent Elementalist
,"Increases effective Elemental Magic Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency."
,"你自身的基础元素魔法熟练度的 10% 会增加到<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Proficiencies#Effective_Proficiency'>有效熟练度</a>里."]
//Divine Warmage
,"Increases effective Divine Magic Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency."
,"你自身的基础神圣魔法熟练度的 10% 会增加到有效熟练度里."]
//Death and Decay
,"Increases effective Forbidden Magic Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency."
,"你自身的基础禁断魔法熟练度的 10% 会增加到有效熟练度里."]
//Evil Enchantress
,"Increases effective Deprecating Magic Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency."
,"你自身的基础贬抑魔法熟练度的 10% 会增加到有效熟练度里."]
//Force of Nature
,"Increases effective Supportive Magic Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency."
,"你自身的基础辅助魔法熟练度的 10% 会增加到有效熟练度里."]
//Manehattan Project
,"Significantly boosts the damage output of the Orbital Friendship Cannon."
,"大幅提升「<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Skills#Special_Skills'>友情小马砲</a>」的杀伤力。"]
//Follower of Snowflake
,"Displays your unyielding devotion to Snowflake, the Goddess of Loot and Harvest."
,"雪花 ─ 专司战利品与收获的女神。宣示你对祂不屈不挠的奉献精神。( <a href='https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?s=&showtopic=170909&view=findpost&p=3550156'>解释</a> )"]
//Thinking Cap
,"Increases EXP gain by 25%. For calculation purposes, this bonus is added to the HentaiVerse training bonus."
,"所有取得的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Experience_Points'>经验值</a>提升 25%. 为计算方便,这个奖励被合并到《HentaiVerse》<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Training'>训练奖励</a>."]
,"Increases this EXP bonus to 50%."
,"提升经验值奖励至 50%.<a href='https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%96%80%E5%A1%94%E7%89%B9'> ( 其他相关 )</a>"]
//Learning Chip
,"Increases this EXP bonus to 75%."
,"提升经验值奖励至 75%."]
//Cybernetic Implants
,"Increases this EXP bonus to 100%."
,"提升经验值奖励至 100%."]
//Innate Arcana I
,"Unlocks the first auto-cast slot in the HentaiVerse, with a 10% upkeep reduction bonus."
,"在《HentaiVerse》解锁第一个<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/HentaiVerse_Settings#Auto-cast_Slots'>自动施法栏</a>,附赠 10% <a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/HentaiVerse_Settings#.E6.B6.88.E8.80.97'>维持量</a>折扣奖励."]
,"This allows you to select a spell that will be cast automatically."
//Innate Arcana II
,"Unlocks a second auto-cast slot, and reduces total upkeep by 20%."
,"解锁第二个自动施法栏,和 20% 总维持量折扣."]
//Innate Arcana III
,"Unlocks a third auto-cast slot, and reduces total upkeep by 30%."
,"解锁第三个自动施法栏,和 30% 总维持量折扣."]
//Innate Arcana IV
,"Unlocks a fourth auto-cast slot, and reduces total upkeep by 40%."
,"解锁第四个自动施法栏,和 40% 总维持量折扣."]
//Innate Arcana V
,"Unlocks a fifth auto-cast slot, and reduces total upkeep by 50%."
,"解锁第五个自动施法栏,和 50% 总维持量折扣."]
//Crystarium I
,"Whenever a monster drops a crystal in the HentaiVerse, you will receive an additional bonus crystal."
,"在《HentaiVerse》里每当一只怪物掉落一颗<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Items#Crystals'>水晶时</a>,你将会再获得一颗水晶作为追加奖励。"]
//Crystarium II
,"Further increases the number of crystals received per drop to three."
//Crystarium III
,"Further increases the number of crystals received per drop to five."
//Crystarium IV
,"Further increases the number of crystals received per drop to seven."
," 进一步提高水晶掉落数量至七倍."]
//Crystarium V
,"Further increases the number of crystals received per drop to ten."
