Eza's Image Glutton

Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments

< Отзив за Eza's Image Glutton

Отзив: Отлично - скриптът работи

Публикуван на: 24.06.2021

Stopped working correctly on rule34xxx and gelbooru. If the image is opened in a new tab from the main gallery pack it gets opened up like normal, but can't go back to the previous page with the tags. If opened in the same tab from the main gallery the same thing happens as before but you can go back, only to the main gallery page, the tags page is skipped.

Публикуван на: 24.06.2021

Chrome and Chromium-based browsers (so nearly everything besides Firefox and Safari) will skip over pages that redirect, if those pages load quickly enough. This is reasonable behavior for redirect traps and interstitial pages - but has been a long-standing obstacle for this script.

I can't even test this behavior, because I can't reliably reproduce it. I use three different browsers and none of them will do the incorrect thing I'm trying to fix.

Possible solutions:

Add "//@run-at document-idle" to the UserScript block at the top of the script. This would wait until the page is completely finished loading, then redirect. Unfortunately the feature is not well-supported anymore. And it would add delays. And I'm not sure it would fix Chrome's behavior.

Replace "redirect();" with "setTimeout( redirect, 5*1000 );" for a five-second delay before redirecting. Unfortunately this would, obviously, add delays. And I'm still not sure it would fix Chrome's behavior.

You could try editing your copy of the script, and see if either of these help. That might help fix this five-year-long issue.

Публикуван на: 28.06.2021

I used the setTimeout method and it seems to be working so far. I set the variable to just .0001 and its very quick. Not sure if it makes a difference at that number but its good enough for me. I tested it on gelbooru and rule34xxx, both have no problems now. Thanks for the fix.

Публикуван на: 29.06.2021

That is excellent news. I've added a minimal delay. Hopefully that finally solves the problem.

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