Sleazy Fork is available in English. Improved

Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases

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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024/08/13
Edited: 2024/08/13

Exclude words not working.
For example: copy word Japanese to exludes and nothing happend. Include words, scroll and duration works.
And I tried version for XHamster and Exclude words works - videos disappear.
Only problem with Exclude word on SpankBang

Posted: 2024/08/14

fixed, seems like website changed one element on it's side

Posted: 2024/08/16


Posted: 2024/08/17
Edited: 2024/08/17

How to filter both tags and words from title. For example, let's go back to the "japanese"(nothing personal). I write the word japanese and videos with the title containing this word is deleted. But not videos with tags japanese. Then I replace word "japanese" to "regexp: japanese" and videos with tags japanese is deleted. But not videos with the title containing the word japanese. So I try write phrase "regexp: japanese | japanese" (with space and without) but its not working ¯\_(°︵°)_/¯

Posted: 2024/08/17
Edited: 2024/08/17

Sorry, regexp stands for Regular Expressions (, it's not a command, it's just an hint that symbols you type there will be interpreted as so.

word1|word2 means filter will be applied if word1 or word2 is in the title

word1,word2 means filter will be applied only if both are in the title (for exclude filter type it's the same I think... I don't really understand what I'm doing whatsoever)))))

On tags and titles: only the titles could be filtered. Website doesn't provide you with tags, you can get tags only on video page, it's possible to add this feature later but the problem is it will slow down the script and you will have to do addition request for every video thumb that appears on page.

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