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f95zone tweaks

f95zone exclude tags and min like filter.

< Feedback on f95zone tweaks

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2024-10-06

this script works good, but the marking on latest_alpha doesnt work, but by fixing the script i got it to works now

edit this part of the script "if (['/latest', '/sam/latest_alpha']....." and replace it with this one.

if (['/latest', '/sam/latest_alpha'].some(s => location.pathname.startsWith(s))) { // latest updates
new MutationObserver(mutations => mutations.forEach(m => Array.from(m.addedNodes).filter(e => e.tagName).forEach(node => {
console.warn(node, node.children);
$find_("a.resource-tile_link", node).forEach(e => {
let _id = urlId(e.href || "");
console.log(e.href, _id);
if (_id) {
$updData(_id, e);
bookmarks[_id] && $bookmark($find('.resource-tile_info-header_title', e)); // Bookmarking
$updData(_id, $parent(e, x => x.classList.contains('resource-tile'))); // Marking fix
}))).observe(document.body, {subtree: true, childList: true});

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