Booru Downloader + Viewer

The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards

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مراجعة: Good - script works

Posted: 23-04-2019

Downloader not working Sankaku favorites.

Hi Se7en, it's me again. The image downloader isn't working on Sankaku's favorites section.

Posted: 30-04-2019
Edited: 30-04-2019

Wait, I just double checked. It seems on Sankaku, the script works on favorites page. BUT the script only works one single time just before I install it. If I want to use it again I need to uninstall and install it again, if I just reinstall it doesn't work. It get's stuck somewhere.

Maybe does it have something to do with the error you get sometimes from the server. "429 Too many requests - please slow down..."

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