Color Empornium Highest Seeds JS - Color codes torrents with highest seeds
InfoInSidebar JS - Add sidebar with torrent info from top info box
Chaturbate Better Full Screen JS - Adds a better full screen view that has the chat.
Sankakucomplex old link replacer JS - Replaces the old sankakustatic links (Images) with the current sankakucomplex adresses
Xchan Gold Alpha JS - Experimental script to enhance xchan.pw
Empornium Show All Spoilers JS - Show all spoilers on the page all the time
Empornium Toggle All Spoilers JS - Toggle all spoilers on the page at the same time
Gelbooru KonaStyle JS - Change gelbooru.com theme to darker, similar to konachan style. Added filtration image options, images with blacklist tags will be remove from search result. Also adden upvote&downvote button to preview page. Added buttons to hide submenu and red message in header.
Create Download Links for HACG JS - 琉璃神社神秘代码转换成下载链接
Direct Image Link Multi JS - Переработка переработки переработки Zendillo's Gelbooru Thumb to Image script. Показывает прямые ссылки под эскизами
Vinesauce+ JS - Vinesauce Chat Integration via Chatango
去除CL1024需要插件提醒 JS - 去除1024论坛 播放在线视频需要安装插件的提示
www.hardsextube.com JS - Changeing video and thumb size - dynamicaly, little key navigation.
tubenn.com - 16 porn sites in one script JS - Navigation menu - Layout ' Change bigger better, dynamic autochange -tubenn.com, yamtube.com, yamtube.net, hdporn1080.net, yomporn.com, womporn.com, tubeuu.com, tubekk.com, wixvi.com, wixvi.so, hotpornohd.com, hotpornohd.com, www.vdep.net, kcce.com, streampornhd.com, www.porntoast.tk
iafd.com RUSSIAN (русская версия) JS - Русский перевод сайта iafd.com
www.lfporn.com JS - A good pornsite - got even better.
G.E/EX Keyboard Navigation JS - Adds many keyboard shortcuts, such as: thumbnail navigation, quick site search.
E-H Auto Note Favourites JS - Fills the notes section with the gallery's tags
Sort Bounties By Reward JS - Sort bounties by reward
挊 JS - 自动获取磁链接并自动离线下载
simple xtube amateur and sponsored vids removal JS - remove sponsored and amateur 15s videos on xtube.com
Chaturbate Better Full Screen JS - Adds a better full screen view that has the chat.
fakku JS - remove all but #image
Open Links in New Tabs JS - Change the target attribute of specific anchor object to '_blank'
webm to mpv opener JS - Changes 4chan (fileText.webm) urls to a localhost url. The local server opens mpv to play the video.
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Tag Completion: Keep Focus After Click JS - Keeps the focus in the edit box after clicking on a tag in the completion box.
E-H Gallery Image Numbers JS - Shows image numbers beneath gallery thumbnails
VPorn.com - A New Layout II - updated JS - A unique great site got A new layout, with som added functionality and lost some. This script adds browser full video, bigger thumbnails, key and mouse navigation and interaction.
FetLife ASL Search (Females included) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
Chaturbate exhibitionists - show only women (shemale / couple) online JS - Filter gender on the amateur site: http://chaturbate.com/exhibitionist-cams
nijie auto login JS - nijieのログイン画面に行くと、自動でメールとパスワードを入力してログインします。
Realtime Auction Countdown Timer JS - Show realtime countdown timers next to all auction threads in the WTS forum
EH Endless JS - Endless EH Page
Unlimited Paginator Works JS - Makes any(?) page with a paginator on various Danbooru clones "bottomless"--blend pages together or separate each with a paginator.
4chan Gallery JS - Adds board title, catalog, images, download, and style to the top bar.
Force Flash Wmode JS - Force flash video playback to use wmode direct to allow hardware acceleration
E-Hentai Grep JS - Searches forum posts for lines that match given string patterns
Pinned Threads Remover for the E-Hentai Forums JS - Hide Pinned Threads in the E-Hentai Forums
a button to search only no translated files for g.hentai(E-Hentai) JS - Create a button to search only no translated files for g.hentai(E-Hentai)
18H Hentai Manga Autoload JS - Autoload hentai manga and CG images on one page on 18h.mm-cg.com.
chaturbatefilter JS - chaturbate-filter
Derpibooru - Extra Buttons JS - Adds multiple buttons to one-click-apply common search/filter options
Derpibooru - Download All JS - Adds a download button that lets you download all images from the current search query
E(x)-Hentai CompactSearch JS - Compacts the search into the topbar, saving vertical space. Supports E-Hentai & EXHentai.
Mental's Host Checker for planetsuzy.org JS - Marks allowed & banned image & file hosts on planetsuzy.org
Mental's Host Checker for fritchy.com JS - Marks allowed & banned image & file hosts on fritchy.com
Fjords begone JS - Redirects fjorded e-hentai galleries to their sadpanda version.
ExtendRedTube JS - Remove ads, enlarge video, add video download links, block popups and stops autoplay keeping buffering
No derpibooru comment placeholder. JS - Delete aggressive admin comment placeholder.
fetlife_all_members (ASL+role+status filter) JS - greasemonkey script to filter fetlife members when it's possible. Search by name, gender, role, age, location or status.
nijie_no_carousel JS - ニジエの「この絵で抜いた人はこんな絵でも抜いています」をカルーセルを使わずにすべて表示
Inactivity Reminder for E-Hentai Forum JS - Change the color of your ID to red if the last post you made was more than 24 hours ago
Chaturbate Auto Refresh JS - Refreshes Chatubate profiles to check if the user if online, useful when streams drop.
