Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

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Veröffentlicht: 18.10.2014

Opera 12 support, any chance ? (using Violentmonkey)

Is there any chance of having this script to work on Opera 12 using Violentmonkey?
Or, if it's already working, then I'm having issues with payforpic.ru which doesn't get me to the fullimage.

Veröffentlicht: 18.10.2014

If payforpic.ru page has little thumbnail on it - it would work, if you already opened page with full image - it won't.

Only Firefox and Chrome are supported now and in the future, sorry.

Veröffentlicht: 18.10.2014

Thanks for the fast reply!
This is how it shows to be (ads were removed with other scripts)

Original ( http://payforpic.ru/147/137993/ )

And the code seems to be correct:
div id="pay_thumb_img"
img src="http://payforpic.ru/allimage/3/137993-thumb.jpeg" onclick="document.location='http://payforpic.ru/147/137993/1/';/*mshow('http://payforpic.ru/allimage/3/137993.jpeg');*/" alt="" title=""/

So this means isn't working on opera? :( sad.

Veröffentlicht: 18.10.2014

yes, your original link works fine in Chrome. so It's operas fault. (or violentmonkey's one)

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