//Tokenizer I
,"Doubles the chance of random mob token drops."
,"打怪的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Items#Tokens'>令牌</a>掉落率变成双倍."]
//Tokenizer II
,"Triples the chance of random mob token drops."
//Tokenizer III
,"Quadruples the chance of random mob token drops."
//Repair Bear Mk.1
,"The latest invention from Moogle Dynamics, "
,"the Repair Bear will follow you around and help you keep your equipment in good shape at all times."
,"<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/The_Forge#Repair'>修理熊</a>会随侍在侧帮助你的<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Equipment'>装备</a>随时保持良好状态."]
,"This reduces effective equipment wear by half."
//Repair Bear Mk.2
,"Further hones the skills of your Repair Bear, making it better at maintaining your equipment."
,"Effective equipment wear is reduced to 25% of normal."
,"有效装备耗损程度减少为正常值的 25%."]
//Repair Bear Mk.3
,"Trains your Repair Bear to the penultimate level, "
,"making those pesky forge visits \\(almost\\) a distant memory."
,"让那些烦人的锻造次数 (几乎) 成为遥远的记忆.<br>"]
,"Effective equipment wear is reduced to 10% of normal."
,"有效装备耗损程度减少为正常值的 10%."]
//Repair Bear Mk.4
,"The pinnacle of Repair Bear Technology, "
,"providing the ultimate in-the-field preventive equipment maintenance."
,"Equipment wear is fully eliminated, and defeat durability loss is cut by half."
,"装备耗损完全消除,被<a href='http://zh.scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Battles#.E6.95.97.E5.8C.97'>击倒</a>时的耐久度损耗减半."]
//Damon Duality
,"Increases attack damage and magic damage by 10%."
,"提升攻击伤害和魔法伤害各 10%."]
//Free-Flowing Dust
,"Increases attack damage and magic damage by 15%."
,"提升攻击伤害和魔法伤害各 15%."]
//Grace and Knowledge
,"Increases attack damage and magic damage by 20%."
,"提升攻击伤害和魔法伤害各 20%."]
//Golden Compasses
,"Increases attack damage and magic damage by 25%."
,"提升攻击伤害和魔法伤害各 25%."]
,"Increases attack damage and magic damage by 30%."
,"提升攻击伤害和魔法伤害各 30%."]
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,"h3:contains('Ask (Sellers)')" :"询价 ( 卖家 )"
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,"#historytable th:contains('Seller')" :"卖家"
,"#historytable th:contains('Buyer')" :"买家"
,"#historytable th:contains('Volume')" :"规模" //数量
,"#historytable th:contains('Unit Cost')" :"单价"
,"#buyform a:contains('Update Bid!')" :"<font color='red'>更改</font>出价!"
,"#sellform a:contains('Update Ask!')" :"<font color='red'>更改</font>询价!"
//The Hath Exchange
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,"h2:contains('Last 24 Hours (per Hath)')" :"近24小时 (单骇斯币)"
,"h2:contains('Buy Hath')" :"购买骇斯币"
,"h2:contains('Sell Hath')" :"卖出骇斯币"
,"#buyform a:contains('Buy Hath!')" :"<font color='red'>购买</font>骇斯币!"
,"#sellform a:contains('Sell Hath!')" :"<font color='red'>卖出</font>骇斯币!"
//The GP Exchange
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,"h2:contains('Last 24 Hours (per kGP)')" :"近24小时 (每个图币)"
,"h2:contains('Buy GP')" :"购买图币"
,"h2:contains('Sell GP')" :"卖出图币"
,"#buyform a:contains('Buy GP!')" :"<font color='red'>购买</font>图币!"
,"#sellform a:contains('Sell GP!')" :"<font color='red'>卖出</font>图币!"
