- // ==UserScript==
- // @name remove ads
- // @namespace websiteEnhancement
- // @version 2024.9.5
- // @description clear site ui
- // @author jim
- // @include /http[s]?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?[myjavbay|eporner|footfan|sis001|theporn|av6k|eqpp|bdsmx|vjav|soav|pornlulu|arival|avtb].*\..*/
- // @exclude *://*.doubleclick.*/*
- // @exclude *://*advertising*
- // @exclude *://*banner*
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM.getValue
- // @grant GM.setValue
- // @require https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/sizzle/GM_config.min.js
- // @license MIT
- // @run-at document-start
- // ==/UserScript==
- ; (async function (withjQuery, addStyle, createSuperLabel) {
- "use strict";
- if (window.self !== window.top) {
- return;
- } // end execution if in a frame
- let conf = new GM_config({
- id: 'GM_config_removeAds',
- title: 'Configurable Options Script',
- fields: {
- 'conf': {
- 'label': 'Search keys',
- 'type': 'textarea',
- rows: 20,
- cols: 50,
- 'default': `
- [
- {
- "matches": [
- "avtb"
- ],
- "selectors": [
- ".ads"
- ]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["wkgo"],
- "selectors": [
- "[id*=stickthread],.quote img,#f_pst,#ft",".bm.bml.pbn",".t_f br,.t_f .jammer",".ad",".pl > :nth-child(n+4)",".pl span:hidden","[id*=normalthread]:contains(AI)","[id*=normalthread]:contains(ai)","[id*=normalthread]:contains(馬賽克)","[id*=normalthread]:contains(AI)","[id*=normalthread]:contains(去码)","[id*=normalthread]:contains(马克赛)","[id*=normalthread]:contains(马赛克)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["sexinsex"],
- "selectors": [
- "div:has(h1:contains('请关闭广告屏蔽插件以支持我们的网站'))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["javdb"],
- "selectors": [
- ".top-meta",".video-detail>:nth-child(n+5)"
- ]
- }
- ]`
- },
- },
- });
- withjQuery(function ($, window) {
- let w = 40, h = 40;
- addStyle(`
- .btn1 {
- opacity:0.8;-moz-transition-duration:0.2s;-webkit-transition-duration:0.2s;
- padding:1px; margin-top:1px;
- font-size: 10; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; line-height:${h}px;
- border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;cursor:pointer; left:0px;z-index:9999;
- background: white;
- width:${w}px;height:${h}px;
- }
- `);
- let container = $(document.createElement('div')).css({
- 'cssText': `position:fixed;top:15%;width:${w}px;height:${h * 7}px;right:5px;z-index:9999`
- });
- //最顶按钮
- let toTopBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('Top');
- toTopBtn.click(function () {
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- });
- container.append(toTopBtn);
- //最低按钮
- let toBottomBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('Bottom');;
- container.append(toBottomBtn);
- toBottomBtn.click(function () {
- window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
- });
- let fastBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('設置')
- container.append(fastBtn)
- container.find('div')
- .addClass('btn1')
- .hover(function (e) {
- let o = $(this)
- o.data('old_opacity', o.css('opacity'))
- .data('old_border', o.css('border'))
- o.css('opacity', 1).css('border', '1px solid black')
- }, function (e) {
- let o = $(this)
- o.css('opacity', o.data('old_opacity')).css('border', o.data('old_border'))
- })
- fastBtn.click(function () {
- conf.open();
- });
- $(document).keydown(function (event) {
- let e = event || window.event;
- let k = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if (k === 16) {
- // isCtrl = true;
- // middleBtn.click()
- } else if (k === 38) { //up
- event.stopPropagation()
- // slowBtn.click()
- } else if (k === 40) {//down
- event.stopPropagation()
- //fastBtn.click()
- }
- })
- container.appendTo('body');
- let list = [
- {
- "matches": ["avtb"],
- "selectors": [".ads"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["sexinsex"],
- "selectors": ["#header", ".ad_text"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["arival", "pornlulu"],
- "selectors": [
- "div.row.no-gutters", "#top-ads", "#bottom-ads", ".ima-ad-container",
- "#myplayer_ima-ad-container", 'div[style*="text-align:center"]'
- ]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["myjavbay"],
- "selectors": ["#custom_html-12", "#custom_html-18", "#custom_html-19", "#custom_html-2"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["eporner"],
- "selectors": ["#movieplayer-box-adv"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["footfan"],
- "selectors": ["#sticky-banner-4672820", ".da", ".form-group.dvplay > div:eq(1)"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["sis001"],
- "selectors": ["#ad_headerbanner", ".ad_text", ".portalbox", "#header"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["av6k"],
- "selectors": [
- "div.frameC > a", "div.frame > a", "#app", "table.links-top2", ".video-img", ".subLink",
- ".newVideoC>div>a[target='_blank'],p,font,b,.h_30", ".clickadu", ".footlink", ".clickadu"
- ],
- "run": () => {
- $("#header").css({ "padding-top": "0px", "padding-bottom": "0px" })
- $(".menu").css({ "padding-top": "0px", "padding-bottom": "0px" })
- }
- },
- {
- "matches": ["theporn"],
- "selectors": ["div.c199d26a", ".float-right.right-player-container.col-2"],
- "run": () => {
- $(".q-responsive").parent().parent().parent().remove()
- setTimeout(function () {
- $("#gbcs").trigger("click")
- $(".close").trigger("click")
- $(".block").trigger("click")
- remove("#__ds_dp", "#domain_change_dialog")
- }, 3000)
- }
- },
- {
- "matches": ["eqpp"],
- "selectors": ["#sticky-banner-4672820", ".da", ".form-group.dvplay > div:eq(1)"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["bdsmx"],
