Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Opiniones de Handy Image

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Publicado: 22/06/2015

imgflare.com imgbabes.com NO WORK

imgflare.com imgbabes.com NO WORK

Publicado: 22/06/2015

imgflare.com imgbabes.com NO WORK

Publicado: 22/06/2015

example links?

Publicado: 02/07/2015

fixed, check if working, these sites loads pretty bad for me.

Publicado: 03/07/2015

Still not work, and when click buttons "I am 18 i would like to Enter" and "I'm a human" any reaction

Publicado: 04/07/2015

Check next update (2015.07.03), fixed again but didn't test.

Publicado: 04/07/2015
Editado: 04/07/2015

For me not, working only for AdsBypasser which yesterday did not work.

Publicado: 04/07/2015

See now, should work

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