JAV本地视频匹配 JS - 匹配本地视频文件名并标记 JavBus 和 JavLibrary 网站上的电影。
Jav备注(罩杯版) JS - 目前仅支持javdb.com。针对胸部的jav备注,为女优界面额外和个人主页名字后添加年龄、胸型、等备注,
E(x)-Hentai One-Click DL JS - Enables one-click DL archive downloading (GP/Credits are still required). Supports E-Hentai & EXHentai.
Webcomic Reader JS - Can work on almost any webcomic/manga page, preloads 5 or more pages ahead (or behind), navigates via ajax for instant-page-change, lets you use the keyboard, remembers your progress, and it's relatively easy to add new sites
blogjav.net老司机步兵辅助 JS - blogjav.net网站重新排版,浏览图片下载内容更方便,是时候和封面杀手说88了。
SankakuAddon JS - Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
Booru Downloader + Viewer JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
PornHub Plus JS - A kinder PornHub. Because you're worth it.
一键批量加载页面[EX绅士][exhentai] JS - 一键批量加载所有后续页面内容
find panda JS - check panda.chaika.moe for related galleries when searching
Redgifs++ JS - Automatically sets Redgifs to HD and unmutes when viewed directly or on Reddit. Inspired by "betterRedgifs" by u/MatthieuG7.
載入kemono.party與coomer.party原始圖檔 JS - 這個腳本將原始圖檔自動載入,取代你一張一張的用手點。
jav备注 JS - jav备注,为番号页面女优和个人主页名字后添加年龄、身高、胸型、是否引退等备注
jav清单 JS - jav清单,替代原网页我的清单,可用作自定义标签
RedGifs Downloader JS - Creates a sidebar button to download the currently playing gif in the currently selected quality.
Manga Loader NSFW + Download JS - This is an unoficial fork of https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/12657-manga-loader-nsfw all credits goes to the original author, This script add a button to download the chapter
ThisVid.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Preview for private videos. Filter: duration, public/private, include/exclude terms. Check access to private vids. Mass friend request button. Sorts messages. Download button 📼
Rule34 Video Downloader JS - 快捷下载rule34.xxx的视频
海角社区-VIP视频观看,支持PC与手机端 JS - 最新解析接口,快速稳定,可观看钻石视频
tianteng JS - 各种开车网站的优化,javbus,javlib
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
JavBus Javdb library trailer JS - JavBus/Javdb/library/javbooks/avmoo/avsox/sehuatang/msin图书馆预告片花Direct,番号页标题下直接显示,默认静音播放/新增视频长缩略图/emby跳转
E-Hentai E绅士中文版 JS - E绅士中文化
E-Hentai 中文功能集 JS - E紳士功能中文總集
Enhance绅士漫画 JS - 加强一下 绅士漫画 网站的体验
Hitomi - Search & UI Tweaks JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
1024浏览助手 JS - 支持自定义屏蔽1024广告、屏蔽反广告检测、显示游客站内搜索框、图片延迟加载、修改图片显示尺寸和排列方式、种子链接转磁力链接、取消外链跳转、屏蔽指定回复等。
ThisVid Download Button JS - Adds a download buttons to ThisVid video pages.
xvideos推送下载 JS - 1)自动播放 2)自动宽屏 3)高画质播放 4)点击推送下片 5)下载缩略图
Exhentai Enhancer JS - improve UX of Gallery Page, Multi-Page Viewer and Front Page
快猫视频免费看 JS - 针对快猫视频的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看VIP视频
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
Kemono助手 JS - 提供更好的Kemono使用体验
coomer-optimizer JS - Improves coomer.party
missav修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改missav页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。为首页推荐标签添加链接,删除广告,禁用window.open,并在窗口聚焦时自动暂停视频。
研究生视频破解会员--备用版 JS - 针对研究生视频网站的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看全站视频,免费无任何注入
海角社区-VIP视频观看,支持PC与手机端 JS - 最新解析接口,快速稳定,可观看钻石视频
MagicPH JS - A video downloader for various adult websites.
Camwhores JS - Show full sizes image on https://www.camwhores.tv/
Recurbate downloa JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
javdb 自动按评价人数排序 JS - sort the search result in javdb.com
[E/Ex]Switch JS - E/Ex-Hentai switch
thisav或missav永远播放 JS - thisav或missav永远播放!重写了播放器的pause方法,只有在页面具有焦点时才执行原始的暂停操作。更改match里的内容适配更多网站。
Автоподгрузка страниц e-hentai.org JS - Включает автозагрузку всех картинок на страницу тестировал только у себя если что не так пишите
SankakuComplex - Skip Adblock Warning JS - Automatically skips the AdBlock warning on Sankaku Complex sites to ensure uninterrupted browsing.
98预告贴小助手 JS - 即点即看不跳转,周周预告看到爽
Handy Image JS - Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites
ExtendPornHub JS - Remove ads, enlarges video, stops autoplay keeping buffering & block pop-ups
E-Hentai Automated Downloads JS - Automates downloads through the Doggie Bag Archiver
nHentai Downloader JS - Download manga on nHentai.
