- // ==UserScript==
- // @name E-Hentai Grep
- // @description Searches forum posts for lines that match given string patterns
- // @include http://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?*showtopic=*
- // @version
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/2233
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*** Settings ***/
- var default_on = true
- var hotkey = 71 // http://www.cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes
- var max_length = 60
- var display_title_and_poster = false
- var remove_stockout_line = true
- var remove_strike_through_line = true
- var remove_quoted_text = true
- if(typeof result_box_position == 'undefined') {
- var result_box_position = 'center' // where to show the result box ("left", "center" or "right")
- }
- var blacklist = [
- '22234', // Ask the Experts
- '163637', // The Shared Free Shop
- '169987',
- '170830',
- ]
- if(typeof grep_patterns == 'undefined') {
- var grep_patterns = [ // Add [[pattern_1, pattern_2, ... , pattern_n], 'color'] to the array by yourself.
- [ // Items
- [
- // Rare materials
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)phazon/i,
- // Bindings for staff
- ///(((^|\s)\b)|x)binding.*(slaughter|destruction|focus|friendship|heimdall|fenrir|heaven-sent|demon-fiend|curse-weaver|earth-walker|fox|owl)/i,
- ///^\s*(slaughter|destruction|focus|friendship|heimdall|fenrir|heaven-sent|demon-fiend|curse-weaver|earth-walker|fox|owl)/i,
- // Bindings for armor
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)binding.*(destruction|balance|focus|protection|warding|fleet|negation|heimdall|dampening|cheetah|raccoon|fox|owl|heaven-sent)/i,
- /^\s*(destruction|balance|focus|protection|warding|fleet|negation|heimdall|dampening|cheetah|raccoon|fox|owl|heaven-sent)/i,
- // Graded materials
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(low|mid|high).*grade.*(cloth|wood)/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(lg|mg|hg).?(cloth|wood)/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)scrap.*(cloth|wood).*@/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)scrap.*(cloth|wood).*\d *c\b/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)scrap.*(cloth|wood).*\b\d{2}\b/i,
- // Catalysts
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)catalyst/i,
- // ED & artifact
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(energy|drink|(artifact|artefact)).*[@0]/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(energy|drink|(artifact|artefact)).*\d *k\b/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(energy|drink|(artifact|artefact)).* *\d+/i,
- // Shards
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)amnesia/i,
- // Potions
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(health|last).*elixir/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(mana|spirit).*(potion|elixir)/i,
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)spirit.*draught/i,
- // Infusions and Scrolls
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(infusion|(scroll of))/i,
- // Trophies
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)noodl/i,
- ///((^|\s)\b)(troph|manbearpig|antioch|mithra|dalek|lock|costume|hinamatsuri|broken|sapling|shirt|unicorn|noodl)/i,
- // Monster Foods
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(crystals?\b|chow|edible|cuisine|pill)/i,
- // Misc
- /(((^|\s)\b)|x)(vase|bubble)/i,
- ], 'purple', ''
- ],
- [ // Holy
- [
- /(Peer|Leg).*(Hallowed|Astral).*Katalox.*(Destruction|Heimdall|Heaven-sent)/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*(Hallowed|Astral).*Oak.*Heimdall/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*Radiant.*Heimdall/i,
- ], 'darkred', ''
- ],
- [ // Cotton
- [
- /(Peer|Leg).*(Charged|Frugal).*(Cotton|Gossamer).*(Heaven-sent|Elementalist|Curse-weaver)/i,
- ], 'darkgreen', ''
- ],
- [ // Hybrid
- [
- /Leg.*Dagger/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*(Ethereal|Hallowed|Tempestuous).*Waki.*(Nimble|Battlecaster)/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*Buckler.*(Barrier|Battlecaster)/i,
- ], 'darkblue', ''
- ],
- [ // Elemental
- [
- /*
