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Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)

Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

< Feedback on Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)

مراجعة: Good - script works

Posted: 28-09-2015
Edited: 28-09-2015

bookmarklet is not working

Manga Loader NSFW bookmarklet is not working...

Posted: 28-09-2015
Edited: 28-09-2015

oops, forgot to change that.
This is the new bookmarklet, also updated on the script page.
javascript:(function(){BM_MODE=true;var addScript=function(src,onload){var s=document.createElement('script');s.onload=onload;s.src=src;document.body.appendChild(s);};addScript('',addScript.bind(null,''));})();

Need to load both scripts since the NSFW script depends on the main one.

Posted: 30-09-2015
oops, forgot to change that.
This is the new bookmarklet, also updated on the script page.
javascript:(function(){BM_MODE=true;var addScript=function(src,onload){var s=document.createElement('script');s.onload=onload;s.src=src;document.body.appendChild(s);};addScript('',addScript.bind(null,''));})();

Need to load both scripts since the NSFW script depends on the main one.

Thank you very much :)

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