Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Rückmeldungen auf Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 11.10.2022

Thank you for your great job again!

Is it possible to add filter-connected scroll buttons to girls editing page in harem?
Like it done with PoP - they also have numeric IDs and 9 of them kinda "sorted" by their active state to be shown on main page
Or it needs too many code work for harem - alot of flags to be checked etc?..

Veröffentlicht: 15.10.2022

Actually, I already had this idea :)
And it's now available with the last version 0.47.0

Veröffentlicht: 16.10.2022

Hero of a day!
Thank you!

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