
E-H Visited, combined with ExVisited, and then better.

< Feedback on EhxVisited

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 25. 03. 2020

Support for any link

Thanks it is very useful. It would be possible to add websites, to store all the visited links?, in order to maintain a browsing history that is not erased with those of the browser. With CSS Tooltips it would be great. Regards

Posted: 31. 03. 2020

Are you asking whether or not you could store browser web history in an Indexed DB, or...? I don't think I understand your question, there's a history function for galleries already that doesn't get cleared with browser history, but I don't see where CSS tooltips play into that.

Could you clarify your question?

Posted: 01. 04. 2020

Sorry the translation is not good. It would be to have a browsing history in the external database, but not only from e-hentai, but from any website. Since the history of for example chrome is erased after 3 months. With CSS Tooltips I mean that a link you have already visited tells me the date, like this extension "Last Visited Toolip", or It's possible?

Posted: 03. 04. 2020

It would be possible, yes, but I think it falls distinctly outside the scope of this project. Essentially though, you would make a script that would throw any link on click into an indexed DB with a date, and then check for that link in the DB on mouseover or on page initialization, if that link existed, then you'd append the date difference to the end of the link or do whatever other title manipulations you'd want to do. Overall, it'd probably be like 50 lines of code, probably less.

Posted: 04. 04. 2020

If I understand that it is not the idea of this project. This is the only script I found that could do this. If someday you can implement it, I appreciate it. Thank you anyway. Regards.

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