Tsumino Tweaks

Offline tag search support, nhentai/Hentai2Read links on a book information page and click popup disabling

這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。

  • v8 2020-06-06 Updated to support Tsumino API changes, added title tooltips on created buttons
  • v7 2020-02-16 Cutting out numbers from title for H2R seaching, sorting NH search results using Damerau-Levenshtein metric
  • v7 2020-02-15 Cutting out numbers from title for H2R seaching, sorting NH search results using Damerau-Levenshtein metric
  • v6 2019-09-09 Updated to new Tsumino API
  • v5 2019-06-22 Added popup window blocking
  • v4 2019-06-13 Fixed nhentai artist search and online search mode for other tag types
  • v3 2019-06-13 Added link searching for Hentai2Read
  • v2 2019-05-25 Implemented offline tag search support
  • v1.0 2019-05-20