Date Moderator Item Action Reason
2024-11-20 StephenP User: gutfnk Ban
2024-11-20 StephenP User: 20121120 Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: vgminarup Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: 19021120 Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom Deleted script 493403 Undelete
The original script is already mentioned in the description.
2024-11-20 woxxom Deleted script 493403 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: QS学习助手 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom User: snigdn Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: csengőhangok ingyenes Ban
2024-11-20 JasonBarnabe User: qwertyyy Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 云上全平台🦄️支持自动答题|题库搜|刷资源|刷视频|视频加速|快速背题|AI搜题|AI问答| Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 全国成人继续教育网课处理平台(学起、青书、柠檬文才、睿学、慕享)、自考(讯网、出头科技、慕华)、国家开放大学等平台视频处理,作业和考试自愿付费 客服微信:wkds857 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 各类论文写作辅助指导,硕士论文;全日制本(专)科论文、毕业设计;成教毕业论文;国家开放大学本(专)科毕业论文;覆盖所有学科 客服微信:wkds1813 博硕团队,专业辅导,名校名师 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 全国大学生各类网课平台(学习通、智慧树、U校园AI、运动世界校园、优学院、职教云、雨课堂、清华社、中国大学、英华系列、等平台视频处理,作业考试自愿付费,客服微信:wkds857 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom User: sjfjd Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: david anh Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: Zenohrme Cano Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: IvanWireman Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: Debra Brook Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: Alhp Beat Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom User: njiadiseji Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom User: kgghcg85 Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 棚子免费🙆‍♂️支持所有答题|考试必备!!|题目搜索|万能答题|解除复制限制|快速回答|AI搜题|AI问答|AI生图|AI聊天||防检测|考试拿满分| Delete and lock
2024-11-20 woxxom User: pengzilo Ban
2024-11-20 woxxom Script: 百度网盘高速下载助手🔥-不限速 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 hoothin User: Htrw Ban
2024-11-20 JasonBarnabe User: kxjdbdh9767 Ban
2024-11-20 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-20 JasonBarnabe User: vhyfgj Ban
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe User: gycvjj Ban
This script is not allowed
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解版 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
2024-11-19 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 woxxom User: _bvyuj Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP User: fhfgcvn Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP User: snugsb Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP User: snuhsm Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP User: j'jitiniu Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 woxxom User: snuhns Ban
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe User: dfhjdyt57567 Ban
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe User: snihsm Ban
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe User: 20331119 Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom Script: Android手机全屏视频横屏播放 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 woxxom User: xjzyshsux94 Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: Deleted user 1160258 Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: hdbdjduhs Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 woxxom User: Glyco Balance Reviews Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: shoptshirts Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: Char Halt Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: RogeBenoit Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: 16131119 Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: xkxhdbh Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP User: 12131119 Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP User: ydhdbjdh Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP User: ghfvji Ban
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-19 StephenP User: kdjdbd6hdnd Ban
2024-11-19 JasonBarnabe User: pinup play Ban
Spam via direct message
2024-11-19 woxxom User: kdhxbdjd Ban
2024-11-19 woxxom User: urhdhjdd7hd Ban
2024-11-18 StephenP Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
2024-11-18 StephenP User: smohbs Ban
2024-11-18 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed