Steam Search Button for F95Zone

Add a button to search Google using the title of the game on F95Zone, to see if it has been released on Steam

Tính đến 27-03-2024. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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This is a userscript generated by ChatGPT, personally made to assist me in searching the F95Zone Game's name on Google for the its corresponding Steam Game, to see if it has a official Steam release. I'm uploading it for my own personal archive and if others are interested in it, to be able to install it.

Mainly used for Eroge type games, to draw comparisons, view screenshots and reviews of the game. This is to complement my previous userscript which does the reverse.

PS: I'm not a programmer, I don't know Javascript and I'm too lazy to read on it, but I know some basic coding on Python and HTML. This is probably not going to get updated and you are free to make your own derivations of this to further improve it.