["html","#buyform" ,"Buy Count:" ,"购买规模:"]
,["html","#sellform" ,"Sell Count:" ,"卖出规模:"]
,["html","div:contains('Available: ')" ,"Available:" ,"可用:"]
,["html","#buyform,#sellform" ,"> C " ,"> <font color='darkgreen'>绅士币</font>"]
//The Hath Exchange
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,["html","#sellform" ,"Ask Price/Hath:" ,"<br>询价/单骇斯币:"]
//The GP Exchange
,["html","#buyform" ,"Bid Price/kGP:" ,"<br>出价/单图币:"]
,["html","#sellform" ,"Ask Price/kGP:" ,"<br>询价/单图币:"]
,["html","div:contains(' Credits')"
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,["html","div:contains(' Hath')"
," Hath"
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,["html","div:contains(' kGP')"
," kGP"
,"<font color='darkblue'> 千图币</font>"]
"th:contains('Date')" :"日期"
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,"th:contains('Information')" :"消息"
//Karma Log
,"th:contains('Karma')" :"业力"
,"th:contains('From')" :"来自"
,"th:contains('Topic')" :"主题"
,"th:contains('Comment')" :"评论"
//Credit Log - Normal
["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ,"GP Exchange Transaction "
,"<font color='RoyalBlue'>图币</font>交易 "]
,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ,"Hath Exchange Transaction "
,"<font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯</font>交易 "]
,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ,"\\(Bought "
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,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ,"\\(Sold "
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,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ," Hath "
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,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ," @ "
," (单价) "]
,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ," C\\)"
," <font color='Teal'>绅士币</font>]"]
//Credit Log - Donation
,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ," Donation "
," <font color='Gray'>美金</font>捐款 "]
,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ,"\\(Refunded "
," ( <font color='green'>返还</font> "]
,["html","div[style='overflow:hidden']" ," Hath\\)"
," <font color='DarkOrchid'>骇斯币</font> )"]
//Karma Log
,["html","div:contains('Total Karma: ')"
,"Total Karma: "
,"<a href='https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Karma/Chinese'>(不知道有什么用的)</a> 业力总计:"]
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,"span:contains('Favorited')" :"收藏时间"
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"不 ( 已被取代 )"
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,"div[class='c4 nosel'] a:contains('Edit')":
,"This gallery has been flagged as"
,["html","div strong"
,"Offensive For Everyone"
,". Due to its content, it should not be viewed by anyone."
,". 这个内容物并不适合被任何人观看."]
,"\\(And if you choose to ignore this warning, you lose all rights to complain about it in the future.\\)"
,"( 如果你选择忽视这个警告,你失去一切未来抱怨的权利 )"]
,["html","#gnd",", added" ," 添加时间"]
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,["html","div[class='c4 nosel'] a" ,"Vote+" ,"加分"]
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,["html","#postnewcomment a" ,"Post New Comment" ,"发表新回复"]
,["html","#rating_label" ,"Average" ,"平均"]
,"No tags have been added for this gallery yet."
,"You can enter some tags below to make this gallery less sad."
,["html","#chd p","There is" ,"这里有"]
,["html","#chd p","more comment below the viewing threshold","个及更多回复"]
,["html","#chd p a","click to show all" ,"点我显示"]
,["attr","#gdn a img.ygm" ,"title","跟他联系"]
,["attr","span.halp" ,"title","此画册已翻译"]
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,"stars" :"个星"
,"Thanks for rating!" :"感谢评分!"
,"Rating failed." :"评分失败."
