Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121

Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.

< Feedback on Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121


Posted: 2018/09/05

Collect all

You can add a "Collect all" feature to the harem page with something like this: javascript:(function(){$('.salary :Button').click();setTimeout(function(){location.reload();},6000);})();

Posted: 2018/09/26

Hasn't been working on the test server for a while and just stopped working on the main server. One of the updates must have broken this.

Same deal with my arena auto-battler, although that one was finicky from the start.

Posted: 2018/09/26


Posted: 2018/09/27

It's the same update that broke Tab/Enter. Unfortunately, my very basic knowledge of JS is not enough for me to work around the issue.

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