Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Opiniones de Handy Image

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 18/08/2015
Editado: 16/01/2016

weirdness with a deviantART link


With H.I. active, the link goes to a semi-blank page: there's a broken image icon in the middle of an otherwise blank page.

The page is normal with H.I. deactivated.

Handy Image 2015.08.16
Greasemonkey 3.3
Firefox 38.1.0esr
Publicado: 18/08/2015

That's because download button leads to a non-image there just press R to see original page if this happens and that image-hosting site if some weird people suddenly use it to host something else than images

Publicado: 18/08/2015

Will do, thanx. That worked.

Publicado: 03/10/2015

Broken: http://mrgrim01.deviantart.com/art/Aero-Glow-8-1-415317318

Blank white page. Push R does NOT help.

Publicado: 03/10/2015

R helps me, check if other extensions make white blank page.

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