,"Not Yet Rated" :"未有评分"
,"modiTarget2" :"#favcount"
,"times" :"次"
,"Once" :"1 次"
,"modiTarget3" :"#favoritelink"
,"Add to Favorites" :"加入收藏"
,["modi","#tagmenu_act" ,{
">Vote Up<" :"><font color='green'>加分</font><"
,">Vote Down<" :"><font color='red'>扣分</font><"
,">Show Tagged Galleries<" :"><font color='darkblue'>显示此标签的画册</font><"
,">Show Tag Definition<" :">显示标签定义(英文)<"
,">Add New Tag<" :">添加标签<"
,">Withdraw Vote<" :">取消分数<"
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["attr","img[title='Close Image Viewer']","title"
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"a[href*='f_shash=']:contains('Show all galleries with this file')":
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,"a[id='loadfail']:contains('Click here if the image fails loading')":
["html","a[href*='fullimg.php']","Download original" ,"下载原始图片:"]
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,["attr","img[src='http://ehgt.org/g/b.png']","title" ,"回画册列表"]
"a[href*='f_shash=']:contains('Show all galleries with this file')":
,"a[onclick*='Copy the URL below.']:contains('Generate a static forum image link')":
,"a[id='loadfail']:contains('Click here if the image fails loading')":
["html","a[href*='fullimg.php']","Download original" ,"下载原始图片:"]
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"#db p:contains('Current Funds:')" :"现有代币:"
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["html","#db div","Download Cost:" ,"下载花费:"]
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,["html","#db p"
,"Note: Pressing this button will immediately deduct funds."
,["html","#db p"
,"If the download fails, you will have a week to re-download it."
"#galpop p:contains('Please choose a color to file this favorite gallery under. You can also add a note to it if you wish.')":
,"#galpop p:contains('Favorite Note (Max 200 Characters)')":
"收藏注记 ( 最多 200 英文字母 )"
,"#galpop div.nosel div[onclick*='favdel']:contains('Remove from Favorites')":
,"#galpop p:contains('Specify an objective reason why you wish to expunge this gallery.')":
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,"This gallery contains either illicit content like child porn or anything else forbidden by the"
,">Terms of Service<"
,", or otherwise falls under the"
," 禁止的非法内容,除此之外请依据"]
,">Expunge Guidelines<"
,"\\(specify below\\)."
,["attr","input[value='Show Expunge Log']" ,"value","- 显示删除记录 -"]
,["attr","input[value='Petition to Expunge']" ,"value","- 递交删除请愿 -"]
,["html","#galpop p"
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,"Copyright Infringement" ,"版权侵权"]
,["html","div.stuffbox select.stdinput[name='report_cat']"
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,["html","div.stuffbox select.stdinput[name='report_cat']"
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,"or further inquiries regarding your report."
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,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"and will be removed from our systems when the report has been processed."
