EH Plus

Gallery index/search: Improves appearance/layout, parses and cleans up titles. Can hide/fade galleries by tag (requires flagging perk). Can resort gallery thumbs which is useful when hiding. Gallery view: Can adjust thumb sizes to make neat rows (requires large thumb perk). General: Option for grey color scheme by rewriting css (might have a few issues). Settings panel pops out on the left on mouseover on pages where it works.

< Rückmeldungen auf EH Plus


Veröffentlicht: 02.02.2015

WARNING: "TypeError: $front_link.attr(...) is undefined" when adding favorites

reproducing steps:
- go to any galery
- press "add to favorites"
on the window where you can add a comment, before saving to favorites, there's a warning, "TypeError: $front_link.attr(...) is undefined" after accepting everything works correct, comments are saved and galery is favorited correctly.

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