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Need help to run my script in Greasmonkey

Veröffentlicht: 13.07.2018

Need help to run my script in Greasmonkey

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to run the following script on a webpage via Greasmonkey:

var button = document.querySelector(".Whatever Button"); setInterval(function(){ button.click() },200)) . Basically this script should keep clicking a button on a webpage.

The script works just fine from Mozilla developer console. However, it does nothing on a webpage via Greasmonkey. Please help me to figure out why.

Thank you,

Veröffentlicht: 01.08.2018

It's possible the element you're trying to find doesn't exist yet. Add an 'if' statement to check if it exists...

var button = document.querySelector(".Whatever Button");
if (button) {
  setInterval(function() {
  }, 200);
} else {
  console.warn(".Whatever Button doesn't exist");

A lot of web sites these days dynamically generate their HTML code, so you may need to wait for it to appear. A few options I can think of...

  • Run the script when the site is "idle" (after all resource and scripts have loaded and run), by adding this to your metadata block: // @run-at document-idle
  • Use setTimeout() to run after a few seconds, or perhaps use setInverval() to check if the element exists, and then when it's found, do whatever you need to do.
  • And lastly, the best method, the one I prefer using myself, is to use a MutationObserver to have the browser tell you when the element has been added.
Veröffentlicht: 24.11.2018

you can write logs everywhere in your scripts to get better traces of what if being done in them:

GMlog("Hello, World!"); http://wiki.greasespot.net/GMlog

More info: http://wiki.greasespot.net/GreasemonkeyManual:OtherUsefulTools#JavaScriptConsole

Another tip: Take a look at the whole greasemonkey wiki. They have a lot of good stuff in there: http://wiki.greasespot.net/Main_Page

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