E-Hentai Downloader

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< Feedback on E-Hentai Downloader

Review: Good - script works

Image limit above 10k

I've got page limit up to 25k, but I got the image limit reached warning at 10k and the script refused to keep downloading. Could the developer check on that?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 2017/07/15

Hi, sorry for late reply.

Please make sure you can still visit any pages, and you can access to the file when you click the bottom download link. Try this link https://e-hentai.org/s/189c016686/1059356-1 and confirm that you can still access it.

Please also check your image limits here: https://e-hentai.org/home.php . The script doesn't makes any limit on it, the warning will shows only when E-Hentai says you exceed limits.

If you find it just only shows errors on specific galleries or pages, please paste their links here, thank you.

If it's not the script then it might be a bug in the site itself, I'll have to check next time I hit 10k images.

Thank you very much for the reply and for this great script.

It was actually an issue with e-hentai's own system, the problem was solved by disabling Hentai@Home on Image Load Settings.

Posted: 2017/07/17

Disabling H@H is not a good idea, which may causes more image limits. Consider send a feedback to E-Hentai Forums if needed.

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