The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα Booru Downloader + Viewer
Update: Hi again, I noticed that the redirect problem is because the <a> tags of the thumbnails has an onclick attribute. I've made this code to remove all of them at once. Now the Download Mode works as expected. Without redirections.
// Get all tags with id who are wrapped inside a class named "thumb"
aTags = document.querySelectorAll('.thumb a[id]:not([id=""])');
// Removes all "onclick" attributes
for (i = 0; i < aTags .length; i++){
aTags [i].removeAttribute("onclick");
fixed, see version 1.1.0 Thank you for your report
Fix redirect in Favorites page [Gelbooru]
The script doesn't work at all in the Favorites section of Gelbooru. It recognizes the posts and fetch the metadata. The keyboard shortcuts works well. But when I enable the Download Mode and click in a post starts the download but also redirects to the page of the post.
You can choose any user from here to see their favorites and test the script.
Oh, another thing when you're using the viewer and a webm is coming next in the list the preload function starts playing it, you can hear it clearly when the webm has sound. I disabled it by myself as a quick fix by replacing the resumeVideo() function with pauseVideo() in the preloader section of the code.
I love the script, it's really helpful and I love the renaming function, it works like a charm. But I really need to stop that annoying redirect. I've been looking at the code to tried figure out by myself but if you can give me a hand would be really helpful. Thanks.