Webcomic Reader

Can work on almost any webcomic/manga page, preloads 5 or more pages ahead (or behind), navigates via ajax for instant-page-change, lets you use the keyboard, remembers your progress, and it's relatively easy to add new sites

< Feedback on Webcomic Reader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 23. 08. 2014

add site.

please add. http://mangaindo.us/

Posted: 03. 09. 2014

Not sure where the new request new pages page is (<-- some grammar huh?)

Please also add

Posted: 04. 10. 2014
Edited: 04. 10. 2014

And the following please
http://dm72.com (Works, just needs to be added in include)

Posted: 08. 10. 2014

Added x 5 (or 4, mangapark.com was already there but only with the www subdomain)

Posted: 08. 10. 2014

can you add


Also this one seems broken, sometimes i can get the script to load other times it won't.

Posted: 21. 10. 2014

Added those 2, but couldn't get mangago to fail. Can you post a link to a page where it breaks?

Posted: 06. 11. 2014

Hi, ameboide. Would you please consider adding http://dynasty-scans.com/

Posted: 30. 11. 2014

Please add hentairules.net with galleries: http://hentairules.net/galleries2/ and http://hentairules.net/galleries/

Posted: 01. 12. 2014

can this site be added as well http://www.webtoons.com/

Posted: 06. 12. 2014

can you add. http://www.dm5.com/

Posted: 10. 02. 2015

Please add http://hitomi.la

Thank you.

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