Gelbooru Endless Scroll JS - Adds endless scroll function to various boorus
Better E-Hentai JS - 在EHT首页,搜索页显示打包下载链接
CamWhores remove redirects JS - CamWhores.tv remove redirects
91无限次观看脚本 JS - 这个脚本的生命已经结束了,请前往https://nrop19.com继续免费观看91视频
NHentai Improved JS - Partially fade/remove non-english, HQ thumbnails, mark as read, subs, version grouping etc.
XHamster Search and UI Improvements JS - Various search filters
Steam store wants_mature_content JS - Steam Store (Turn on mature content in some region)
JavBus会员视频免费播放 JS - 免费播放JavBus收费视频,并且去除了悬浮广告
HentaiVerse汉化 JS - 基本完全汉化整个Hentaiverse文本,包括装备物品、界面说明和弹窗提示的汉化,带原文切换功能
在灵梦御所显示下载链接 JS - 在灵梦御所显示使用pre标签包裹的下载链接
老司机传说(新) JS - 为支持度盘标准码而重写的老司机传说,与原版完全是两个不同的东西,砍掉了很多功能。安装前请务必阅读脚本介绍。有问题建议欢迎到反馈页提出。
18comic漫画下载 JS - 从18comic上下载cbz格式(整话阅读)或webp格式(分页阅读)的漫画
Nhentai scroll JS - scroll to read picture in nhentai
Better XVideos.com JS - Always expand video to large size, scroll down to video, use Q W E S to rotate video, allow seeking to 0:00, allow clicking anywhere to start video - 2022-05-16, 19:35:39
hitomi.la 助手 JS - 下载加速,分包下载,优化在线阅读,标签汉化,本子列表标题自动换行,点击本子列表预览图新标签页打开,非搜索增加选页功能,本子列表标签支持展开(默认显示10个),本子列表显示本子总页数
eHunter_nhentai_support JS - Update eHunter's support for nhentai, all credit goes to original author hanFengSan
VIP视频观看腾讯优酷爱奇艺 JS - VIP视频
绅士辅助工具 JS - 绅士辅助增强脚本,提供下载功能
nhentai Auto Scroller JS - Auto scroll doujinshi and manga on nhentai so you can jerk off all hands-free.
R34.XXX Favorites Button JS - Adds a favorite button to gallery pages on rule34.xxx.
图聚合展示by xhua JS - 目标是聚合网页美女图
磁链直接播!【磁链嗅探识别 + 在线播放(磁力云播)(电磁高手)】 JS - 自动嗅探识别页面磁力链接,到电磁高手中自动添加播放视频。识别后,会在相应位置添加直接播按钮,点击即可跳转到电磁高手并自动添加。
[精简版]JAV快速跳转到磁力下载&在线播放 JS - Simplified JAV site navigation
Better Kemono Galleries JS - Load original resolution, toggle fitted zoom views, remove photos. Use a plug-in for batch download, can't do cross-origin image downloads with JS alone.
新快猫破解【pc版】 JS - 使新快猫可以播放付费视频
98搜索增强 JS - 在搜索页进行搜索结果过滤、自动翻页、帖子预览,划词搜索
Filter Videos JS - 6/21/2023, 11:18:54 PM
Redgifs Embed Tweaks JS - tweaks redgifs embed/iframe video
Kemono Browser JS - Adds a button at the bottom right of all kemono, coomer & nekohouse supported creator websites that redirects to the corresponding page.
PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com
JAV老司机(磁链排序优化版) JS - 因原作者脚本很长一段时间没有更新,目前也暂时尚未与原作者取得联系,故临时将增加了一个按磁链资源大小排序的版本发布上来,有任何疑问欢迎联系
Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc V2 JS - Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc.
看图能手 图集多页\分页 合并展示 JS - 分页图片合并展示,支持打包下载
Ehentai画廊收藏助手 (BennyChou 自用修改版) JS - Ehentai画廊收藏助手的修改版,詳細資訊請參考倉庫描述 https://github.com/bennyz327/Ehentai-gallery-script
XHamster Improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases. Automatically expand more videos on video page
海角大兄弟 JS - 播放并复制链接
Nhentai Plus+ JS - Enhances the functionality of Nhentai website.
Play web-With-MPV JS - 使用 mpv 播放网页端的视频,同时支持potolayer
haijiao-海角-天涯-社区-允许文本选中复制 JS - 允许全选
最愛「新作品」更新 JS - 為何要一個一個點擊進入追蹤的作者頁面才能看到最新的更新?讓這個腳本為你代勞。支援Kemono/Coomer。
JavDB列表页显示是否已看 JS - 在演员列表页,显示每部影片是否已看,就难得点进去看了
Jable修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改Jable页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。
Kemono FIX+Download JS - Embeds a "Download" button before each file element and starts downloading and saving it to your computer, can use constant to change replace kemono image server if standart not work.
Javbus在线播放 JS - 在磁力链接下方增加【在线播放】地址
GCBT显示预览图和磁力链接 JS - 列表页显示全部预览图和磁力链接
better_better_booru JS - Several changes to make Danbooru much better.
FapFun JS - Userscript for Motherless.com. Provide direct links for pictures and video files. Download all Images on one site with DownThemAll(firefox) or Download Master(Chrome).
Endless E-hentai Pages JS - View e-hentai searches, thumbnails, and images on a single endless page.
ExtendYouPorn JS - Remove ads, enlarges video, stops autoplay keeping buffering, fixes the overhaul style & block pop-ups