- "selectors": [".right", "section:contains(Advertisement)"]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["vjav"],
- "selectors": [
- ".hdyythvtvviieietth", ".vydththeeyy", "section:contains(Advertisement)",
- ".sinieieyyii", ".eniimeymsywwywyiie", ".iyinsiieieyyii", ".video-page__content>*:not(.left)",
- ".left>*:not(.video-page__player,.video-page__underplayer)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "matches": ["soav"],
- "selectors": ['.ad.noadmo']
- },
- {
- "matches": ["wkgo"],
- "selectors": [
- ],
- "run": () => {
- $("img").removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height')
- $('#wp').css({ width: '100%' })
- }
- }
- ]
- let remove = function (...selectors) {
- let adItems = $(selectors.join(","))
- console.log("removed->", adItems.length, selectors.join(","))
- adItems.remove()
- }
- let removeListAds = function () {
- new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(conf.get('conf', '[]')))
- .then(r => {
- try {
- return JSON.parse(r)
- } catch (error) {
- console.log('config value:', r, 'Error:', error)
- return []
- }
- })
- .then(listconf => listconf.concat(list))
- .then(alllist => {
- for (let i = alllist.length; i > 0; i--) {
- let li = alllist[i - 1]
- if (!li) {
- console.log(`item is null, index:`, i)
- continue;
- }
- if (!li.matches || li.matches.length == 0) {
- console.log(`matches.length must great then 0, index:`, i, 'config:', JSON.stringify(li))
- continue;
- }
- for (let j = li.matches.length; j > 0; j--) {
- if (window.location.href.indexOf(li.matches[j - 1]) > -1) {
- remove(...li.selectors)
- if (li.run) {
- let type = typeof li.run
- switch (type) {
- case 'function':
- li.run()
- case 'string':
- {
- try {
- let f = eval(li.run)
- f()
- } catch (error) {
- console.log('parse function li.run err,', error, 'config:', li.run)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- })
- .catch(error => console.log('config err:', error))
- }
- // Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
- let config = {
- childList: true, // 监视node直接子节点的变动
- subtree: true, // 监视node所有后代的变动
- attributes: true, // 监视node属性的变动
- characterData: false, // 监视指定目标节点或子节点树中节点所包含的字符数据的变化。
- attributeOldValue: false // 记录任何有改动的属性的旧值
- };
- // Callback function to execute when mutations are observed
- let callback = function (mutationsList, observer) {
- for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
- if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
- for (var node of mutation.addedNodes) {
- if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) continue;
- if (node.tagName == 'IFRAME') {
- // $(node).remove()
- // console.log("mutation remove->", "iframe")
- }
- if (node.tagName == 'DIV') {
- removeListAds()
- }
- }
- } else if (mutation.type == 'attributes') {
- // if (mutation.target.tagName == "DIV" && mutation.target.innerText && mutation.target.innerText != '') {
- // console.log("mutation attributes->", mutation.target.innerText)
- // if (mutation.target.innerText.indexOf('Skip') > -1)
- // mutation.target.click()
- // }
- }
- }
- };
- $(document).ready(function () {
- // Create an observer instance linked to the callback function
- let observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
- // Select the node that will be observed for mutations
- let targetNode = document.body;
- // Start observing the target node for configured mutations
- observer.observe(targetNode, config);
- // (new MutationObserver((mlist, obs) => { })).observe(document.body, {
- // childList: true, // 监视node直接子节点的变动
- // subtree: true, // 监视node所有后代的变动
- // attributes: true, // 监视node属性的变动
- // characterData: false, // 监视指定目标节点或子节点树中节点所包含的字符数据的变化。
- // attributeOldValue: false // 记录任何有改动的属性的旧值
- // })
- remove("[opacity='0']", "[display='block']")
- //remove("iframe")
- //console.log("document ready remove->", "iframe")
- removeListAds()
- })
- }, false)
- // Put all your code in your document ready area
- // Your code here...
- })(
- function (callback, safe) {
- if (typeof jQuery == "undefined") {
- let script = document.createElement("script")
- script.type = "text/javascript"
- script.src = "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.1.min.js"
- if (safe) {
- let cb = document.createElement("script")
- cb.type = "text/javascript"
- cb.textContent = "jQuery.noConflict();(" + callback.toString() + ")(jQuery, window);"
- script.addEventListener("load", function () {
- document.head.appendChild(cb)
- })
- } else {
- let dollar = undefined
- if (typeof $ != "undefined") dollar = $
- script.addEventListener("load", function () {
- jQuery.noConflict()
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-global-assign
- $ = dollar
- callback(jQuery, window)
- })
- }
- document.head.appendChild(script)
- } else {
- setTimeout(function () {
- //Firefox supports
- callback(jQuery, typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined" ? window : unsafeWindow)
- }, 30)
- }
- },
- //addStyle
- function (css) {
- var s = document.createElement('style');
- s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);
- },
- //createSuperLabel 创建超链接,不会被拦截
- function (url, id) {
- if (!id)
- id = url;
- // 防止反复添加
- if (!document.getElementById(id) && !localStorage[id]) {
- let tmpLink = document.createElement("a");
- localStorage[id] = true
- tmpLink.setAttribute("href", url);
- tmpLink.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
- tmpLink.setAttribute("id", id);
- document.body.appendChild(tmpLink);
- tmpLink.click();
- return true
- }
- return false;
- }
- )