E-Hentai - UX Tweaks

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< Opiniones de E-Hentai - UX Tweaks

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 30/05/2024

location below
Can't see

Publicado: 30/05/2024

If you turn the zoom down, you can see the following
But the font is too small

Publicado: 30/05/2024

The invisible bottom is
Apply Save Reset

Publicado: 30/05/2024

In addition, put artist: abc. at 123 into favorite tags without highlighting.

Publicado: 30/05/2024

As shown

Publicado: 11/06/2024

I'll look into it.

Publicado: 11/06/2024

The script isn't actually made for anything other than a large screen to accommodate. I may add some responsive characteristics down the line if I have the motivation.

Publicado: 11/06/2024

The new version will have a scroll for the main UI for small screens. Still investigating the artist issue.

Publicado: 11/06/2024


Publicado: 12/06/2024


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