- /(Peer|Leg).*(Tempestuous|Shocking).*Willow.*Destruction/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*(Tempestuous|Shocking|Arctic|Fiery).*(Redwood|Ebony).*(Destruction|Elementalist|Focus)/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*Tempestuous.*(Redwood|Ebony).*Freyr/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*Shocking.*(Redwood|Ebony).*Mjolnir/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*Arctic.*(Redwood|Ebony).*Niflheim/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*Fiery.*(Redwood|Ebony).*Surtr/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*(Radiant|Mystic|Charged|Frugal).*Phase.*(Freyr|Mjolnir|Niflheim|Surtr)/i,
- */
- /(Peer|Leg).*Tempestuous.*(Willow|Redwood|Ebony).*(Destruction|Elementalist|Focus)/i,
- /(Peer|Leg).*Phase.*Freyr/i,
- ], 'orange', ''
- ],
- ]
- }
- /*** End of Settings ***/
- var wnd = window
- var doc = wnd.document
- var loc = location
- var href = loc.href
- if(!/&?\bst=[^0]/.test(href)) {
- for(var i=0; i<blacklist.length; i++) { if(new RegExp('showtopic=' + blacklist[i] + '\\b').test(href)) { default_on = false } }
- var $ = function(e, css) { if(!css) { css=e; e=doc }; return e.querySelector(css) }
- var $$ = function(e, css) { if(!css) { css=e; e=doc }; return e.querySelectorAll(css) }
- var stockout = function(line) {
- if(!remove_stockout_line) { return false }
- var stockout_patterns = [
- /[\|\(\[【(:x@]\s*[-0x×\/]+(\D|$)/i,
- // /(^|\D)[-0x×\/]+\s*[@×x:)】\]\)\|]/i,
- /(^|\D)[-0×\/]+\s*[@×:)】\]\)\|]/i,
- /(^|[^,])\b0+\s*[x×]/i,
- /(^|\s+)0+\s+/i,
- /out of stock/i,
- /This post has been edited by/i,
- // Misc
- /\bnot\s+available\b/i,
- /\bunavailable\b/i,
- /\bnone\b/i,
- /\[restocking\]/i,
- /-\*0 /i,
- /qty=0/i,
- /_0_/i,
- /^0+ /i,
- /\(\/?\)/i,
- /\[\/?\]/i,
- /【\/?】/i,
- /(\/?)/i,
- /\[\*\]/i,
- ]
- for(var i=0, len=stockout_patterns.length; i<len; i++) {
- if(stockout_patterns[i].test(line)) {
- //console.log(stockout_patterns[i], line)
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- var remove_quotes = function(s) {
- var p = [
- /<div [^>]*class=.quotetop.>.*?<\/div>/gi,
- /<div [^>]*class=.quotemain.>.*?<\/div>/gi,
- ]
- while(p[0].test(s) || p[1].test(s)) {
- s = s.replace(p[0], '')
- s = s.replace(p[1], '')
- }
- return s
- }
- var get_text = function(e) {
- var s = e.innerHTML
- s = s.replace(/<!--.*?-->/gi, '')
- if(remove_quoted_text){ s = remove_quotes(s) }
- if(remove_strike_through_line) { s = s.replace(/<strike>.*?<\/strike>/g, '') }
- s = s.replace(/<br\s*[^>]*>/g, '\n').replace(/<\/li>/g, '\n').replace(/<ul>/g, '\n').replace(/<\/?blockquote>/g, '\n')
- s = s.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').replace(/\[(\w+)[^\]]*](.*?)\[\/\1]/g, '')
- s = s.replace(/ /g, ' ').replace(/&/g, '&')
- s = s.replace(/[ \t]+/g, ' ')
- //console.log('='.repeat(150)); console.log(s)
- return s
- }
- var out = ''
- if(result_box_position == 'left') {
- var first_post = $('.post2')
- var posts = $$('.borderwrap')
- for(var i=0, len=posts.length; i<len; i++) {
- var poster = $(posts[i], '.bigusername')
- if((!poster) || (poster.textContent != $('.bigusername').textContent)) { continue } // skip threads that are not posted by the shop owner
- var lines = get_text($(posts[i], '.postcolor')).split('\n')
- var out = ''
- for(var j=0, len2=lines.length; j<len2; j++) {
- var line = lines[j]
- if(stockout(line)) { continue }
- for(var k=0, len3=grep_patterns.length; k<len3; k++) {
- for(var m=0, len4=grep_patterns[k][0].length; m<len4; m++) {
- if(grep_patterns[k][0][m].test(line)) { out = out + line.substring(0, max_length) + '\n'; break }
- }
- }
- }
- if(out) {
- if(display_title_and_poster && (/#1/.test($(posts[i], '.postdetails').textContent))) {
- var shop_title = $$('.maintitle>table>tbody>tr>td>div')[0].textContent
- out = '[Title]\t' + shop_title.substring(0, max_length) + '\n' + '[Poster] ' + poster.textContent.substring(0, max_length)+ '\n\n' + out
- }
- var d = doc.createElement('DIV')
- d.className = 'result'
- d.style.cssText = 'background:rgba(237,235,223,1); color:#5C0D11'
- //d.appendChild($(posts[i], '.postdetails').cloneNode(true))
- var anchor = doc.createElement('A')
