E-H Auto Note Favourites

Fills the notes section with the gallery's tags

Tính đến 28-09-2017. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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4 KB
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Updated Sep 2017, works again, no helper script needed!
For e-hentai.org and exhentai.org

  • Fills the notes section with the gallery's tags when added to favourites list.
  • Makes it easier to see what is in a gallery right from your favourites list.

List of all namespaces, in on-site order.
Edit and order included namespaces from inside the script.
Edit filtered tags from inside the script.

║ Namespace List ║   Includes & Ordering   ║   Excluded Tags   ║   Tag Filtering    ║
║ reclass        ║ Ordered namespace list. ║ full censorship   ║ List of tag names  ║
║ language       ║ Edit line 49.           ║ mosaic censorship ║ Edit line 51       ║
║ parody         ║ Format:                 ║ incomplete        ║ Format:            ║
║ character      ║ female + male;          ║ out of order      ║ (/tag1|tag2/g, '') ║
║ group          ║                         ║ scanmark          ║                    ║
║ artist         ║                         ║ poor grammar      ║                    ║
║ male           ║                         ║                   ║                    ║
║ female         ║                         ║                   ║                    ║
║ misc           ║                         ║                   ║                    ║