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Literotica Downloader

Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability

< Отзив за Literotica Downloader

Отзив: ОК - скриптът работи, но има бъгове

Публикуван на: 07.05.2024

I tested the latest version in brave and firefox, no download button in the author works page. It does work in the tags page though

Публикуван на: 07.05.2024

Those absolute wankers! They fucked with the code AGAIN! Shit.

Публикуван на: 10.05.2024

I tested the latest version in brave and firefox, no download button in the author works page. It does work in the tags page though

Same here. Downloading by searching tags is working, but no download button on author page :'(

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