- anchor.text = $(posts[i], '.postdetails').textContent
- anchor.href = href.replace(loc.hash, '') + '#' + $(posts[i], '*[id^="post-main-"]').id
- d.appendChild(anchor)
- var pre = doc.createElement('PRE')
- pre.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(out))
- d.appendChild(pre)
- first_post.parentNode.insertBefore(d, first_post)
- }
- }
- var toggle_results = function() {
- var divs = $$(first_post.parentNode, '.result')
- for(var i=divs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
- if(divs[i].style.display != 'none') { divs[i].style.display = 'none' } else { divs[i].style.display = '' }
- }
- }
- addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) { if((evt.target.tagName!='INPUT') && (evt.target.tagName!='TEXTAREA') && (evt.keyCode == hotkey)) { toggle_results() } }, false)
- if(!default_on) { toggle_results() }
- }
- else {
- var result_box = doc.createElement('DIV')
- result_box.id = 'result_box'
- var position = 'inherent'
- if(result_box_position == 'right') { position = 'fixed' }
- result_box.style.cssText = 'top:' + wnd.innerHeight/6 + 'px; right:0px; position:' + position + '; z-index:2147483647;'
- var posts = $$('.borderwrap')
- for(var i=0, len=posts.length; i<len; i++) {
- var poster = $(posts[i], '.bigusername')
- if((!poster) || (poster.textContent != $('.bigusername').textContent)) { continue } // skip threads that are not posted by the shop owner
- var lines = get_text($(posts[i], '.postcolor')).split('\n')
- var out = ''
- for(var j=0, len2=lines.length; j<len2; j++) {
- var line = lines[j]
- if(stockout(line)) { continue }
- for(var k=0, len3=grep_patterns.length; k<len3; k++) {
- var grepped = false
- for(var m=0, len4=grep_patterns[k][0].length; m<len4; m++) {
- if(grep_patterns[k][0][m].test(line)) {
- grepped = true
- out = out + line.substring(0, max_length) + '\n'
- break
- }
- }
- if(grepped) { break }
- }
- }
- if(out) {
- if(display_title_and_poster && (/#1/.test($(posts[i], '.postdetails').textContent))) {
- var shop_title = $$('.maintitle>table>tbody>tr>td>div')[0].textContent
- out = '[Title]\t' + shop_title.substring(0, max_length) + '\n' + '[Poster] ' + poster.textContent.substring(0, max_length)+ '\n\n' + out
- }
- var d = doc.createElement('DIV')
- d.className = 'result'
- d.style.cssText = 'background:rgba(237,235,223,1); color:#5C0D11'
- //d.appendChild($(posts[i], '.postdetails').cloneNode(true))
- var anchor = doc.createElement('A')
- anchor.text = $(posts[i], '.postdetails').textContent
- anchor.href = href.replace(loc.hash, '') + '#' + $(posts[i], '*[id^="post-main-"]').id
- d.appendChild(anchor)
- var pre = doc.createElement('PRE')
- pre.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(out))
- d.appendChild(pre)
- result_box.appendChild(d)
- }
- }
- $('.postcolor').parentNode.insertBefore(result_box, $('.postcolor'))
- var toggle_result_box = function() {
- var result_box = $('#result_box')
- if(result_box.style.display != 'none') { result_box.style.display = 'none' } else { result_box.style.display = '' }
- }
- addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) { if((evt.target.tagName!='INPUT') && (evt.target.tagName!='TEXTAREA') && (evt.keyCode == hotkey)) { toggle_result_box() } }, false)
- if(!default_on) { toggle_result_box() }
- }
- // Highlights equipments and items
- var posts = $$('.postcolor')
- for(var i=posts.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
- var lnks = $$(posts[i], 'A')
- for(var j=lnks.length-1; j>=0; j--) {
- for (var k=0, len=grep_patterns.length; k<len; k++) {
- var highlighted = false
- for(var m=grep_patterns[k][0].length-1; m>=0; m--) {
- if(grep_patterns[k][0][m].test(lnks[j].text)) {
- highlighted = true
- var spans = lnks[j].querySelectorAll('span')
- if(spans.length) {
- for(var n=spans.length-1; n>=0; n--) {
- (function(){
- var text = spans[n].textContent
- var node = doc.createTextNode(text)
- spans[n].parentNode.replaceChild(node, spans[n])
- }
- )()
- }
- }
- lnks[j].style.color = 'white'
- lnks[j].style.backgroundColor = grep_patterns[k][1]
- if(grep_patterns[k][2] != '') { lnks[j].style.cssText = grep_patterns[k][2] }
- break
- }
- } if(highlighted) { break }
- }
- }
- }
- }