Pixiv Downloader

一键下载各页面原图。批量下载画师作品,按作品标签下载。转换动图格式:Gif | Apng | Webp | Webm | MP4。自定义图片文件名,保存路径。保留 / 导出下载历史。Pixiv | Danbooru | ATFbooru | Yande.re | Konachan | Sakugabooru | Rule34 | Gelbooru | Safebooru | E621 | E926 | E6ai | Nijie.info

< Отзив за Pixiv Downloader

Отзив: Отлично - скриптът работи

Публикуван на: 29.10.2023
Редактиран на: 29.10.2023

Bug: May need to filter out certain characters in folder names.

Platform: Windows 11
Browser: Brave 1.59.124 / Chromium 118.0.5993.117 -- File System APIs enabled!

[Pixiv Downloader] TypeError: Failed to execute 'getDirectoryHandle' on 'FileSystemDirectoryHandle': Name is not allowed.

Example: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101624878
Note: This is a NSFW artist. I tried to link a relatively SFW image though.

Update: I turned off the File System API usage in the config and while spammy it does work. One of the characters gets replaced while it retrieves the files.

Публикуван на: 03.11.2023

Thanks for your feedback, will use '~' to replace '~'.

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