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"For Copyright Infringement complaints, "
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"please make sure to include enough information that we can accurately verify your claim."
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"A specific list of required information can be found at the bottom of"
,["html","div.stuffbox p"
,"Complaints that do not sufficiently support your claim will be rejected."
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var showOriginal = 0
var rData={
"language" :"语 言",
"parody" :"出 处",
"character" :"角 色",
"group" :"分 组",
"artist" :"画 师",
"female" :"女角色",
"male" :"男角色",
"misc" :"杂 项",
"reclass" :"重归类"
var tData={
"age progression":"快速成长",
"age regression":"返老还童",
"low lolicon":"隐晦的萝莉控",
"low shotacon":"隐晦的正太控",
"low toddlercon":"隐晦的婴儿控",
"old lady":"老女人",
"old man":"老男人",
"body modification":"身体改造",
"doll joints":"球形关节",
"multiple arms":"多个胳膊",
"multiple breasts":"多个乳房",
"multiple paizuri":"多人乳交",
"multiple penises":"多根阴茎",
"age progression":"快速成长",
"age regression":"返老还童",
"ass expansion":"屁股膨大",
"balls expansion":"睾丸膨大",
"body swap":"身体交换",
"breast expansion":"乳房膨大",
"clit growth":"阴蒂增长",
"dick growth":"阴茎增长",
"gender bender":"性别变化",
"moral degeneration":"道德沦丧",
"muscle growth":"肌肉增长",
"nipple expansion":"乳头膨大",
"weight gain":"体重增长",
"alien girl":"外星女",
"bee girl":"蜂娘",
"bunny boy":"兔男",
"bunny girl":"兔娘",
"demon girl":"女恶魔",
"dog boy":"犬男",
"dog girl":"犬娘",
"fox boy":"狐男",
"fox girl":"狐娘(狐女)",
"horse boy":"马男",
"horse girl":"马娘",
"human on furry":"人X人性兽",
"insect boy":"昆虫男",
"insect girl":"昆虫娘",
"lizard girl":"蜥蜴娘",
"lizard guy":"蜥蜴男",
"monster girl":"怪物娘",
"mouse boy":"鼠男",
"mouse girl":"鼠娘",
"pig girl":"猪娘",
"pig man":"猪男",
"plant girl":"植物娘",
"plant guy":"植物男",
"raccoon boy":"浣熊男孩",
"raccoon girl":"浣熊娘",//ehWiki
"robot girl":"机器娘",
"sheep boy":"男羊人",
"sheep girl":"绵羊娘",
"slime boy":"史莱姆男",//ehWiki
"slime girl":"史莱姆娘",
"snake girl":"蛇女",
"snake guy":"男蛇人",
"spider girl":"蜘蛛娘",
"squid girl":"鱿鱼娘",
"wolf boy":"男狼人",
"wolf girl":"狼女",
"animal on animal":"动物X动物",
"animal on furry":"人型兽X动物",
"low bestiality":"隐晦的兽交",
"tall girl":"高个女",
"tall man":"高个男",
"body writing":"身上写字",
"body painting":"人体彩绘",
"dark skin":"黑皮肤",
"full body tattoo":"全身纹身",
"weight gain":"体重增加",
"brain fuck":"脑交",
"ear fuck":"耳交",
"masked face":"戴面具",
"prehensile hair":"抓着头发",
"body swap":"身体交换",
"emotionless sex":"无感情性交",
"mind break":"精神崩溃",
"mind control":"思想控制",
"shared senses":"感官共用",
"cum in eye":"眼射",
"eye penetration":"眼交",
"unusual pupils":"非正常瞳孔",
"nose fuck":"鼻交",
"nose hook":"鼻钩",
"ball sucking":"吸奶子",
"big lips":"大嘴唇",
"blowjob face":"口交脸",
"double blowjob":"两女一屌",
"foot licking":"舔足",
"long tongue":"长舌头",
"piss drinking":"喝尿",
"tooth brushing":"刷牙",
"unusual teeth":"牙型奇异",
"armpit licking":"舔腋下",
"armpit sex":"腋下交",
"hairy armpits":"腋下多毛",
"big areolae":"大乳晕",
"big breasts":"巨乳",
"breast expansion":"乳房膨大",
"breast feeding":"母乳喂养",
"breast reduction":"乳房缩小",
"huge breasts":"超巨乳",
