
Remove ads, enlarges video, stops autoplay keeping buffering & block pop-ups

< Отзив за ExtendPornHub

Отзив: ОК - скриптът работи, но има бъгове

Публикуван на: 15.01.2016

PornHub Throwing Up Pop Ups/Redirects Yet Again

Hi Jack,

I have been using your extendpornhub userscript for some time now with very good results.

But unfortunately when I visit the gay section of PornHub:
I try to play videos and I have been recently getting Pop Ups/Redirects at random.

I have noticed the involvement of a slopeaota.com redirect which takes you to other websites such as seancody.com and various others.

I have also noticed adverts produced by the ad network trafficjunky rearing their ugly head again.

I do hope you can update your wonderful extendpornhub userscript to once again stop these pesky problems as your userscript has always managed to defeat these issues in the past.

Many Thanks.

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