
direct link to all gelbooru images in search results+

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Posted: 16-10-2015

Gelbooru updated to

Anyway you could update this?

Everything current gives the ole 403 Forbidden error now.

Posted: 16-10-2015 one of latest images, works fine for me are you using other scripts\plugins which may erase document refferer? because only without it it would give 403, or if you use directly open option

Posted: 18-10-2015
Edited: 18-10-2015

I guess I should have been more specific, I meant whenever I middle click images it opens to a 403.

I have also tried this on a clean version of firefox and yet the issue still persists.

Edit: I also just checked that image in your post I middle clicked and it specifically works but others don't.

This is some funky business.

Posted: 18-10-2015
Edited: 18-10-2015

post example links then, everything works fine for me.

Posted: 23-10-2015

sorry for the slow response kinda forgot I had this going. lemme make a webm for ye.

And I also discussed with my friend and whenever I link him a direct image it's just 403 for him as well.

Posted: 23-10-2015
Edited: 23-10-2015

go to script settings and uncheck "open images directly with browser" - that should help.

but even with that option checked every image from rating:safe search opened fine for me, if your firefox is clean then maybe it's your firewall deletes referrals sometimes, no idea.

And I also discussed with my friend and whenever I link him a direct image it's just 403 for him as well.

that's how that website works, directly linking images to friends is forbidden.

Posted: 23-10-2015
Edited: 23-10-2015

go to script settings and uncheck "open images directly with browser" - that should help.

I'm sorry for asking this but I'm a bit of a novice with scripting. Where would script settings be, I mean I've checked the script settings in the options menu of the script in greasemonkey however I don't see a box to check.

Posted: 23-10-2015
Posted: 24-10-2015
Edited: 24-10-2015

I'm so confused

I'll just go kill myself.

Posted: 28-10-2015
Edited: 28-10-2015

Okay back from the dead.

I figured things out because I didn't realize you needed to have that other handy image script installed to use that options menu on github.

when I opened it up the box was already unchecked and also when I have handy image installed I can no longer be brought to the main page via right clicking to check the tags it just takes me to the direct link and left click brings me to 403 which is the direct link and somehow the buttons are switched.

Scripts are weird yo.

Edit: It's like as if when the directgelf direct links it's like it's linking the direct link to someone else on the internet, like you said the website doesn't allow direct link sharing and I think that's what's happening here.


Final edit sorry for the mouthful: Had my friend install as well to see if it 403's and yes it does.

So direct gel alone is indeed not working.

Posted: 28-10-2015
Edited: 28-10-2015

I can no longer be brought to the main page via right clicking

Now I get it, it's a discussion about old abandoned script, not about handy image (into which I added support for gelbooru) :-) please use only one of these at a time

Cuz I wrote in scripts description that it's obsolete and can't do things how it used to do anymore so I thought people wouldn't comment about it.

I can no longer be brought to the main page via right clicking to check the tags

just press 'R' hotkey from there to see original page when it's needed, it's more handy as for me

Edit: - updated this script once more to , maybe it will work if you want to use the old version so much.

Posted: 28-10-2015

Thanks for the help guy.

I'm a bit retarded when it comes to scripts.
I didn't mean for you to go out of your way, I was just misunderstanding the entire thing so thank you kindly.

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