"multiple paizuri":"多人乳交",
"oppai loli":"巨乳萝莉",
"small breasts":"贫乳",
"big nipples":"大乳头",
"dark nipples":"黑乳头",
"inverted nipples":"乳头内翻",
"nipple expansion":"乳头膨大",
"nipple fuck":"肏乳头",
"navel fuck":"肏肚脐",
"stomach deformation":"胃变形",
"=Lower Body=":"=下身=",//==========================================
"bike shorts":"自行车短裤",
"chastity belt":"贞操带",
"pubic stubble":"阴毛茬",
"urethra insertion":"尿道插入",
"balls expansion":"睾丸膨大",
"ball sucking":"吸奶子",
"big balls":"大睾丸",
"big penis":"大阴茎",
"dick growth":"阴茎增长",
"futanari on male":"扶她X男人",
"horse cock":"马屌",
"huge penis":"超大阴茎",
"multiple penises":"多根阴茎",
"penis birth":"长出阴茎",
"prostate massage":"前列腺按摩",
"scrotal lingerie":"阴囊内衣",
"big clit":"大阴蒂",
"big vagina":"大阴道",
"cervix penetration":"子宫脱出",
"clit growth":"阴蒂增长",
"double vaginal":"两屌一屄",
"triple vaginal":"三屌一屄",
"vaginal sticker":"小穴贴",
"anal birth":"肛门出产",
"ass expansion":"屁股膨大",
"big ass":"大屁股",
"double anal":"两屌一菊",
"triple anal":"三屌一菊花",
"=Either Hole=":"=各个穴=",//==========================================
"large insertions":"巨物插入",
"sex toys":"性玩具",
"garter belt":"吊袜腰带",
"kneepit sex":"膝交",
"leg lock":"夹腿",
"foot insertion":"脚入屄",
"foot licking":"舔足",
"thigh high boots":"过膝长靴",
"bike shorts":"自行车短裤",
"bunny boy":"兔男",
"bunny girl":"兔娘",
"business suit":"商务装",
"chinese dress":"中式服装",
"garter belt":"吊袜腰带",
"gothic lolita":"哥特洛丽塔",
"lab coat":"白大褂",
"living clothes":"触手服",
"magical girl":"魔法少女",
"mecha boy":"机甲男",//ehWiki
"mecha girl":"机甲娘",
"metal armor":"金属盔甲",
"nose hook":"鼻钩",
"race queen":"赛车女郎",
"schoolboy uniform":"男校服",
"schoolgirl uniform":"女校服",
"scrotal lingerie":"阴囊内衣",
"school swimsuit":"学校泳装",
"thigh high boots":"过膝长靴",
"vaginal sticker":"小穴贴",
"=Multiple Activities=":"=多人活动=",//==========================================
"double anal":"两屌一菊",
"double blowjob":"两女一屌",
"double vaginal":"两屌一屄",
"ffm threesome":"两女一男",
"fft threesome":"两女一扶她",
"layer cake":"换着插",
"mmf threesome":"两男一女",
"mmt threesome":"两男一扶她",
"mtf threesome":"一男一女一扶她",
"multiple paizuri":"多人乳交",
"triple anal":"三屌一菊花",
"triple vaginal":"三屌一屄",
"ttf threesome":"两扶她一女",
"ttm threesome":"两扶她一男",
"=Multiple Holes=":"=多个穴=",//==========================================
"all the way through":"头尾贯通",
"double penetration":"双穴贯通",
"triple penetration":"三穴贯通",
"glory hole":"墙穴",
"pole dancing":"钢管舞",
"sex toys":"性玩具",
"table masturbation":"桌子自慰",
"wooden horse":"木马",
"slime girl":"史莱姆娘",
"=Bodily Fluids=":"=体液=",//==========================================
"cum bath":"精液浴",
"cum swap":"交换精液",
"piss drinking":"喝尿",
"public use":"公共使用",
"time stop":"时间停止",
"human cattle":"人型牲畜",
"human pet":"人型宠物",
"orgasm denial":"禁止高潮",
"stuck in wall":"卡墙里",
"electric shocks":"电击",
"=Self Pleasure=":"=自慰=",//==========================================
"phone sex":"电话性爱",
"solo action":"自慰",
"table masturbation":"桌子自慰",
"gender bender":"性别变化",
"=Inter-gender Relations=":"=跨性别=",//==========================================
"fft threesome":"两女一扶她",
"futanari on futanari":"扶她X扶她",
"futanari on male":"扶她X男人",
"male on futanari":"男人X扶她",