EroProfile.com Infinite Scrolling JS - Adds the ability to automatically load more videos, as you scroll down the page
nhentai preloader JS - Preload images on nhentai for faster loading
HV Potion bar JS - 吃药
Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + JS - Shows all pages at once. Single/Multi page spread.Example sites: All FoOl(Slide/Reader), MangaFox, MangaReader/MangaPanda, MangaStream, MangaInn, AnyManga, AnimeA, MangaHere, MangaShare, Batoto, MangaDevil, MangaCow, MangaChapter, 7manga, MangaPirate.net, Madokami , SpinyBack, MyManga , KawaiiScans, EGScans, All SenManga,LoneManga ,ReadManga,MangaTraders,MangaCat,KissManga, MangaJoy,MangaBee/OneManga.me, KukuDM, Japscan, Pecintakomik, Sh-Arab, some Portuguese sites. Dl addon for 18+ sites.
Gelbooru Paged Gallery JS - A simplified gallery for viewing gelbooru images in succession.
motherless.com - sort videos by hits JS - Sorts Videos by hits over multiple pages
Ex-Hentai: Frame Popups JS - Embed popup window instead of another window.
Derpibooru - Rating Info JS - Shows image's rating above its thumbnail on Derpibooru.
Motherless gallery keyboard navigation JS - Increases productivity when you're not being productive. Supports left and right handed browsing (arrow keys or A and D)
BetterFetLife JS - See website
Karma Plus JS - Add a link to the Karma URL in the user profile page
Hentai Foundry - Image Hover JS - Fetches a larger version of the image upon hovering over a thumbnail.
searchEngineJump 简化修复版 JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转。可自定义搜索列表的 NLF 修改版。
sis.link.sortByPostTime JS - sort threads by post time
literotica JS - literotica swf
HV - Open MoogleMail in New Tab JS - Open MM in a new tab. Automatically recall MM. Automatically take attachments.
load InstantClickjs on site JS - load InstantClick.js on site
Yet Another Imagehost Redirect JS - Remove ads from ImageHost
恋恋影视、恋恋图片页面美化 JS - 移除恋恋影视和恋恋图片站的缩略图莫名其妙的透明度遮挡
Movie4k Streamcloud Online Checker JS - Checks Streamcloud Links
Fakku.net image list JS - Lists all images in a chapter/volume
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Forum List: Re-order columns JS - Adds the ability to re-order columns in the forum list by dragging the headers. The layout is automatically saved in your browser and will be applied on each page load.
HV Hide Infinite Items JS - Hide items with infinite supply on the "All" tab of the Item Shop
chat jane JS - chat
FetLife Common Fetishes JS - Display shared fetishes in bold
Trophy Value Calculator JS - Calculate the total value of trophies based on jenga201's buying prices
EXHentai random gallery selector JS - adds links to random page and gallery on search pages
Equipment Popup for MoogleMail JS - Press "c" to open the equipment popup of the attached equipment in a new tab.
HV - Average Price Calculator for MoogleMail JS - Shows the average price of items attached to a letter at the bottom of the body section.
E-Hentai Gallery Overview - All in One JS - Appends "Hath/GP Exchange" and "Credit Log" to "Overview" under the "My Home" tab
E-Hentai Gallery Overview - How Rich Am I? JS - Shows how many Credits/Hath/GP you have, and displays exchange rate of Hath under the Overview tab
二次元画像詳細検索をより便利に JS - 二次元画像詳細検索に便利な機能を追加する
LargeBooru JS - Increases the thumbnail size for Danbooru
[Konachan / yande.re] Images: Remove Tags from Filenames JS - Removes the tags from filenames for all images and image links. The resulting filnames will still contain the site and post #.
www.xvideos.com II JS - enter something useful
X-Hamster JS - Keyboard driven changing layout, full browser player with ability to re-size, remove auto-play, auto-scroll to video, bigger thumbs
HV Lottery Prize Reminder 2 (lite version) JS - Show the grand prizes of daily lotteries on the left bottom of the screen
Auto Recover All JS - This script automatically clicks the "Recover all" button when a battle has finished.
Manga cleaner & loader JS - img:click/arrow-key, back:top-left, width:top-right/w-key, load:bottom-right, remove crap
FetLife Spyscope JS - Hover over FetLife user avatar pictures to see their recent activity, vitals, group subscriptions, and more. Quickly discern whether they're worth talking back to or not.
E-Hentai Highlighter JS - Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.
Danbooru Ajax Interface JS - New interface to search images on Booru-style sites.
Blacklist and Whitelist of Forum Threads for the E-Hentai Forums JS - Blacklists and whitelists specified forum threads, plus various tweaks.
去除CL1024需要插件提醒 JS - 去除1024论坛 播放在线视频需要安装插件的提示
FirstLatvianFusker Gridview JS - Displays First Latvian Fusker galleries in a gridview and removes ads
[Konachan] Delete Post: Increase "Reason" Box Length JS - Increases the size of the text input box when deleting a post. This also increases the size of the auto-completion dropdown list.