Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Feedback on Handy Image

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2017/11/17

HandyImage broken in FF v41 since 16-Nov-2017 update?

Has there been a major structural change in HandyImage script that might have broken it entirely for use within FF41 with the latest update on 16-Nov? Reason for asking is 4 computers, all running FF41+HandyImage with various OS W7x64, W7x86, XP SP3 all have non-functional HandyImage scripts since 16-Nov update.

Posted: 2017/11/17

Changes were rather small, just concerning configuration, that's the only thing which could be broken with outdated software.

Can you not install GreaseMonkey 4 onto FF41? Or simply update FF41 to up-to-date stable FF?

FF was becoming rather slow with many tabs open but update to FF57 completely fixed that and made browser noticeably faster, try it.

Posted: 2017/11/17

Unfortunately no. Greasemonkey 3.11 is the last compatible with FF versions before 57. I would greatly prefer to keep FF41 as it's the last version that still has the Options dialog openable in its own floating window instead of displayed as a webpage and is also still compatible with many useful obsolete add-ons I use everyday such as DownThemAll, Snap Links Plus & SortPlaces. The prospect of having to give up all of those, just to get all the added bloat of a much later FF version, doesn't sound very appealing. HandyImage is great too, but its backward compatibility appears to be broken.

Posted: 2017/11/17

How can I go back to the last script update before the 2017-11-16 one to reinstall it as a test to see if the 16-11 update really is the cause of HandyImage ceased functionality?

Posted: 2017/11/18

See history for previous versions https://github.com/Owyn/HandyImage/commits/master/HandyImage.user.js (this one https://github.com/Owyn/HandyImage/raw/4430cc8c2aa7f6cffcfe9e932b86f07fb52f88f6/HandyImage.user.js )

but as I said only thing which could be broken is configuration due to API changes, there wasn't anything else changed.

Posted: 2017/11/18

Thanks for that link Owyn. I'm on Firefox 52 ESR and couldn't access the config options at all. Rolled back to that version and they're back.

Posted: 2017/11/18
Edited: 2017/11/19

Thank you! Everything is instantly fixed with rollback to that older script. It might only be a small API config change, but it completely breaks HandyImage in older versions of FF.

Posted: 2017/11/19

You're right, in firefox 52- there is no definition for async , await keywords, so script would throw an error instead.

Updated so it would work in any case.

Posted: 2017/11/19

New version 19.11.2017 working perfect in FF41. Thank you.

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