Hentai Heroes Helper (auto collect, button press and more)

Extension for Hentai Heroes game.

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Veröffentlicht: 28.07.2022

Can you add in scripts Auto open market every 6 hour?

Veröffentlicht: 29.07.2022
Bearbeitet: 29.07.2022

Hi, i didn't make this feature 'cause i saw that browser make some kind of freeze if the tab is not viewed by user. But you can try to add on line 1598 setTimeout(function () { location.href = "/harem.html"; }, 21600000); // 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000 and also in harem page if you want to return to home line 513 only if you can't close manually otherwise it will always close after collect all location.href = "/home.html";

Let me please know if it work i can add it as feature or for any problem let me know

Veröffentlicht: 31.07.2022

I add but nothing is happen... Did I add correctly?

Veröffentlicht: 01.08.2022

Sorry i didn't specified where on that line.. at the very start before the first "} else ..."
Btw you have to wait 6h to see if the harem page is auto opened so not an immediate response
Let me know.. i hope it will work on your browser

Veröffentlicht: 02.08.2022
Bearbeitet: 02.08.2022

Is that correct now?

Veröffentlicht: 02.08.2022

Sorry again,
New line after the comment // 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000
(} else ... must not be gray but colored)
then i'm sure it is correct

Let me know

Veröffentlicht: 02.08.2022

Now correct? Now seems like error or it never mind?

Veröffentlicht: 02.08.2022

Btw in one old script have when you log in to game instantly switch to market and for 6 hours automatic open market, but didn't work anymore obvously Kinkoid update game and now that script constantly go to adventures worlds map and can't do anything before you disable script.

Veröffentlicht: 02.08.2022

Sorry for first comment my bad now correct?

Veröffentlicht: 03.08.2022

New bug! Pornstar harem add Places of Power and when open Activities stuck on Double trouble and just re-open until disabling scrips other thing works well. Maybe cause haven't much girl.

Veröffentlicht: 03.08.2022

Sorry for first comment my bad now correct?

Yes first comment didn't work just 'cause miss of } before else but you fix correctly..

Do you have the code or name of the "old script" maybe i can take some inspiration from it..

A big problem, just realized, my bad! you want to open every 6h the market i focalized only on harem :| just replace (same line) harem.html with market.html
Then i miss that actually if you use this script (very good btw) https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/415625-hentai-heroes-ocd-season-version
it add a timer when the market is refilled, so my script if see that the timer is 0s auto open the market, maybe it solve your problem! sorry that i miss that point

Tomorrow i can check the bug that you report. be patient!

Veröffentlicht: 03.08.2022

Ok then i must using both scripts?

This is old scrit: https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/372674-haremheroes-automatic

Veröffentlicht: 04.08.2022

Hi, i've release a new version to fix some problems
also the one who report (yes it was 'cause not too much girl cannot assign pop task, i developed the script having a lot of full girls)

Yes i advice you to use the other script is the most popular here i think
I expanded some of its features

Let me know!

Veröffentlicht: 04.08.2022

Ty. I using both scripts, but market isn't open after 6 hours.

Veröffentlicht: 05.08.2022

Ty. I using both scripts, but market isn't open after 6 hours.

Check if in settings "Retrive automatically home timer (pachinko, pop, market and other)" is true/active
When the timer go to 0s auto open the page to get a new timer (so you have another 6h to buy stuff from shop), then redirect to home
Let me know!

Veröffentlicht: 08.08.2022

Ty. I using both scripts, but market isn't open after 6 hours.

Check if in settings "Retrive automatically home timer (pachinko, pop, market and other)" is true/active
When the timer go to 0s auto open the page to get a new timer (so you have another 6h to buy stuff from shop), then redirect to home
Let me know!

It works! Thank you!

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