GBT gallery downloader (GBTGD)

Creates a button to download all images from gallery in a single .zip file.

< Отзив за GBT gallery downloader (GBTGD)

Отзив: ОК - скриптът работи, но има бъгове

Публикуван на: 09.12.2024

Thanks for the feedback and update, I did the test and the error still persists in galleries that have been posted for more than 2 years, the download link appears, when you download it no file appears, do this test to see, in older galleries old ones, thank you very much for the support.

Публикуван на: 10.12.2024
Редактиран на: 10.12.2024

Please include a link or ID to a gallery where this occurs. I just test-downloaded 20 random galleries between 2 and 9 years old without any problem. If you deny me the information to replicate the problem I can not fix it. Please also look into the console (press F12 for inspector, then select tab 'Console' and copy/screenshot possible error/warning messages related to the script).
The only difference between new and older galleries is if they are stored on media-1-album (older galleries) or media-2-album (newer galleries) subdomain and the directory structure, if it can download from media-2-album (as it can, new galleries are downloading as you report) it can dl from media-1-album too. So if not an other extension (firewall, adblocker, script-blocker/No-Script, content filter, DNS etc.) is blocking the media-1-album subdomain I have not explanation without further information.

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