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HaremHeroes Automatic

Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoContest, AutoMission, AutoQuest, AutoTrollBattle, AutoArenaBattle and AutoPachinko(Free). Messages are printed in local console.

< Rückmeldungen auf HaremHeroes Automatic


Veröffentlicht: 06.06.2018

I think its broken. (When you have both battle energy and salary needs to be collected.)

Basically the thing in the title. One thing that I know is that there might be error with the new girls or that it has too little time when trying to collect the money. Like I see the thing SalaryTime to collect thingy have 0 cooldown. Also sometimes it collects the money then tries to collect it again when it doesn't need to. (When it doesn't have the problem above.)

Also theres a bunch of '_' is not defined in the script.

P.S. MrCoder if you post here again about your script, yeah I know about it already. But please just help me by not advertising your script and by just helping me with the problem.

Veröffentlicht: 06.06.2018

Heres kindof the problem I think. I think since the game updated to the point that it makes the time rounded up to minutes not with the mm:ss, minutes:seconds, it kind of broke the system causing the script to not work at all, properly. The same problem I have with the AutoQuest thing. Due to the fact that the money is rounded up it just broke the system.

Veröffentlicht: 07.06.2018
Bearbeitet: 08.06.2018

I wrote a temporary fix for this but I should let you know that I don't really know much about javascrpt so my solution is not the greatest.

if you want to use it just replace var closestTime = $("#collect_all_bar .in monospace m").first(); closestTime = (Number(closestTime.text() + * 60 + Number( +; on lines 283 and 284 with var closestTime = 0; var Salerytime = document.getElementsByClassName('in').item(0).getElementsByTagName("span").item(0).innerText; if (Salerytime.charAt(Salerytime.length - 1) == "m") { closestTime = (parseInt(Salerytime.replace(/\D/g,''))) * 60; } else if(Salerytime.charAt(Salerytime.length - 1) == "s"){ closestTime = parseInt(Salerytime.replace(/\D/g,'')); }

One problem with the fix is that it is not as accurate as before the update. This is due to the fix scraping the web-page and reading for example 2m but the actual time of the next salary can be anywhere between 2 minutes and 3 minutes. This results in the script occasionally attempting to get salary when it is not ready yet.

Veröffentlicht: 08.06.2018
Bearbeitet: 08.06.2018

Well thats better than nothing. I would take this than not being able to collect money at all.

A idea I think was to just be able to collect money at time intervals. But if near perfect then its alright.

UPDATE: It seems to not work still..... it doesn't collect the money when I boot it up. So I manually collected the money first and waiting whether it would collect the next. There is no console note in the dev console.

UPDATE2: No, it doesnt work for me. Please send me a copy of your script so that I see whether it works.

Veröffentlicht: 08.06.2018

Tnx rgy77 the fix work fine to me

Veröffentlicht: 08.06.2018
Bearbeitet: 08.06.2018

what did you change? I did what he said but it doesn't work for me. I changed what he said and it doesn't work. The switch is on and I keep on turning it on and off and it just doesn't work.

Veröffentlicht: 09.06.2018

Here is my copy of the script

Veröffentlicht: 09.06.2018
Bearbeitet: 09.06.2018

I still doesn't work for me. It doesn't collect the salary in the harem when i first start it up. UPDATE: It works now after i restarted my pc.

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