"mmt threesome":"两男一扶她",
"mtf threesome":"一男一女一扶她",
"ttf threesome":"两扶她一女",
"ttm threesome":"两扶她一男",
"first person perspective":"第一人称",
"full color":"全彩",
"game sprite":"图元画",
"multi-work series":"故事系列",//ehWiki
"story arc":"故事框架",
"full censorship":"色块遮挡",
"mosaic censorship":"马赛克遮挡",
"already uploaded":"已上传过",
"forbidden content":"禁止的内容",
"out of order":"次序颠倒",
"missing cover":"无封面",
"poor grammar":"语义不通",
"text cleaned":"无嵌字版",
"females only":"只有女性",
"males only":"只有男性",
"misc":"杂 项",
"korie riko":"捆枝??",
"happoubi jin":"八宝备仁(????? ??)",
"kizuki aruchu":"鬼月????",
"harumi chihiro":"晴见千寻(??????)",
"full color":"全彩色",
"touhou project":"东方Project",
"ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai": "我的妹妹不可能那么可爱",
"toaru kagaku no railgun":"某科学的超电磁炮",
"kantai collection":"舰队collection",
"pokemon | pocket monsters":"精灵宝可梦",
"higurashi no naku koro ni | when they cry":"寒蝉鸣泣之时",
"puella magi madoka magica":"魔法少女小圆",
"lotte no omocha":"露蒂的玩具",
"sword art online":"刀剑神域",
"to love-ru":"To LOVE?",
"tantei opera milky holmes":"侦探歌剧 少女福尔摩斯",
"hyperdimension neptunia | choujigen game neptune":"超次元游戏:海王星",
"love live":"Love Live!",
"sora no otoshimono | heavens lost property":"天降之物",
"boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai":"我的朋友很少",
"date a live":"约会大作战",
"gochuumon wa usagi desu ka | is the order a rabbit":"今天你也要来点兔子吗?",
"wriggle nightbug":"莉格露·奈特巴格",
"mystia lorelei":"斯蒂娅·萝蕾拉",
"reimu hakurei":"博丽灵梦",
"marisa kirisame":"雾雨魔理沙",
"hong meiling":"红美铃",
"patchouli knowledge":"帕秋莉‧诺蕾姬",
"sakuya izayoi":"十六夜咲夜",
"remilia scarlet":"蕾米莉亚‧斯卡雷特",
"flandre scarlet":"芙兰朵露‧斯卡雷特",
"letty whiterock":"蕾迪‧霍瓦特罗克",
"ink nijihara":"虹原茵可",
"pastel ink":"闪亮茵可",
"small breasts":"小胸部",
"big breasts":"大胸部",
"huge breasts":"超级大胸部",
"breast expansion":"乳房膨胀",
"mind break":"精神受创",
"school swimsuit":"死库水",
"big ass":"大屁股",
"oppai loli":"巨乳萝莉",
"garter belt":"吊带袜",
"dark skin":"黑皮肤",
"big balls":"异常大的睾丸",
"lab coat":"实验室外套",
"bike shorts":"自行车短裤",
"thigh high boots":"长筒靴",
"metal armor":"金属盔甲",
"inverted nipples":"乳头凹陷",
"human pet":"把人当成宠物来对待",
"bunny girl":"兔女、兔女郎",
"dog girl":"狗娘",
"mecha girl":"机甲少女",
"gothic lolita":"哥特萝莉",
"business suit":"西装",
"monster girl":"怪物女孩",
"scrotal lingerie":"阴囊穿内衣",
"chinese dress":"中国衣着(旗袍)",
"schoolgirl uniform":"学校女生制服",
"schoolboy uniform":"学校男生制服",
"tall man":"高男人",
"masked face":"面具",
"chastity belt":"贞操带",
"vaginal sticker":"阴部贴纸",
"futanari on futanari":"扶她上扶她",
"male on futanari":"男的上扶她",
"futanari on male":"扶她上男的",
"gender bender":"跟异性的举动、打扮一样的人(伪娘或伪男)",
"age regression":"返老还童",
"school boy":"男学生",
"magical girl":"马猴烧酒(魔法少女)",
"demon girl":"女妖",
"old man":"老男人",
"unusual pupils":"不寻常的瞳孔",
"snake girl":"蛇女",
"wolf girl":"狼女",
"multiple paizuri":"多人乳交",
"double penetration":"双洞插入",
"sex toys":"性玩具",
"armpit sex":"腋下性爱",
"prostate massage":"前列腺按摩",
"cum bath":"精液浴",
"large insertions":"大的插入",
"urethra insertion":"尿道插入",
"piss drinking":"喝尿",
"time stop":"时间停止",
"dick growth":"阴茎生长",
"electric shocks":"电击",
"body painting":"人体彩绘",
