Webcomic Reader

Can work on almost any webcomic/manga page, preloads 5 or more pages ahead (or behind), navigates via ajax for instant-page-change, lets you use the keyboard, remembers your progress, and it's relatively easy to add new sites

< Feedback on Webcomic Reader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 15. 06. 2015

Problem which ruins the reading experience

The script itself is a great, tyvm for making it, but sadly some problems make it uncomfortable to use:

  • For some reason when using the fit to screen setting it starts a bit above the actual image causing it to be a bit chopped unless you scroll down:
    After Pageload / Full Image
    This isnt that much of a problem since you can just add borders to get the full image, tho it still is weird
  • Much bigger problem is that often the images become blurry when using the resize feature:
    How they appear / How it should be without any blurryness
    This can be fixed by zooming in/out till the blurryness disappears, but then you have to do it every few pages (i assume when the image change in size)
Posted: 04. 07. 2015

Now with the newest firefox update (39) the 2nd issue has been resolved =)

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