HH Unlock Images

This script unlocks images of both recruited girls and non-recruited girls.

< Отзив за HH Unlock Images

Отзив: Отлично - скриптът работи

Публикуван на: 26.03.2022

Good script!
Can you also add the support for eroges.com?
you can copy headers of my script https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/436188-hentai-heroes-helper-auto-collect-and-button-press/code

Публикуван на: 03.06.2022

I added a version of image viewer in my script from 2.16.4, just press right click on any image
script https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/436188-hentai-heroes-helper-auto-collect-and-button-press with also a lot of other features

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