"body writing":"人体写作",
"leg lock":"夹腿",
"double blowjob":"双人口交",
"triple penetration":"三人互插",
"table masturbation":"桌角自慰",
"armpit licking":"腋下舔 ",
"orgasm denial":"拒绝高潮",
"phone sex":"打电话性交",
"big clit":"大阴蒂",
"nose hook":"钩鼻子",
"foot licking":"舔足",
"cum swap":"左右交换口交",
"solo action":"独自愉悦",
"emotionless sex":"无表情性交(冷漠.jpg)",
"brain fuck":"入脑性交",
"dickgirl on dickgirl":"扶她上扶她",
"male on dickgirl":"男的上扶她",
"dickgirl on male":"扶她上男的",
"ball sucking":"嘴吸蛋蛋",
"mind control":"精神控制",
"body swap":"身体交换",
"mmf threesome":"二男一女(3P)",
"ffm threesome":"二女一男(3P)",
"multiple penises":"多个阴茎",
"stomach deformation":"胃部突起",
"big penis":"大阴茎",
"full censorship":"全面体检",
"leg locks":"脚锁",
"art book":"画集",
"full body tattoo":"纹身",
"wooden horse":"木马",
"public use":"公众使用",
"huge penis":"巨大的阴茎",
"girls only":"只有女的",
"guys only":"只有男的",
"double vaginal":"双阴道的",
"triple vaginal":"三阴道的",
"all the way through":"一直走到底(穿刺)",
"age progression":"年龄进展",
"plant girl":"植物(怪物娘)",
"slime girl":"史莱姆(怪物娘)",
"cervix penetration":"子宫颈透视",
"prostitution":"卖淫 / 援交",
"sole male":"男角唯一",
"sole female":"女角唯一",
"females only":"只有女性",
"low lolicon":"未通过萝莉控",
"alien girl":"外星女孩",
"double anal":"肛门双交", //两个阴茎插入相同的肛门
"males only":"只有男性",
"spider girl":"蜘蛛女孩",
"bunny ears":"兔耳",
"big nipples":"大乳头",
"sex addict":"性成瘾",
"gender swap":"性交换",
"side ponytail":"双马尾",
"cat ears":"猫耳",
function translateR(word){ //寻找翻译
var word2 = word;
word = word.substr(0,word.length-1);
var txt = rData[word]; //翻译不存在返回原文本,否则返回翻译后的文本。
if (txt == undefined)
return word;
else return txt;
function translate(word){ //寻找翻译
var txt = tData[word];//翻译不存在返回原文本,否则返回翻译后的文本。
if (txt == undefined)
return word;
else return txt;
var GalleryCategory = {
"Doujinshi" :"同人志 : Doujinshi"
,"Manga" :"漫画 : Manga"
,"Artist CG Sets" :"画师绘图 : Artist CG Sets"
,"Game CG Sets" :"游戏绘图 : Game CG Sets"
,"Western" :"西方的 : Western"
,"Non-H" :"无色情 : Non-H"
,"Image Sets" :"图片集 : Image Sets"
,"Cosplay" :"角色扮演 : Cosplay"
,"Misc" :"杂项 : Misc"
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function split( val ) { return val.split( /,\s*/ ); }
function extractLast( term ) { return split( term ).pop(); }
Object.values = function (obj) {
var vals = [];
for( var key in obj ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
return vals;
function swap(json){
var ret = {};
for(var key in json){
ret[json[key]] = key;
return ret;
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function SubTag(){
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source: function( request, response ) {
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var InputKey = extractLast( request.term );
//alert(JSON.stringify(extractLast( request.term )));
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filter[i] = KeyValueName[filter[i]] + ":" + filter[i];
response( filter );
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terms.pop(); // add the selected item
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terms.push( "" );
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